omg wk 3!: didnt realise i was on week 3 now... - No Smoking Day

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omg wk 3!

nsd_user663_8404 profile image
12 Replies

didnt realise i was on week 3 now 18 days today and my goodness am i having a bad one had a good one yesterday paying for it today. weepy miserable.. so bad this morning 09:45 now and it seems to be easing a bit thanks to my inhalater glad when 6pm comes can go home then :D

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nsd_user663_8404 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Congrats on getting into your 3rd week, be proud!!! you are sooo doing this!!!

nsd_user663_8355 profile image

Congartulations, I am on day 18 too and maybe it's something to do with day 17 but I felt awful yesterday too!!Weepy and ready to bite anybody's head off if they so much as looked at me! Feeling a bit better today though and have thrown myself wholeheartedly into the vacuuming!!!

Distraction therapy I think.... but it seems to be working.:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Windy :D

I'm sorry day 18 is a bad one for you but feeling as you do is normal and it will pass just do qhatever you have to just to get through it

take it hour by hour if you have to you've already done almost 3 weeks smoke free so be very proud of yourself

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

I hope the day gets easier for you, Windylindy. You are doing really well.

nsd_user663_8404 profile image

i love this forum

i really love this forum :D

thankyou all so much :o


jackieinv profile image

Hope you are feeling better now that the day has progressed a bit. We are a great lot you know when you think about what we are all doing.


nsd_user663_7674 profile image





Speaking personally this was the stage that I was all over the shop. Crying. Miserable. Depressed. Inconsolable. Reclusive. I thought it was never going to end. It did around Day 21 and it's all downhill (or should it be uphill?) from there.

Hang in there.

nsd_user663_8404 profile image

feeling better now

just thought id let you know feeling loads better thanks to you all on here. called into docs on way home to see quit nurse had a chat she took a reading on the blowy thing and i was a 0 a big fat zero yeha came home made a curry for everyone just had a soak and feeling great again so glad i found this forum when i did :D xxxx


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Day 21 and it's all downhill (or should it be uphill?) from there.

Hang in there.

Hahaha, a bit or a lot of both ;) I found week 2 the toughest, things began to ease up again crave wise from that point and it did feel like I lived on a roller coaster for a while but you begin to accept that there are some down days but you know there will be more and more up days.

It is like mountain climbing, only now your not smoking, your more able to cope with the climb :) Some steep parts, some level parts even some parts where you you slide down without a thought or a care in the world.

Read ahead and see how others are coping and finding things in all areas in front of you. It helps to know what to plan for and to keep ahead of the game a little. It's your quit, your the boss.

All the best to you :)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Win, glad you are feeling better and a great lesson today that you can go from feeling so low so being so proud of yourself for getting through it.

There are loads of up and downs along the way and I wish you only ups....just rmember no matter how bad a day gets you feel great to get through it and you NEVER have to do that day again...

It does get better....and that I the first time I have typed that knew it to be true.

Stay strong my lovely....xx

nsd_user663_8404 profile image

awww thanks lorna everyone is so kind on here im finding myself posting to other people on here something i would never have done more of a reader and browser but you feel so at ease when you come on here.. cant believe how much better i feel this evening than i did this morning all i did was cry so embarrising esp at work... so it just shows i can ride through the craves i dont need to smoke ...... tomorrow will be hard its 7 years ago tomorrow my mum passed away with lung cancer and i know she would be so proud of my quit ... so lots of posting for me tomorrow xxx


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Lin, It is your addiction telling you tomorrow will be hard

Tomorrow will be easy...just think how proud your Mum will be of your are doing the one thing she wanted for you above all else...your quit will give you a huge big hug from your Mum tomorrow...:)

Know what you mean about browsing/posting, I was nervous at first. But its a good bunch here and there is always someone around for a chat, laugh, cry etc etc.

Big hug for tomorrow my love...think happy thoughts and shout up if you need us...


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