Excuse me guys but this is f***ing unbeliev... - No Smoking Day

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Excuse me guys but this is f***ing unbelievable and dangerous!!

nsd_user663_7235 profile image
16 Replies

Sorry for the bad word but take a look at this. They say it can help you stop smoking AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

<Link removed: It was supposedly an "article" about Electronic Cigarettes but was in fact an advert.>

Angry Jack :mad:

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nsd_user663_7235 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image

yeah i nearly went down that route before I quit. I was desperate and ready to try anything.

Glad i didnt though. way better to just be free.

haha - gonna get all gladiator on you with this! lol:D now we are free

happy new year - heres to freedom :)

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

The tobacco companies are desperate to keep us locked in. In my opinion all the NRT stuff just delays the inevitable - you need to stop taking nicotine. I'm not saying this to diminish anyone's quit, in fact people who quit successfully using NRT have my admiration, I never managed it using NRT - for me it was a special sort of hell.

To make matters worse when you try to navigate away from the page, there's a pop up asking if your sure, implying that your should really use the e cig, regardless of being an addict - talk about accurate advertising - appeal to the junkie mind!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

OMG what a load of B********************ks

Words fail me and that doesn't happen often Promise just ask Chrissie

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

There is a guy at work who uses one of these, around the same time that i quit.. (probably a month later), he quit using an e-cig... or rather thats how his story went... i asked him one morning:

'Hey how you getting on with your quit smoking?'

'fine, doing good.. its three weeks now!.... i've only had a few cigarettes in three weeks'.

so i asked 'why?'

and he told me.. the battery had failed in his e-cig, and his need for a fix overtook his ability to get a new battery or new e-cig.

but just before christmas, i noticed that he is STILL using the e-cig and still walks up to the smoke shelter outside with his old smoking buddy too. So if he is quitting, he's taking his time about it?

Now don't get me wrong, there IS a plus side to using them in that you do not intake the 4000+ poisons and other chemicals aswell as tar .. but the negative side is that you do not break the hand to mouth habit, and you certainly do not break from the nicotine trap.

I admire that they've cut out many of the nasty things you would inhale, but there is every probability you will just hook yourself on the e-cig for a fix for alot longer.. perhaps even indefinitely, and the gap between you smoking an e-cig or a real cig is so very tiny that all it takes is you to LOSE the e-cig (ever lost a pen? well these are smaller!), or for the battery to run out when you need your nicotine fix.

so no, these do not get my vote for an effective way to quit smoking, i've not seen anyone truly quit using one yet. Has anyone else? Does anyone posting here have a success story to write about e-cigs? really?

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

That article is not what it seems, the clue is the bit at the bottom of the page which says

Click Here To Order The <brand whatever> E-Cigarette

Its an advert and as advertising is not allowed on the forum we can't allow the link to remain.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Sorry guys did not realise this was an advertisment otherwise I would have not put link to it. I was just so shocked that something like this could be around and that it could actually start some people smoking.

If taking nicotine in some form helps you to stop by all means go ahead but not this.

Anyway moderater3 if you feel it is necessary to remove this thread please do so I don't mind. Sorry for unintentionally breaking the form rules.


nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Not a problem Jack, I could tell it wasn't deliberate.

I'm happy to leave the thread as its worthwhile knowing that not everything on the internet is what it first appears.

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Heartbreak! the tears I can't hold back and you still expect me not to smoke. Well I don't care I can take it all and no matter what you do to me you won't make me smoke!!!!!

Would you like a cigarette? no darling I don't smoke ha ha.


nsd_user663_7933 profile image

Sounds scarily like a cold-calling Salesman to me !!!!

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Saw an ad for these in a supplement that came with a magazine, mint, cherry or tobacco flavour, (cherry?) you couldn't make it up could you?. Ad stated that it was not affected the the no smoking ban and that you can use it anywhere. Can you imagine sitting in a bar, restaurant or better still a hospital, with your electronic cigarette, explaining yourself :eek:

I know it's whatever works for you, but is this really addressing the issue?

Lorraine :)

nsd_user663_7571 profile image

probably won't be long before smokers of the eCigarette are taking Mr eCigarette to court - how the hell can you KNOW FOR SURE that nothing in that is harmful? surly if you are inhaling something it has to be bad for you? it must be upsetting something?

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

How can you know for sure? Because there's nothing in there that has not already been extensively studied.

How the hell can you KNOW FOR SURE that you won't commit suicide using champix/chantix, or something else? 55 people reportedly committed suicide after using Chantix in the US. There's a risk in walking down the street every day as well.

Here is some links as to the safety of Personal Vaporizers / E-Cigs


If I may suggest just one of those articles, read the study done by Health New Zealand:


Why would you be giving such a sales pitch on a NONSMOKING FORUM.... a place where people no longer want to be dictated by nicotine addiction.... you know, someone who may not have a strong quit going as of yet might read your useless info and go out and buy one.... trust me, if someone is interested in an e-cig, they will go and buy one and they won't need you convincing them....

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

my girlfriend's father, in Ohio ordered a kit. He has cut down from 3 packs of cigarettes a day-- to 5 cigarettes a day, with the help of his electronic cigarette.

WOW..... MAGIC! Too bad I didn't know about the e-cig when I quit.... it would have really helped I'm sure :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image


Right.... so you're wasting your money inhaling what exactly? :confused:

Good come back by the way :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Propylene Glycol, and water and/or alcohol.

Mmmmm..... nice... I'm nicotine free now but I'm real tempted to go and get me some of that! Thanks, pk!

I sent you an e-mail, btw. Be reasonable.

WTF :confused:

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Want the best comeback? Again.. tell me how many people using an e-cig committed suicide? HOW MANY?

Are you for real? This was fun but I'm bored now... cheers

Not what you're looking for?