day 2 feels worse for me: hi everyone I'm... - No Smoking Day

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day 2 feels worse for me

nsd_user663_7877 profile image
9 Replies

hi everyone

I'm on day 2 of stopping with the patches and the crave for a fag will just not go away today! I felt as if yesterday was alot easier only had to say to myself i didn't need a fag when i felt as if i did. I havn't gave up to temptation yet but finding it realy difficult will the feeling ever go away?

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nsd_user663_7877 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_6412 profile image

Hi Wish,

Usually after a few days it is better, although you are still getting

Nicotine with the patches. I know it took me a full week before it

started to be better. Keep up da quit

Two months, one week, two days, 12 hours, 27 minutes and 22 seconds. 1410 cigarettes not smoked, saving $303.51. Life saved: 4 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes.

jackieinv profile image

Yes it will go away, give it a little time, your body is healing and your mind will heal along with it. Give a read to some of the websites when you are feeling bad, not only does it distract you but when you see your symptoms in black and white it helps to know all is actually well. Take a look further along at 6 months and more there you will find people who have been where you are for sure and come out the other side, it helps to know you can definitely do it.

Post often and share your feelings this will get you replies to help you and your post will help someone else.


nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Sorry to hear your having a bit of a tough time. As the others have said, it does get better. Do stuff to keep you busy, a distraction of some kind so you don't end up hanging about moping about cigarettes. As soon as your mind gets busy on something else, you'll forget about smoking, even if it's for a bit, it will feel good.

You can do it, just one day at a time,

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

To obtain something nice or great is never easy, it's always hard to get. That means it's worth fighting for and no one on this forum will tell you it's easy to give up smoking.

You are going through withdrawal as a nicotine addict and your body and brain are not getting the nicotine they require to keep them happy. You have stolen it away from them and they want it and if they can they are going to get it. You have to fight back it takes on average 3 days to get the nicotine out your body and I won't pretend that's the end. It's not, but you will start to feel more in control and you will not crave so much as you will start to only want to smoke at the times you used to.

Try to read some of the links on here some of them can explain cravings and that a craving only really lasts a few minutes. It may seem longer but you only have to do something else for that few minutes. Then another on will come along and you have to deal with it the same and you'll find they become less over time.

It's hard so try to take 1 hour at a time then 2 hours untill the hours become days. Don't think of tomorrow just deal with today and go one day at a time.

Come on you can do it.


nsd_user663_7877 profile image

Feeling alot better and calmer now and still not had a fag yipee! Thanks for the support everyone. Found looking through the forums really helpfull and I've had a good friend that has stopped smoking listen to me rant too..

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Good luck!


Very well done on making it this far! I remember day two only too well, a tough one! every day gets easier than the last though, and we've all been through it so rant away and we'll all be here to help you out!


nsd_user663_7673 profile image

Hi Silvertips,

Yes, it's incredibly normal. NRT does not stop you craving or wanting a cigarette, it only helps reduce the level of the craving to something manageable. Try having a glass of water or taking a few deep breaths, or of all else fails, eat chocolate!

Well done on your quit, keep going!

Jenni x

P.S The sleeplessness and dreams are also normal, as is feeling a bit rough, all part of the process but it absolutely, positively does get better, promise!

nsd_user663_4866 profile image

Stick with it

Hi wishful

Know exactly how you feel as right there with you. Stick with it, see you on the other side of day 2...


nsd_user663_7965 profile image

What your feeling is normal, but instead of feeling miserable condition your mind, tell yourself it's a part of the cleaning process of your body in eliminating nicotine.

The first week when you quit cold turkey is the worst withdrawal period, after that things will be easy and manageable. But instead of moping, think the bright side of being free from the slavery of smoking.

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