Thank you so much: to the Mod who responded... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Thank you so much

nsd_user663_6327 profile image
10 Replies

to the Mod who responded to my request for help today, that was a quick and excellent response and I'm pleased to see the Spammer has been removed! Great work there guys, thank you. (Not nice to see a normal post belonging to us "worked over" like that). :)

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nsd_user663_6327 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey twin:cool::cool: where you been? I did not see you on here earlier and was crying loudly but I'm all right now you are here.

Still battling on my pet are you I've now so far had 2 good days, let's know how you're doing.

Jack xxxxxxxx :)

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hey twin, I'm here, lol just had a busy morning. I was going to reply to your earlier post and say hi and how do you do to Donna, but dont seem to have had much time to spare today what with one thing and another.

I'm battling on too sweetheart, we can do this thing, yes we can - Bob the Builder style, can we do it? YES WE CAN!!

Sorry I was not around to mop your tears earlier, what was the prob? I was on a shopping trip with my youngest grandaughter and things can get a bit fraught!!

In reply to an earlier question of yours, regarding you smoked Capstain full strength (was it?) well, I smoked Players weights, because they were about the cheapest at the time but from memory I think they had no filter tips on them? Anyone else remember that? How much were a pack of 10 fags back then Jack, do you remember? Less than a shilling, weren't they?

Keep in touch dear twin and love and hugs to Donna and please thank her for being so kind and understanding of our being so silly on here!! with love Vivienne. xxxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey twin, I'm here, lol just had a busy morning. I was going to reply to your earlier post and say hi and how do you do to Donna, but dont seem to have had much time to spare today what with one thing and another.

I'm battling on too sweetheart, we can do this thing, yes we can - Bob the Builder style, can we do it? YES WE CAN!!

Sorry I was not around to mop your tears earlier, what was the prob? I was on a shopping trip with my youngest grandaughter and things can get a bit fraught!!

In reply to an earlier question of yours, regarding you smoked Capstain full strength (was it?) well, I smoked Players weights, because they were about the cheapest at the time but from memory I think they had no filter tips on them? Anyone else remember that? How much were a pack of 10 fags back then Jack, do you remember? Less than a shilling, weren't they?

Keep in touch dear twin and love and hugs to Donna and please thank her for being so kind and understanding of our being so silly on here!! with love Vivienne. xxxx

I was only crying cos' I wos missing you. I think we should start a new thread "can you remember what you smoked way back then?". Did you ever see domino cigs they came in a paper packet of 4. they were not even sealed the top was open. They cost 6d 2 and a half pence. I remember 20 senior service which was my latest poshest brand were 2 shilling and 6 pennies 12 and a half new pence. If you were not posh you bought Woodbine in these days you smoked what you could get ha ha.

Come on hun show your age XXXXXXX:)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

I can remember going to buy 10 No 6 for my mum and I was about 9 yrs of age.......... best bit was being allowed to keep the change....... probably about 3d

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

Hey Pol No 6 - that takes me back, as does 3d. I used to be given 2d to spend on sweets every day after going home from school for my dinner. Some days I got an everylasting strip or a sherbet dib dab, anyone remember those?

Fancy they could send young ones to the shop to buy their fags, wouldn't dream of such a thing these days and yet we all survived and flourished - I'm glad I grew up in the days where we didn't have to be wrapped in cotton wool.

Can you just imagine the Health and Safety issues surrounding the pram wheels we used to make jigger carts out of? lol we have a bit of rope in the front to steer with, our shoes to brake with, a veg. box or some sort of wood on top of the wheels to sit on - carry it to the top of the steepest hill you could find and jeronimo, off you went, lololol ah! happy days........

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Health and Safety would have imprisoned me if they saw what my kids were allowed to do in our back garden with ramps, tables, paddling pools and cardboard boxes. All harmless individually but put together and the fun was was fun but bruising.

Best fun I had as a kid was on old rope swing over the river - the times I fell off in the water to be swept down stream at least 20 yards or more before one of the big lads fished me out. I was only 7 or so. Removing brakes from friends and own bikes was part of the fun and then racing down long hills.

3d - I only just remember old money. I was seven I think when we went decimal. Sherbet dib dab - was that the yellow tube of sherbet with a liquorice strip down in it. Bargain, they lasted ages.

My nan also used to send me to get her smokes - 20 consulate (sp?)

nsd_user663_6327 profile image

lol Pol, if kids these days can enjoy themselves then well done to the parents I say! Great stuff, I really believe that not much harm will come to them as long as they are loved.

The rope swing over the river sounds like great fun, good thing the big boys were around to fish you out! Yes the sherbet dib dabs were yellow tubes with sherbet in and a stick of licorice with a hollow middle to suck up the sherbert! Yummy! They were 2d in my day. I was about 22 I think when we went decimal.

Do you remember gob stoppers? You had to keep taking them out of your mouth to see if they had changed colour? lol Mind you, we had to get our fun somehow, it was in the days before we had TV and a gobstopper changing colour was about as exciting as it got!!

Have probably sent the younger ones to sleep by now Pol!!!! Love n hugs, Vivienne. xxxx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Can you just imagine the Health and Safety issues surrounding the pram wheels we used to make jigger carts out of? lol we have a bit of rope in the front to steer with, our shoes to brake with, a veg. box or some sort of wood on top of the wheels to sit on - carry it to the top of the steepest hill you could find and jeronimo, off you went, lololol ah! happy days........

I come from a family of eight my older brother now passed away (long story) and there was six of us all on one of those kertys as we called them. well we lost control half way down the hill.......................oh dear use your imagination.

Weren't No 6 in green packets for tipped and brown packets for plain. I remember being able to buy a tuppenny single that's what my sweet money went on.

For you only this time.

Jack xxxx

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

I remember Players No 6 being in a white pack with a blue stripe on the front. They were the first cig I smoked, and I puked everywhere afterwards. My god it took some willpower to become a smoker!!! I never again smoked No 6 but carried on with Rothmans. Why oh why oh why?

nsd_user663_6734 profile image

I remember John Player Specials being in a black box with gold writing.? They were the first ones I smoked ugrrrrr. Then went to players no 6's. Then Embassy no 1.

I remember Consulate because my nan used to smoke them aswell as Embassy Filter ones.

I think I'm glad I don't smoke no more!!

Ju x:)

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