Inside of nose feels irritated and slightly... - No Smoking Day

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Inside of nose feels irritated and slightly cut???

nsd_user663_10024 profile image
25 Replies

Hi does anyone else know what I am referring to?? It happened on my last quit. After a few days of stopping the bottom inside of my nose (both nostrils sometimes) feels like it has a little tear in it. Like...just inside my nostril. I am probably not descrobing this as well as I could but its weird and I know its because of the cigs because it happened last time. Like when I wiggle my nose I can feel it inside. Just wonder what could be causing the sensation??

Thanks x

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nsd_user663_10024 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Not sure, could be you had burnt your nose hair and it is growing back ??

so if its worrying you or realy annoying you ask the chemist or the Docs, although cant see it will be anything bad as you had the same before and you are still here, some one else may come up with a reason .

You are doing so well though so dont let it interfere with your quit stay strong xx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Not sure, could be you had burnt your nose hair and it is growing back ??

so if its worrying you or realy annoying you ask the chemist or the Docs, although cant see it will be anything bad as you had the same before and you are still here, some one else may come up with a reason .

You are doing so well though so dont let it interfere with your quit stay strong xx

I know strange isnt it. :confused: It isnt painful or constant just now and then it feels a little cut and irritated. I know from research though that stopping smoking affects so many different things, amazing isnt it-I learn something new every day. I have sore gums and a sore chest but unlike last time I am sleeping like a baby! Not using NRT this time so may have something to do with it!

Thank you xxx :)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I am sure the sleep thing is down to the not using NRT a bit but I went CT and was suffering for a few weeks with sleep deprivation LOL but better now as I cut out all caffine and I am still off of it, things are a bit up and down at the begining but settle down and then you start to feel the real benefits so keep it strong and this time it will be the last quit you will have to do xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi trying my best,

I haven't had the same as you but have noticed for a while that when I blow my nose & breathe through it I can smell something strange, only way I can describe it. The strange is not me by the way!!!! I can only think that it is because my OH still smokes in front of me if we are in the car so wonder if it is from that. Very peculiar.

If your nose feels really sore you could just try rubbing a little vaseline on it just to protect it? Hope it clears soon & WELL DONE ON YOUR QUIT by the way :p

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Hi trying my best,

I haven't had the same as you but have noticed for a while that when I blow my nose & breathe through it I can smell something strange, only way I can describe it. The strange is not me by the way!!!! I can only think that it is because my OH still smokes in front of me if we are in the car so wonder if it is from that. Very peculiar.

If your nose feels really sore you could just try rubbing a little vaseline on it just to protect it? Hope it clears soon & WELL DONE ON YOUR QUIT by the way :p

Gaynor xx

Thank you Gaynor!

Well its strange, i mean right now...nothing...its not there, cant feel a thing, just now and again, it could even be blood flow sensation maybe? I know I must sound nuts but its just strange how I am getting it again, on my last quit it last nearly into the second week!! Yes think I will try some vaseline, didnt even think, thanks for that!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Have just read this again and realise you mean the nose tingles if thats what you mean yes it is probably the oxygen levels increasing in you blood stream I had that all obver for a while then it went and then it came back so it could be that, and another thing I noticed and this sounds disgusting my nose is clean and I mean no dark looking inside oh sounds gross sorry, hi gaynor sorry for mentioning that LOL

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Have just read this again and realise you mean the nose tingles if thats what you mean yes it is probably the oxygen levels increasing in you blood stream I had that all obver for a while then it went and then it came back so it could be that, and another thing I noticed and this sounds disgusting my nose is clean and I mean no dark looking inside oh sounds gross sorry, hi gaynor sorry for mentioning that LOL

lol- yeah you are probably right it must be that its all I can think of. I have looked and there are no cuts or anything like that! I am glad you dont have a "dark" nose ;):D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Have just read this again and realise you mean the nose tingles if thats what you mean yes it is probably the oxygen levels increasing in you blood stream I had that all obver for a while then it went and then it came back so it could be that, and another thing I noticed and this sounds disgusting my nose is clean and I mean no dark looking inside oh sounds gross sorry, hi gaynor sorry for mentioning that LOL

You mean you look at what comes out of your nose Jamngie :eek:

G xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

You mean you look at what comes out of your nose Jamngie :eek:

G xx

No wally it is just that in smokers the nicotine can make the inside of the nose darker than it should be from the smoke and you have to clean it daily, I have this thing were I check out peoples nose if they smoke and they are always darker ugh sorry about that :D :eek:

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

No wally it is just that in smokers the nicotine can make the inside of the nose darker than it should be from the smoke and you have to clean it daily, I have this thing were I check out peoples nose if they smoke and they are always darker ugh sorry about that :D :eek:

