Hi All - another New Year stopper - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi All - another New Year stopper

nsd_user663_7318 profile image
7 Replies

Hi all,

Hope you're all well and enjoying the first few days of 2010 (or ten past eight as I like to call it).

It's funny that you join a forum to generally share an experience or interest. I just signed up and now seem to be struggling to put fingers to keyboard. Must be the lack of concentration setting in!

Right...31 from Bucks UK, smoker for approximately 12 years, 20ish a day. I had my last cigarette at 16:00 in 31/12/09 so I'm now approaching 2 days without.

I guess there are multiple reasons for giving up. I lost my dad June 2006 due to heart attack, he was 58 which in my view is far too young to go. It's strange that the impact was his death made me smoke more and ... well without going in to lots of detail, I lost my way for a few years.

I've aslo had a few health challenges. I was diagnosed with DVT in 2007 and completed 6 months of anti-coag. therapy. Started 2008 in hospital with Pulmonary Embolism...it seems I'm a clotter as they believe I'd had 2 pervious PE's (misdiagnosed on several occasions). That makes me very lucky - I managed to somewhat beat the odds of survival.

I must add here the clotting is unlikely to be down to the smoking...although smoking obviously isn't going to help.

Due to the above I've spent the past 12 months battling panic and anxiety. Not one to be beaten I thought I'd add stopping smoking to the challenge!

So far I've not had too many cravings; I've controlled the few I've had by doing something (made Cornish Pasties at 9pm yesterday). I've taken up learning to play the guitar to keep me busy; the money I'm saving is going towards that hobby.

I guess that's about it really...looking forward to hopefully spending the next few months not feeling great, but reaping the rewards over my lifetime.


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nsd_user663_7318 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Martin and welcome, normally I would say a bit more but I'm on 1 month today and right now not very positive. You're doing very well don't let the fact I'm feeling as I am put you off. I've had a few days like this and you just have to get through them, there is better days when you will feel very positive.



nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Hi Jack,

I tried stopping (with some success for 6 months) last year following attending an Alan Carr stop smoking day. At the moment I'm keeping my concentration on the point that I've stopped...therefore the difficult bit is actually done already (I know it's not quite that simply by psychologically it seems to be helping).

One of the thinks I learnt from the session was it's important to remember that I've given nothing up...instead I'm simply gaining everything.

Hopefully those thoughts will keep me moving forward!

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hi stav,

welcome to the board :D

sounds like youve been on a hell of a journey the last few years, so congrats on your decision to quit smoking as it sounds like the best thing you can do for your health.

you'll get some great help and support here and it sounds like you a man who doesn't let the odds stacking up get to him, so I recon you've got a great chance in doing this.

new decade, new life :)

oh btw, your desision to learn guitar is as good a decision as quitting smoking!:D

nsd_user663_7318 profile image

hi stav,

welcome to the board :D

sounds like youve been on a hell of a journey the last few years, so congrats on your decision to quit smoking as it sounds like the best thing you can do for your health.

you'll get some great help and support here and it sounds like you a man who doesn't let the odds stacking up get to him, so I recon you've got a great chance in doing this.

new decade, new life :)

oh btw, your desision to learn guitar is as good a decision as quitting smoking!:D


I've had better years! New decade new life was pretty much what I was thinking. To stop smoking is just a small part of the improvements I need to make; however it's probably the biggest impacting.

nsd_user663_5991 profile image

Hi Stav

Great new Year decision and seeing as you have quit before you already have a head start. I have the Allen carr book [not actually reading it at the moment but perhaps need to dust it down) and that statement about not giving up but gaining is so true isn't it?

Anxiety attacks are awful, I also went through a peroid last year with palpitations. light headedness,etc.... but I think I was making myself ill BECAUSE I was still smoking! and was worrying about every twinge I didn't recognise:rolleyes: Hopefully, making the decision to quit will also make you more relaxed in one sense as long as you focus on the benefits.

Good luck won't be too long before you have a week in


nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Thanks Jasmine,

They're horrible indeed! It has actually been 2 years since they started (very on and off). Strange what the mind can do to you. As you say fingers crossed stopping will help.

I'm nearing the end of a 6 hour Easy Way marathon (about 20 mins to go). I guess time will tell if it helps again. Other than the anxiety blip this morning, it all seems a little too easy so far.

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

Hey Stav (Martin!), I so hope this new decade brings better things. I think that for most people (me def included!) the last few months (years??) have been pretty grim, so taking on a task like stoppping smoking can seem daunting. But, of all the challenges facing us (me especially!!) this is the only one that is really just about us. And if we can't like and appreciate and do something specifically for ourselves then how can we be of any use to those we care about? You deserve a fresh decade, a fresh set of lungs to breathe your way through it, and the chance to be happy.

So, say well done to yourself, it's hard yes, but compared to the detritus life chucks at us it's very do-able! All the best to you, stay strong XX

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