Can I come in?: Hi all. Can I join you "three... - No Smoking Day

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Can I come in?

nsd_user663_6641 profile image
23 Replies

Hi all. Can I join you "three monthers"?

My last cig was 22nd. Oct and I've been with the two month crowd for the past few weeks.

Things are going well, so much so that I haven't put on a patch for over two weeks, so without sounding too cocky, I think I've cracked it.

Everyone reckons that the Christmas period will be the big test, so we'll see how it goes.

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nsd_user663_6641 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi all. Can I join you "three monthers"?

My last cig was 22nd. Oct and I've been with the two month crowd for the past few weeks.

Things are going well, so much so that I haven't put on a patch for over two weeks, so without sounding too cocky, I think I've cracked it.

Everyone reckons that the Christmas period will be the big test, so we'll see how it goes.

Come in come in Dave, us girls were just having a small glass of wine each you are very welcome to join us....:)

Congratulations on 2 full months down....month 3 definatly seems quieter.

L x

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Many thanks Lorna. Mine's a Chardonay (chilled) if you please. In this freezing weather, it'll be nice to know that after my wine, I wont have to go outside for a fag.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Great news Dave, really pleased to hear it's going so well and patchless now too :cool:.

I have a chilled glass of white (Pinot something or other) on my desk, so *raises glass* cheers to you and your strong quit.

I'm feeling quietly confident about managing Christmas and New Year. My OH still smokes a little and my mum (her and Dad joining us for the 'day') smokes like a right trooper, but we'll all be fine...... :)

I mean! Who would want to go through the first 6 weeks again given a choice.

Enjoy Month 3 Dave and all the best with continued smokefreedom


nsd_user663_5812 profile image

Well done Dave on getting this far Dave. Welcome to month 3 its great having another bloke around as we are severly out numbered and i never get to watch the football in this room any more as im always out voted for strictly or vietnams got talent or some other such nonsense lol

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Hi Pol

The girls must have finished the Chardonay as none arrived here. I've settled for a few glasses of malt whisky.

My partner is still smoking, but not nearly as many as she used to. We never smoked in the house anyway, preferring to go to the shed, so I think she gets lonely sitting in the shed herself.:)

I'm quietly confident about Christmas and New Year. We're going to Edinburgh to my son and his wife's house and neither of them smoke, so that's a help.

Have a great Christmas.



nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Well done Dave on getting this far Dave. Welcome to month 3 its great having another bloke around as we are severly out numbered and i never get to watch the football in this room any more as im always out voted for strictly or vietnams got talent or some other such nonsense lol

Jack, any time you want to watch Rugby, I'll join you for a beer or two. Rugby players are so much more fitter than football players. The game is far more interesting tactically too :o

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Off course you can, pull up a bar stool and I will have a large red (thanks for offering). Well done on your quit.

I've been in the Christmas period for about 3 weeks now (I'm a social animal), my advice though is ALWAYS have chewing gum on you if you are drinking and when you get the urge (and you will) have gum and the urge will go very quickly.

Best of luck and welcome to month 3, another large red thank you!! xx

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Well Jack I'm not too impressed with the women. They invite me for a wine then don't come up with the goods. Not good enough!

Oh well, I prefer whisky anyway. :p



nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Thanks Christine, maybe tomorrow, once the whisky has worn off.


nsd_user663_5812 profile image

Get used to it Dave there's no chance of them giving you thier wine lol

nsd_user663_5812 profile image


I dont know anything about Rugby, Football and cricket for me

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

What a shame Jack. You with your sky box thingy and so many good games not being on terestial TV these days, I was thinking I could hit on you for results etc. Not interested in footie and OH big cricket fan but luckily he likes Rugby and enjoys following our local team Gloucester.

Sorry Dave, didn't mean to take your thread on a side track.

And...... I bring my own wine and go to the bar to buy rounds........... you want a whisky, I'll get you in a whisky. Name your poison.... neat I take it?

I can't stand it neat...... drowned in coke with ice. Isn't that terrible?

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Get out of here Pol with this rugby talk Pol, it's footie that counts my lovely!!

Sorry Dave, but month 3 do tend to 'go off' on a tangent':D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Get out of here Pol with this rugby talk Pol, it's footie that counts my lovely!!

:eek: Sorry, but airy fairy more inclined to worry about their hair and nails football players just don't make the grade of men:rolleyes::p Football v Rugby = Draughts v Chess - no comparison.

I'll watch alone, I don't care :-(

Sorry Dave, but month 3 do tend to 'go off' on a tangent'

Sorry Dave for yet another tangent :o

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


White on its way Dave...but can I pinch a glass of whiskey as Christine has drunk all my red again!!!!

I will watch either Rugby or Football but never ever in a million years never Cricket....


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi all. Can I join you "three monthers"?

My last cig was 22nd. Oct and I've been with the two month crowd for the past few weeks.

Things are going well, so much so that I haven't put on a patch for over two weeks, so without sounding too cocky, I think I've cracked it.

Everyone reckons that the Christmas period will be the big test, so we'll see how it goes.

Hi Dave :D

Well done you into month 3 smoke free that's great

I'm so glad things are going well for you so much so that you haven't needed to use a patch for a couple of weeks now

Christmas could be a little tricky so keep some patches by just in case eh

Having said that I quit in November last year and didn't have a problem with Christmas at all


Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Big Well Done Dave, you have completed a whole two months. Wishing you many more. Take care with the tipple I hear it can be dangerous to the quit.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hey Dave

How did you manage over the festive period? Hope all went well for you with resisting craves/not having craves.

Look forward to your update


nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Sorry for the delay in replying, just got back a few days ago.

Everything went incredibly well over Christmas and New Year.

Took a supply of patches with me , but never put one on.

Surprisingly, I had no cravings whatsoever.

Don't want to sound cocky by any means, but I really do think I've cracked it.

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Dave

Good to read that all is going well and patches not needed any more:)

So far we don't seem to have lost any October quitters to the smokes over Christmas and New Year:cool:

* passes a glass of malt whiskey* it is cold after all;)

All the best with continued smokefreedom,


ps.... You say you just got back........... where did you go? *nosey me*

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Hi Pol

Thanks for the message.

Aye, the whisky is needed in weather like this. It is absolutely baltic here and blowing a blizzard as I type.

We were in Edinburgh over Christmas and New Year at my son and his wife's house.

Had a great time, but it's nice to get back to normal.



nsd_user663_5977 profile image

Great news Dave, really pleased to hear it's going so well,come and take a seat and join us in here we are all here for each other.

Kepp up the good work you must feel very proud of yourself

Keep the good work up :)

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Thanks Kay. It's always nice to have a bit of encouragement.


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