Eh? You actually sneak a look UP their nose??? lol :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

:eek::eek::eek: didnt realise how bad that sounds will promise not to do it again, ugh its true though did you never notice?? maybe others dont notice and now they have quit it goes all pink again so you will never know thank goodness :D

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

Yeah I am with you but do you mean the outside of the nose or inside? I have never thought about it, you have got me looking at my nose now lol :D x

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

No wally it is just that in smokers the nicotine can make the inside of the nose darker than it should be from the smoke and you have to clean it daily, I have this thing were I check out peoples nose if they smoke and they are always darker ugh sorry about that :D :eek:

Angie seriously this is wrong on so many levels :eek: seriously are you a pygmy !!? :D either that or an adult film star !!!

nsd_user663_10536 profile image

exactly that!

im getting exactly that for about a week now ! its so annoying ! i find that blowing your nose really hard helps alot ! it sucks cause sometimes its so uncomfortable i have stop working an go to the toilet just to do it ! this is also annoying because it love my job an dont wanna stop working when im there ! i dont get really annoyed i just tell myself its just a phase and it will pass an its helping to get rid of all the crap smoking has given us !

nsd_user663_10536 profile image

had it just a second ago ! blew my nose hard ! an the area where it is hurting is so bloody ! the tissue i used is about half covered in blood ! trust me though blow your nose as hard as you can ! feels real good after a hard blow ! bit inappropriate for the forum maybe ? i dont know ! just telling the truth about how i feel !

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

had it just a second ago ! blew my nose hard ! an the area where it is hurting is so bloody ! the tissue i used is about half covered in blood ! trust me though blow your nose as hard as you can ! feels real good after a hard blow ! bit inappropriate for the forum maybe ? i dont know ! just telling the truth about how i feel !

Chris think you need to calm it down a bit mate, ok you say it as you see but no room in here for that kind of talk lots of women on here, and that is well to be honest out of order.

nsd_user663_10024 profile image

hmmmm made me feel abit sick to be honest! Maybe you should get that looked at pal, you shouldn't be having bad nose bleeds like that, and the cut and irritation I am talking about is slight, I never have the need to blow. It comes, and then goes. (in fact havent had it now for a couple of days)

nsd_user663_10536 profile image

ok bradders i did say it was prob inappropriate and dont tell me to calm down ! saying that in a tense situation just inflames anger in the other person ! you probably just typed what you felt exactly like i did without considering anyone elses feelings ! for that i forgive you ! sorry ladies in the right setting and mood it would have smashed the moment ! didn't mean to offend anyone i just should have listened to my heart and soul instead of what was on my mind ! my intuitiveness is amazing listening to my heart and soul / instincts!

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

ok bradders i did say it was prob inappropriate and dont tell me to calm down ! saying that in a tense situation just inflames anger in the other person ! you probably just typed what you felt exactly like i did without considering anyone elses feelings ! for that i forgive you ! sorry ladies in the right setting and mood it would have smashed the moment ! didn't mean to offend anyone i just should have listened to my heart and soul instead of what was on my mind ! my intuitiveness is amazing listening to my heart and soul / instincts!


Youre so wrong.

Looks like half your post as now been edited or deleted...Does that not give you your answer.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi all have now decided that what i posted was a little gross and have now stopped doing it :D hope you are feeling better now and the sun should make us all feel better, we will get some of the vit D which we are all probably lacking, it has been a long old winter hasnt it.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Indeed it has. Beautifull, sunny day here but why am I still cold? I am wearing a fleecy top & have just put a thick cardi on. My OH thinks I am little crazy lol.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

No I think that as tryinmybest said we are all experiencing different phenomena’s as we quit and I have to be honest I have a t shirt and jumper on as well and I am not hot and OH no shirt oops are we turning into lizards and will not get warm till it is boiling hot out, I have never suffered with cold but do now even though circulation is supposed to improve and we should feel warmer?????? Also I am allergic to washing up as well !!!! Cant think were that has come from can anyone else and is any one else suffering that ????? :D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Lol, I am always cold!!!! Not allergic to washing up although can be sometimes about emptying the dishwasher when it's full, hate doing that :(

nsd_user663_10536 profile image

iam really sorry if i offended you or anyone ! you was trying to help me and i over reacted to your message ! stay quit forever ! iam proud of everyone on this forum ! respect for quitting !

nsd_user663_13171 profile image

quit smoking aids

I have recently found out information that leads me to believe that my boyfriend my occasionally smoke pot. I know I should just straight out ask him if he does, but I'm afraid he'll just lie to me. Do people show any symptoms of smoking pot if they only do it occasionally and not on a regular basis?

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