Need some help now: Hi all, this is my first... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Need some help now

nsd_user663_8492 profile image
19 Replies

Hi all, this is my first post even though I've started into week 3 of my quit.

Ive been on this site from the start, reading posts and getting advice and so far there have been no major problems. Im going cold turkey by the way.

However I now need some assistance. On saturday I awoke feeling pretty ropey...tired, anxious, depressed, confused, kind of spaced out. I spent the whole day in bed feeling sorry for myself.

Sunday came and I felt a bit more alive...although still pretty down and very anxious. Sunday night I went to bed at usual time around 11.30 and expected to awake when my alarm goes off at 7.30am. However I woke with a start at around 2am and was wide awake and couldn't get back to sleep.

I put this down to a one happens to everyone every now and then. However during the day on Monday I was very tired and depressed and anxious.

Again last night I went to bed at usual time, drifted off to sleep as normal and again...BANG 2:30am I was wide head was literally buzzing like I had just drank about 10 coffees! I felt really anxious again all night and a little bit panicky! I crawled into work this morning and they kindly agreed to let me take a couple of days "emergency holiday" as they took pity on me.

But im worried worried about the insomnia, im worried about the depression and anxiety (Ive suffered before in the past).

Basically I no longer feel in control of my quit anymore.

All of a sudden im anxious, confused, having depressive thoughts and not sleeping. Dont really have too much support around me either so its difficult.

So I thought Id give you lot a try? :)

Any advice would be appreciated!

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nsd_user663_8492 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi so sorry you are feeling all the usual crap that goes with quit, havent got time to go into detail but like you have had some bad spells with Anx and Panic.

Have had some horrific days in fact weeks since quit with both and if you get a mo read some of my 3/4/5 week posts and threads thought it was never going to end but Im now 7+ weeks and its no where near as bad and most days zero if you want to pm me I will go into more detail if it helps.

Dont worry You know what its like and it would be no better with a cig.

Go out and get some big freas air breaths and ice cold water does help x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Eddco :)

Well done getting to your 3rd week smoke free that's great but so sorry to hear your feeling ropey just now

All the things you're feeling are normal early in a quit and they will all pass before to much longer

Nytol or Kalms mnay help with the sleeping both are good, herbal and none addictive, can be bought over the counter and in most supermarkets

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

The bottom link here is really good and has something in there about most of your problems so maybe be especially helpful just now



nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Hi jamangie and Marg,

thanks for both your replies.

im going to try to relax, Im going to cut out all caffeine and alcohol, not eating before bed...I would do some exercise but Im literally exhausted with the lack of sleep and when I push myself it sets the anxiety attacks off!

Ive read a few places that NRT may help?

Trouble is Ive tried to quit before with NRT and didnt last half as long as I have this time as I always craved a cigarette. Other peoples smoke smelled appealing from far away and seeing people smoke on TV made me crave.

However this Cold Turkey way is different, I now deplore people smoking near me, the smell is foul and I pity looking at people smoke as I now know what a truly horrid addiction it is!

Im concerned if I start actively putting nicotine back in my body...surely I'll start craving it again?

I always thought it took 3 days to get Nicotine out of your system but apparently if you've been smoking for over 10years (which is me) it can take 3 to 4weeks? Is this true? and if so does that explain why im feeling so bad now as opposed to the very start of my quit?

Apologies, I have so many questions!

nsd_user663_6991 profile image

Well done so far...3 weeks is great. I definitely had the early morning waking thing, although mine was 4am and as you say, wide awake and thinking about cigs and generally anxious until I actually got up at about 7am. Its really horrid. I thought I was going mad.

It will return to normal (mine has) but I cant tell you when, sorry. I found the time became later and later and the panic goes too until you do wake up at a 'new' normal time for you. Having said all that I have woken up at 6.30am a couple of times last week but the panic and thinking about cigs has gone. i just listen to the radio until its time to get up.

Please trust that it will readjust itself in time.

For any general panic and anxiety I took 'Stressless' from Boots, Vit B Complex and used Rescue Remedy but for extreme panic which I suffered at about 10 days quit I took betablockers (from doctors) as needed. I was in danger of losing my quit at this stage and I didnt want that to happen. I also read like crazy at this stage too. It was just a phase and I didnt need them after about a week.

Best wishes, I know it feels like it will never end but it does. I'm 20 weeks today and apart from a bit of depression and a slight empty feeling which comes and goes, I am doing OK.

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

thanks for them tips!

The worst thing about it is that from Day 1 until saturday I felt really good.

Better than I have done in years...I felt really calm, and emotionally stable...nothing was a bother...even the cravings I could just pass off as a hindrance but nothing more!

Another thing Ive found is that I had my last 'big' craving on Friday night. Up until then I was still toying with the nicodemon of "oooh just one would be nice, just to prove your not addicted" (you know that rubbish!)

However since Saturday, no cravings of note, no nicodemons, smoking/smokers have become more disgusting in my view of them. Very rarely thought about cigarettes when not around them and certainly wouldn't thank you for one!

