Get me!: Hiya, Day 5 for me & just come back... - No Smoking Day

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Get me!

nsd_user663_4625 profile image
7 Replies


Day 5 for me & just come back from smoking cessation at the chemist. My CO2 has gone down from 12 last week to ZERO. Get me!!!!! :D

Have not been too bad this week but have felt a bit out of it the last couple of days. Unusual as I am using patches. Maybe it's the weather or something!

Had 2 glasses of wine last night & did have a fleeting thought that a ciggie would be nice but soon squashed that idea. Got through work & didn't bend when my boss through a hissy fit at me for no reason (again) which has sent me off to scrounge a fag & lose a quit twice now.

All in all, a positive start & proved I can get through 2 big triggers without giving in. Long may it continue ;)

Hope everyone is feeling good in their quits today.

Gaynor x

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nsd_user663_4625 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Gaynor :D

Well done hun 5 days smoke free that's great and that CO reading is fantastic

Feeling a bit out of it is normal at this stage but you still got through those 2 triggers

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Well done Gaynor, your quit is worth so much more than the person who was winding you up. keep going, one day at a time and you are definitely going to get there.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thanks for your support Marg, Chrissie & Jackie :D

Day 7 today, feeling good about quit but down today. Must be Monday looming again & it's raining for a change LOL.

Chrissie, that's HER. Blow the ferry - just chuck her in :eek: Hehehe.

Gaynor xx

jackieinv profile image

Never mind tomorrow morning you are going to go into work with a big smile on your face and let her see she cannot get to you, OK. Have a good day.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image


Thanks again Jackie & Chrissie.

Don't get me wrong, not down because of my quit at all.

I still feel positive & don't even think about them (well occassionally!). I don't need to. They are not part of my life anymore & deserve no head space :p

Positive things of note :

I hardly cough now which considering how VERY bad my cough was is SUCH a good sign. My chest does not wheeze. I can beathe in & out deeply with out spluttering all over the place. My energy level is increasing. My circulation is better & I swear when I look in the mirror my face is a different colour!! Whiter & kinda glowy :D Obviously also quids in to boot which can't be bad.

To all newbies or those thinking of quitting all these things I have noticed in just 7 days. Hope that is of some encouragement to you ;)

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Gaynor I am so Pis*** off with you cause I stopped nearly 9 weeks ago and I can’t get down to zero always at one and silly nurse said that’s normal what doese she know,So I am going back next week to complain LOL and I will blow down her something LOL only kidding.

On a serious note congrats on your quit and to anyone else who has the sense to stop before its too late and anyone who knows me LOL

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Jamangie,

I know what you mean! I was expecting it to be at least 1 purely from what we breathe in from the air. It will probable go up next week but not 'cos I have smoked!! dON'T BE P****D off, sure it was just a fluke lol.

Gaynor xx

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