went nuts, lost it and had 1 drag - No Smoking Day

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went nuts, lost it and had 1 drag

nsd_user663_5048 profile image
20 Replies

ive failed, soooo angry with myself now, i lasted 50days

i went nuts earlier, and i just couldnt stop so come midnight tonight ill be re-starting quitting again

i only had 1 drag of a mates cig

i just got upset, and just went bonkers

i feel like such a git having failed this badly

but ill be starting again at midnight


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nsd_user663_5048 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_7673 profile image

You have NOT failed!! You had a wee blip, as most everybody does, ok?

It was one drag, you didn't enjoy it, you didn't run out and buy a pack of 20.

Keep it in perspective Geoff and don't beat yourself up fella.

Just dust yourself down and get on with your quit because you are doing great.

Big hug,


nsd_user663_5048 profile image

thank you jenni

im going to use these last 7 hours to try and get my mind thinking straight, i think thats 1 part thats let me down as well, my minds been everywhere


nsd_user663_7673 profile image

hey, just don't beat yourself up ok? There's people quit a hell of a lot longer still get caught out. And that's all it was, you let your guard down for a moment, that's all.

Chin up, try to keep positive, you haven't lost anything - you are still a non-smoker, and I'm still proud of you:D

Jenni x

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

hey, just don't beat yourself up ok? There's people quit a hell of a lot longer still get caught out. And that's all it was, you let your guard down for a moment, that's all.

Chin up, try to keep positive, you haven't lost anything - you are still a non-smoker, and I'm still proud of you:D

Jenni x

thank you jenni x

means alot:D


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Geoff :)

You had one drag on a fag you havenit even smoked a quareter of a fag and have no need to go back to day one

50 days Geoff in no way is that a fail hun just you carry one many got further than you and smoked for a few days and still carried on as if nothing had happened

Just carry on Geoff

Love and a Huge

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

ive failed, soooo angry with myself now, i lasted 50days

i went nuts earlier, and i just couldnt stop so come midnight tonight ill be re-starting quitting again

i only had 1 drag of a mates cig

i just got upset, and just went bonkers

i feel like such a git having failed this badly

but ill be starting again at midnight


1 drag? I wouldn't worry about that! You probably get more smoke in your lungs walking past the entrance of a Gala Bingo when the interval is on!!!!

Urgh that was an awful smell when I was a smoker...so Lord knows what it will smell like now!?! :eek:

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

No i wouldn't reset the counter either at this stage. Of course it was a stupid thing to do, but you realise this entirely and so long as you promise not to be a baaaad lad again, no reason why recovery and success could not follow in the wake of this?

See how you feel in a week but for now, no beating oneself up ok?

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

I wouldn't go back to day 1 either, you haven't failed, you had a drag of a fag that you didn't enjoy that's left you self loathing. Well forget it. Move forward, learn from it so you don't find yourself in the same position again.

Pick yourself up where you left off, and have a nice weekend.

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I'll slip in here and add that you only had a blip, Geoff. Fair enough you are annoyed with yourself but you haven't sold your quit. Get posting way up higher on the boards...okay? :cool:

Keep on keepin' on,


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Oi Geoff me ol' (ok not so ol') mucker!

No failure here; don't even start to look at it like a failure. Twas a mere drag; as noted above a "blip". I've also had one just after my first month. I've not noted it as a failure nor have I started at day 1 (although I did think of it to start of with).

For me it was an integral and most important moment of my quit. When you stop something it doesn't mean that your head, body or emotions feel the same way. There are items which still play over and over in the background.

My blip (I didn't want one, it just sorta happened) was the turning point which made me understand I didn't want, need nor like smoking any more. Just lighting up told me that...that has so far been the end of wants and cravings.

You never know, may just be the same for you.

Chin up ... we'll be seeing you back around day 50 then :)

nsd_user663_8404 profile image


you havnt failed at all it was a blip thats all // you have done great how many kick up the backsides do you need get back up feel proud of your quit xx


nsd_user663_5349 profile image

i agree with every one else. Just give urself a tap on the wrists and move on. You're doing fantastically and have done so well regardless of that one drag.

Keep going babe

-Jade xxx

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

thanks for comments all

stav yes you will see me back at ending day 50 now so im back to quit attempt 9:D

i didnt enjoy the puff even though it was the brand that got me hooked when i started when i was 13 so my body etc hates the taste now which is a good sign as my mind will focus more on saying, ewww ive tried it and its awaful so i definatly dont need 1

thanks all again

take care


nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Well Done Stitch

If you know you are in for a shite day , you could prepare yourself by wearing a laccie band round your wrist and twanging if necessary - I did it in Jan and it helped remind me to stay strong ;)

usaully when i go nuts i lob a cork around my room 4 a bit but today i lost it and i still cant find it but im chilling to a bit of tech n9ne


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Geoff lovely

Dont be so hard on yourself....one drag does not mean you have failed...you are back in the saddle and you will beat this....

I do not think I have ever seen anyone on here with such determination ...you are an inspiration.

Stay strong and big hugs

L xx

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

Have you started your theory for driving test yet Geoff?

im still revising for it, sent off for provisional monday just gone and im dreading it as im the picture i look like an ex-con.

Then once i got it ill get lessons asap (got around £575 - £ 600) but im hoping i wont need all of it as my friend past by spending £275


edit - thank you for the kind words lorna (dont know why but i was going to call you laura then)

Geoff xx

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

How much is theory test now?

not a clue but mum said she would pay for

- my 1st lesson

- 1st theory test

- 1st pratical test

- provisional licence (£50)


nsd_user663_8222 profile image

most lessons = 20

theroy = 20ish?

test = 40 + hour/ 2 of instructors car.

nsd_user663_5048 profile image

most lessons = 20

theroy = 20ish?

test = 40 + hour/ 2 of instructors car.

thanks for the estimates mate


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

thanks for the estimates mate


Drop a note to Jack, he's a driving instructor I believe - he should know the "averages"

Not what you're looking for?