4 calendar months today; onwards and upward... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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4 calendar months today; onwards and upwards....

nsd_user663_6991 profile image
6 Replies

Hi All

Its 4 calendar months for me today and I'm seriously not sure how I got here!Although my strategy has been to take one day at a time - so it does work for all the newbies out there.

It's been very tough for me and is still challenging some days. I find the stress, temper and depression thing is still very much present but having said that I do have good days and even part good days. What's so annoying is that its (my mood) so unpredictable from day to day which doesn't sit well with my personality. I like to plan and know what's happening. I am basically a control freak; amazing then that I hadn't noticed that nicotine had been controlling me for so many years. I am so looking forward to being more chilled out with the new me. I am hoping that 6 months will bring a bit more peace.

I have been watching Celebrity Quitters and and it does bring back awful memories of how hard hard those first few days/weeks were. Thank god those days are a long way off now and cravings/thoughts are barely registering anymore. I am not comfortable yet though, and I do think about cigarettes still. I still have this background feeling of 'I want something' feeling, feels a bit like hunger - but its not. Does anyone else get this? Did anyone else get this and it's now passed?

As well as you guys on the forum I am so lucky that I have some great role models in my life who have quit, so I am looking forward to feeling as comfortable as they and some of you guys do. Have a great weekend everyone!!


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nsd_user663_6991 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image


thats a 3rd of year. can assure you that as you said in your post, you will feel much much more at peace in a couple of months. It really is worth the effort and the wait. :D

well done amanda :)

nsd_user663_6164 profile image

I also remember those first few weeks of hell and I wouldnt want to go back to that again. The thought of what would happen if i just had one "ciggy" and the very possible slippery slope that would follow. The thought of having to go through those first few weeks is just not worth even contemplating having a cig now.

Amanda I agree chilling out sounds much better. I do this a lot and being a Reiki Practioner find this a good method to releive stress not only on other people but also myself.

I also get the feeling of missing out on something and yes its is like hunger. But i know its just a thought process nothing more and your body and brain changing to your new life style. Ok I have put on a little more weight but that cus of the gym not the food ( ok some might be the food).

Keep it up Amanda, we are doing do well now!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Amanda :D

Well done you 4 months finished Congratulations

The way you feel now with the I want moments and the mood swings will get much better and the mood swings will go completely

The I want moments may last for longer but they will become much less and not last for as long

I still get the odd Ohhh a fag would be nice moments but they are very feeling gone in seconds not often but they do happen but they are in no way a crave just a thought


Marg xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

HI Amanda

Congratulations on the 4 months...3rd of a year I like that one....

L xx

jackieinv profile image

Congratulations getting 4 months done and dusted is great.

For me feeling low happened quite often for some part of the day, I found distraction and coming on to the forum helped a lot. It's brilliant the way a lot of you are able to share exactly how you feel, I found when I was down I tended to answer posts rather that say what was happening to me. It will gradually get better from now to 6 months so by the time you get there you will feel a lot better.


nsd_user663_5649 profile image

I am not comfortable yet though, and I do think about cigarettes still. I still have this background feeling of 'I want something' feeling, feels a bit like hunger - but its not. Does anyone else get this? Did anyone else get this and it's now passed?

Hi Amanda, and a BIG WELL DONE

I know EXACTLY what you mean and you describe it very eloquently. only just this morning, after eating a couple of toasts, I had that feeling once more, not a craving but exactly as you describe it.

Like you, I am amazed I have come this far but you should definitely be very proud :)

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