Yet on the flip side...depression/anxiety, confusion and insomnia have taken their place. Is there a link between the two? Has my Nicodemon accepted its not going to get any more Nicotine and is punishing me for not complying or switching tactic by making me feel utterly awful in order to get me to submit to it?

Its not nice, but its very interesting none the less!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


there is a theory among quitters about 'the terrible 3's' (day 3/week 3/month 3) where you tend to feel the negatives alot more than the positives.

Its a bit of an endurance thing you got to go through, and you don't seem like someone who's going to let these mind-games beat you down.

Grit them teeth and persevere through this, its tough yeah, but the rewards and sense of pride once you are through these difficult first weeks will be well worth the effort you put in. (you just may not see it right at this moment)

Keep on going, it does get better.

READ THIS The terrible 3's


nsd_user663_8221 profile image

Hi there, I'm just into week 3 too. I've also had depression/anxiety and panic in the past and was gutted when they made an unwelcome return to my life at the start of week 2. Then my worry about it fed it and it spiralled. I felt like you, I wanted the cravings and the awful headaches back- anything but reverting to anxiety.

Anyway, just to say, it did pass, I'm still waking up with a start (about 2am), but the anxiety doesn't stay now, and the uncontrollable sense of utter terror has gone. Once I accepted it, it kind of passed

I've been using avena sativa- I've used it in the past for anxiety, but recently read it's good to allieviate symptoms of withdrawl too so have been using that, might be worth a try. Hugs to you

Pols xxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi jamangie and Marg,

thanks for both your replies.

im going to try to relax, Im going to cut out all caffeine and alcohol, not eating before bed...I would do some exercise but Im literally exhausted with the lack of sleep and when I push myself it sets the anxiety attacks off!

Ive read a few places that NRT may help?

Trouble is Ive tried to quit before with NRT and didnt last half as long as I have this time as I always craved a cigarette. Other peoples smoke smelled appealing from far away and seeing people smoke on TV made me crave.

However this Cold Turkey way is different, I now deplore people smoking near me, the smell is foul and I pity looking at people smoke as I now know what a truly horrid addiction it is!

Im concerned if I start actively putting nicotine back in my body...surely I'll start craving it again?

I always thought it took 3 days to get Nicotine out of your system but apparently if you've been smoking for over 10years (which is me) it can take 3 to 4weeks? Is this true? and if so does that explain why im feeling so bad now as opposed to the very start of my quit?

Apologies, I have so many questions!

Hi Eddco :D

I think as you're in your 3rd week you'd be silly to put nicotins back into your body unless you really can't cope CT if it suits you and it seems to why vhange mid stream so to speak

Also if NRT wasn't for you last time it may not help this time either

You have no nicotine left in your body it'd gone after 3 days it takes three week they day foe the psychological symptoms to pass I personally think it sometimes takes a little longer for some of us

I queried this with my GP as I smoked for over 50 years and he said it made no difference how long you had smoked for the nicotine to leave the body

Hope this helps you and please don't apologise for asking questions if we can help we will OK


marg xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Not needing or wanting just can’t forget

I can see light at the end of the tunnel and its not a ciggarette lighter

Hi I am back, ask as many questions as you want so long as they help to keep you on track thats all that matters and also so long as it reassures you that what you are going through is part the withdrawal and part the fact that being a slightly anxious person it does seem to effect us a little differently also have a look at razawire posts and threads he like us has had a realy bad time ie Anxiety, Panic Attacks palpitations etc so you will see although its a sh** time but it is so worth believe me I want say it easy now but getting there, keep posting and reading you will suprised how this site keepsyou focused and on track x

nsd_user663_8469 profile image

Kindred Spirits

Hi Eddco,

well you appear to have some kindred spirits on here going through just the same!! That is why we join these things to reassure ourselves that we are suffering what others are at that it does pass.. I can tell you I have been through EXACTLY the same!! I was waking up every night around 2am from about the end of week 2 and I felt like the walking dead (I usually sleep very deeply and soundly) I just wanted to climb back into bed every morning as soon as I got up. I can say that I am now sleeping through the night again for about the past 5 days (on day 28 of my quit) which is a huge relief. Hoevr, it seems that as soon as one thing eases something else starts ... sound familiar?!! The depressed stage has reared its head for a few days here and there throughout the last 2 wks but Friday was awful and the weekend not much better - I think the lack of concentation comes hand in hand as I could not think of anything but damn fags at work yesterday and how gloomy my life is and only got through last night by reading threads on this forum until I went to bed!! I too have suffered from depression and anxiety in the past so it is like a double blow as you are trying to do something good for yourself and are left thinking ... why should I bother. HOWEVER ... I FEEL BETTER TODAY!!! It might only be for today but it is a step closer and amazing that there are days where you feel great and no cigarette was needed for this feeling.

Please try not to go on the NRT if you can help it and ride through it ... I think it is just the psychological withdrawal ... we have felt depressed in the past and the smoking didin't make us better. Be my quit buddy if you like as we are so close in the quit ... anytime just message me.

