Day 2 sucks: Arrrggghhhh, Day 2 Cold turkey... - No Smoking Day

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Day 2 sucks

nsd_user663_7669 profile image
14 Replies

Arrrggghhhh, Day 2 Cold turkey, always seems to get harder in the afternoon.

Probably my 5th time trying to quit, this being my 3rd time in the space of a year, have been here before and hopefully not again.

It's so stupid to crave such a tiny little and harmless looking device, why the hell can't they invent a healthy ciggarette, one that lowers blood pressure and makes you taller?

Why do they taste so good? Why does my tension automatically dissipate when I take that first drag even though it's yet to get into my blood stream.


I hate cold turkey but it's like ripping a plaster off, a really big plaster, one that takes 3 days and pulls half your skin off in the process.

Usually I get to day 3 and feel fine and only get the occasionaly craving, i get over confident and end up spending more time around smokers and not worrying abotu avoiding all of the triggers.

This post is to remind myself how shite I feel and to not go back because it's not worth it.

Good luck everyone.

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nsd_user663_7669 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Goffins and welcome

Oh day 2 was my worst day (sorry not helping I am), but day 3 will be better. Unfortunately quitting is not a quick process but you can do this I'm sure.

Chin up, keep busy, avoid smokers:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Goffins :)

Well done getting to day 2 you're doing fine even if it's a bit tough as you've gone CT all the nicotine will be out of your syatem ny tomorrow night

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Arrrggghhhh, Day 2 Cold turkey, always seems to get harder in the afternoon.

Probably my 5th time trying to quit, this being my 3rd time in the space of a year, have been here before and hopefully not again.

It's so stupid to crave such a tiny little and harmless looking device, why the hell can't they invent a healthy ciggarette, one that lowers blood pressure and makes you taller?

Why do they taste so good? Why does my tension automatically dissipate when I take that first drag even though it's yet to get into my blood stream.


I hate cold turkey but it's like ripping a plaster off, a really big plaster, one that takes 3 days and pulls half your skin off in the process.


I always found it harder in the afternoon evening, maybe that's when most of the triggers were.

Answer as to why you want this thing so much is because you are an addict, we all are and always we will be. This is why when you stop not one puff ever, even 20 years from now because we would be right back depending on them. Or at least we think we depend on them, it's only when we learn we can survive without them that we start to succeed without them.

I went cold turkey it's now been 6 weeks, yes I still get times when I think about smoking but I know now I never will because I'm very happy without them.

I do feel very good and know it was the best desicion I've ever made.

So I'm sorry but until you can accept that you are an addict I don't think you will succeed in stopping, That's what helped me.

Hope that's not too strong.

Never give in no matter how long it takes or how many time you try. If you can't do it CT then try patches, gum or even champix which can only be prescibed by a doctor.

So Goffins don't give in it's not easy but it's well worth it in the end I promise you that.


nsd_user663_3936 profile image

Hi Goffins,

I tried many times to quit maybe 40 or so times over a period of 20 years.

I hate CT too. I could never stay stopped like that.:(

Now, I have nearly been free for a year. :):)

This is the longest period I have ever been without a cigarette since I began

when I was 12 years old.

I love being a non-smoker. I do not miss the cigarette. Life is grand without


This is what worked for me:

First (the hardest part ,for me) I truly became willing to stop altogether.

Then I read and listened to "allen carrs easy way to stop smoking"

till I felt sure of success(as per the instructions)

Then, on my chosen date , I smoked my final ciggarette.

THEN, I started to take action, (which I believe allen carrs method does not

emphasize enough).

The action is simple:

Try to help other willing to quit smokers break free.

specifically telling them exactly how I stopped and stay stopped, which

is exactly what I have written above.

This method also works for alcoholics and drug addicts.

I am speaking from experience here.

Good luck man :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

The action is simple:

Try to help other willing to quit smokers break free.

specifically telling them exactly how I stopped and stay stopped, which

is exactly what I have written above.

This method also works for alcoholics and drug addicts.

I am speaking from experience here.

Good luck man :)

I totally agree with this I have only been stopped six weeks 2 days and I come on here and try to help as many others as I can who are stopping smoking. Ones that have not gone as long as I have and maybe right at the beginning, even some that have been stopped longer than I have. I have found this has helped me as it makes me feel like I've definately stopped smoking. It's a great feeling although I still have times when I could chew what ever is in front of me but I already love being a no smoker.


nsd_user663_7741 profile image

One word mate.....


Dath x

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Listen to Jack... Nail on the head!!!

Read up on Nicotine addiction... Allen Carr helped me...I honestly don't feel a thing on day 3.

My hardest thing was facing up to the Horror Stories... Done that and am still looking and I've done with the filthy habbit.

Keep going Goffins...It's just poison at the end of the day...not cream cakes

nsd_user663_7635 profile image

Hi Goffins,

Sorry to hear you are struggling, but you are really doing so well. Just concentrate on how much better you'll feel once you are done with inital cravings.

Keep posting here and taking it a day at a time :)

Good luck!

Lindsay xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Freedom is a state of mind


Not sure what to say thats appropriate just remember another week which seem a lifetime and you will feel so much better even if you dont know you do LOL

I’m really glad that you’ve quit

Cause in the past you’ve smoked some sh**

Smelly Hair Hands and Breath

Shorter Life but longer Death

Up the hills you’ve got no puff

Smokers cough that makes you rough

So pass each day without the weed

Cause only then will you succeed

So Bravo to all that now don’t smoke

Cause early Death is sure no Joke

nsd_user663_7669 profile image

Back again, I actually got to day 6 after posting this, then went out clubbing & drinking and it all fell apart:(

I'm back on day 2 now, yesterday was a breeze mainly because this time I'm using Gum as an aid, I've got fairly strong will power but the Gum manages to take the edge off in those really difficult times, I only chewed two yesterday and felt noticeably calmer and more in control.

I'm feeling quite positive today.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Welcome back Goffins.

Well done on your decision to quit again, I am SURE you will do it this time. You will find lots of help & support on here as you know.

Good luck & keep going. Today is my day 3 so only just ahead of you.


Gaynor x

nsd_user663_8351 profile image

Of course you will!

Well done both of you!

Goffins - well done for getting back on that horse after a fall, it's too easy to just slip straight back into bad habits after a blip like that. Give yourself a big pat on the pat - you deserve it.

Gaynor - good work and stay positive, it's half the battle!

Lottie x

nsd_user663_8572 profile image

Well done for giving it another go...xx

nsd_user663_5010 profile image

Yup cold turkey can be hard, you have to be tough. Just remember smoking is a mental parasite - like a tape worm or something but even more horrible.

Take each crave at a time, they go away and each time that parasite dies a little.

It worked for me, but it took some serious will power sometimes.

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