DAY 3 And not Good!!!!: Hi everyone, I'm on... - No Smoking Day

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DAY 3 And not Good!!!!

nsd_user663_9181 profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm on day 3, and i so want a cig, u c the thing is I finished with my boyfriend last night, after a year, I'm feeling abit sorry for myself, and trying so hard not to have one, been up all night, and now at work, all the girls in the office smoke, I can't stop crying and i'm right on the edge of asking for one.

sorry to be a pain, i just really need some help!!!!


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nsd_user663_9181 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Put a laccy band around your wrist...when you crave give it a good ping. You'll soon have far fewer cravings....


Make a nice strong cup of tea/coffee...caffeine is better without nicotine.


reach for those most chocolately of chocolate digestives...hhhmmmmm sweet chocolate.

Day three for many is the worst ... best to fight through it as you'll not have to do it again then :P

Chin up (I know it's easy for me to say as it sounds you've had a rotten day/evening).

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Oh did I mention chocolate digestives (dribbles)

nsd_user663_9181 profile image

Thanks i will try that when i get home, with a good book and cuddled up with the dog! Thank you i do feel better just chatting to someone on here it does help with everything going on. Thank you

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi jules

Sorry you're craving badly on day 3 hun but I promise it will get beter soon click the links in my signature for extra help and understanding

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Jules, take the choc biccy, or any other treat for that matter advice. Take deep breaths and then remember what Margaret has said that this WILL get better.

Pick something up nice for you and the dog on the way home, go out for a nice walk, suck in all that fresh air, and then stuff yourself silly with the treats you got, curl up on the sofa with a good book, watch TV or listen to some good music.

Tomorrow you will feel so chuffed with yourself for getting through this day, with the chain of events that have taken place, this is probably as bad as it will get, so tackle it head on and come out tomorrow proud of yourself.

Go for it,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_9559 profile image

Hi Im also on day 3 and its a toughy. Ive got my patch on and still fighting the

cravings. its a nightmare but im determined this time xxHi everyone,

I'm on day 3, and i so want a cig, u c the thing is I finished with my boyfriend last night, after a year, I'm feeling abit sorry for myself, and trying so hard not to have one, been up all night, and now at work, all the girls in the office smoke, I can't stop crying and i'm right on the edge of asking for one.

sorry to be a pain, i just really need some help!!!!


nsd_user663_4990 profile image

However hard this seems today or tomorrow, don't you dare crack and crumble.. you're made of tougher stuff than this, now come on, get your head on straight and tell yourself that no matter how upset you are or stressed, smoking is not going to change anything except make you feel lousy for failing something you desparately want to do.

You have no idea how the next week or so is going to pan out, things in your life may well sort themselves out anyway.. and if you just keep your quit going.. however tough it seems right now, at least that will be a constant that you can rely on.

Hear me when i say this.. right now you will be looking for excuses to smoke.. any excuse will do.. but this is the addiction and the nicotine demon within talking.. egging you on to feed that craving.. but you need to make a stand and make it now!!!!

Stay strong.. by all means cry over the split up with the bf, but don't never think that a ciggie will make it all better because it just won't.


nsd_user663_9181 profile image

Margareth, Thank you for that, just been reading some stories, I feel now I wish i'd packed up years ago. I feel quite ashamed of myself, it's true, you never think its going to happen to you.

nsd_user663_9181 profile image

Lozza, Kadger, and Jase, Thank you i feel so much better, in a strange way, and ya your right Jase, I'm not going to crack up and crumble, I'm even more determined now to show everyone (I Know!) that I can do it, and and will do it!!!!

I am looking forward to getting into my book and a big box of chocs!! tonight and roll on Day 4, here i come!!!

Thank you everyone!!!

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