Heres hoping I have another good day tomorrow ... today it's exciting that I really could feel like a proper non-smoker soon ... one day at a time.


xxx :p

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Hi all, many thanks for your words of encouragement.

As previously mentioned Ive suffered with anxiety and depression over the years and kind of know what to expect and that really reality is distorted when you are suffering from them. But it does leave you with a one track mind and unable to relax.

Jodi it would be an honour to be your quit buddy! :) Many thanks for the suggestion. I would like to ask you a few questions about the not sleeping bit.

But how do I send messages on here?

nsd_user663_8469 profile image

:cool:Hi Eddco,

I am just new on here too but I think if you click on my name you may be able to go into my profile and send a message???!!

I will be happy to help where I can ... if i can.


nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Hi Eddco :D

I think as you're in your 3rd week you'd be silly to put nicotins back into your body unless you really can't cope CT if it suits you and it seems to why vhange mid stream so to speak

Also if NRT wasn't for you last time it may not help this time either

You have no nicotine left in your body it'd gone after 3 days it takes three week they day foe the psychological symptoms to pass I personally think it sometimes takes a little longer for some of us

I queried this with my GP as I smoked for over 50 years and he said it made no difference how long you had smoked for the nicotine to leave the body

Hope this helps you and please don't apologise for asking questions if we can help we will OK


marg xx

Thanks marg. I knew myself this would be the case as I heard/read nothing on the contrary that nicotine doesn't stay in your system longer than 3days. It seems illogical to start feeding the beast again for what I presume are psychological affects im experiencing?

However I needed to ask as I spoke to my local stop smoking NHS person and they said NRT would help..they were also the ones that said about it staying in your system longer! As soon as I heard them say it I just got the feeling they were on some sort of commission with the NRT people!

call me cynical, but I didn't believe what she was saying. Maybe it was the lack of "giving a damn" in her voice and the fact she was clearly reading or speaking from a well rehearsed script.

nsd_user663_8222 profile image

going CT is very effiecient for stopping but can make you feel very ill lol id know i was bed ridden ;/ but i also got a virus at the same time so that didnt help lol,

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Morning all, or afternoon even? I dont know Ive lost count!

anyway, I finally managed to get some sleep last night....thank the Lord! :)

All 11 glorious hours of it! I still look like death, pale, bloodshot eyes, spots and big bags underneath my eyes...but Im feeling a bit brighter!

Just need to get the old appetite back and hopefully we'll be on our way again to enjoying the finer points of not smoking as opposed to the nasty psychological withdrawal symptoms! :eek:

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Good for you! And by working through it, it will make you stronger! I resorted to some herbal sleep remedy in the end to break my insomnia.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

yeah i hit the nytols for a week when i got that too.

Sleep Depravation is a horrible thing.. another forum user had the same issue last year too, and to a much larger degree than i had, and its painful to lose so much sleep.

Glad things are righting for you, hope you get another 11 hour sleep tonight too, that will balance things even better.

The appetite for you will likely change several times while you are quitting though, I made every effort not to change my diet in any way while quitting and the end result for me was i put on some weight and inches round the waist, but I am ultimately happy to be free of nicotine, and i can work off any weight in the gym when i eventually join one :)

Keep going, this is doing you so much good.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Hi there,

Welcome to the forum!!!

Good to have you on board!

I had some insomnia in my quit.... it really got me down, but it lasted, about a week or so.... I combatted this by using Kalms, no caffiene after tea time, hot milky drinks before bed... and if you cant sleep, try reading, get yourself into bed at the usual time so's your not breaking your routine and read books or magazines.

Try not to do telly as it will connect too much with your brain and wake you up more...

If you wake up in the night, try reading or get up and make a hot drink and go back to bed. Try not to lie there and get annoyed or fret, as this will make it worse.

It will clear up, just remember its only temporary, and it will get easier... dont let this pull you back into addiction.

If anything overly concerns you then see your Doctor, obviously we are not medical experts.

Good Luck... your doing brilliantly!!!!

Zo x

nsd_user663_8492 profile image

Hi all, thanks for the replies

Im back to work in the morning so no chance of another 11 hours wonder sleep tonight! Plus Ive got to be fresh as apparently its all gone a bit wrong at work with me being off....2 days i tell you and it goes wrong!!!!

Anyhow, Ive been forcing myself not to nap today as my body seemed to be demanding it, Ive been strategically having coffee to see me through going to the football tonight, but as not to keep me awake come bed time.

Hopefully Ill be suitably tired enough to get a good few hours! :)

It says alot when you have to plan your life around everyday events...but I just keep telling myself its only temporary! And the not having to plan everday around cigarette breaks is great! :D

On another note, I got my car back from the garage earlier...I think the mechanic may have been smoking in it because it smells absolutely awful inside! :mad: Its a good job I know him and he does "mates rates"!!! And to be fair, I used to smoke in it with him so it was never an issue and I dont think hes knows Ive quit! ;)

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