Re-enforcing your quit: Not sure if this is... - No Smoking Day

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Re-enforcing your quit

nsd_user663_4847 profile image
21 Replies

Not sure if this is the best place to put this discussion.

I wanted to put forward the idea that by helping others with their quit it also helps to re-enforce your own. Just posting helps to consolidate your own feelings and beliefs.

What do you think?

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nsd_user663_4847 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I used to post to help alot on here until..

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

Couldn't agree more- I find it really helps a lot. Also, makes me feel nice! I think it gives strength because you are encouraging people through stages you've been through, and it does make you believe in your own quit more too. Or something like that anyway!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Trying to help others certainly helped me through especially early one in my quit

Now I try and help others because I enjoy and like to feel useful

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Sorry previous post got posted too early, office was busy.

In my first 3 months posted alot to help others out and it helped me on my quit too, sometimes by giving advice you follow your own too.

I've slowed down alot on my posting since though, but that was due to folk commenting that i posted too much.. so i took that right to heart and i just post now n again now.

It does help in the early days of your quit though.

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

Sorry previous post got posted too early, office was busy.

In my first 3 months posted alot to help others out and it helped me on my quit too, sometimes by giving advice you follow your own too.

I've slowed down alot on my posting since though, but that was due to folk commenting that i posted too much.. so i took that right to heart and i just post now n again now.

It does help in the early days of your quit though.

Posting too much? Eh?

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Sorry previous post got posted too early, office was busy.

In my first 3 months posted alot to help others out and it helped me on my quit too, sometimes by giving advice you follow your own too.

I've slowed down alot on my posting since though, but that was due to folk commenting that i posted too much.. so i took that right to heart and i just post now n again now.

It does help in the early days of your quit though.

Does it really matter what others thought Jase, if you needed to post to keep quit, why concern yoruself with their opinion.

As long as your posts were constructive and not destructive - can't see the harm.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Probably was just bad timing, i was on that part of my quit MAH where i have to be honest, i was doing great.. no blips, still confident with my quit... but i was feeling quite down. I later realised i was going through a bout of depression. so reading what i read that day from one of the longer term quitters it made me feel REALLY down.. to the point i just decided to cut down on my posts.

I dunno, if he hadn't made that post that day in that manner, i'd still be posting alot now, i know its silly, but that post he made really upset me and i think he meant it too aswell.. sadly.

Thats NOT to say that posting to help others doesn't help your own quit though because up to that point.. it did.. a heck of alot. I recommend it to anyone. You see your own advice later on and it helps you too.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Sorry previous post got posted too early, office was busy.

In my first 3 months posted alot to help others out and it helped me on my quit too, sometimes by giving advice you follow your own too.

I've slowed down alot on my posting since though, but that was due to folk commenting that i posted too much.. so i took that right to heart and i just post now n again now.

It does help in the early days of your quit though.

Jase the advise and help you give keep on posting Mate hope you run into millions :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Not sure if this is the best place to put this discussion.

I wanted to put forward the idea that by helping others with their quit it also helps to re-enforce your own. Just posting helps to consolidate your own feelings and beliefs.

What do you think?

Hi Mah

I think if we all posted our experiences in certain months to help people i think its a great idea after all each and everyone one of us in here be it first day or 365th day. We all have one common goal and that is to quit this awful addiction, and if one person makes one comment to help another person well thats all good isn't it ? i know it makes me feel good to help somone through a tricky period as other people have help me on here in my early quit days

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Jase, there is NO SUCH thing as posting too much help or advice to others...

You and Marg, who always tries to welcome everyone, are really helpful and I'm sure 99.9% of people on the forum appreciate you posts.

I try and post one post of help (if i can help?) to someone else for every four i do on a unrelated "fun" thread about summat else . But probably i should do more, do whatever feels right for you.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Probably was just bad timing, i was on that part of my quit MAH where i have to be honest, i was doing great.. no blips, still confident with my quit... but i was feeling quite down. I later realised i was going through a bout of depression. so reading what i read that day from one of the longer term quitters it made me feel REALLY down.. to the point i just decided to cut down on my posts.

I dunno, if he hadn't made that post that day in that manner, i'd still be posting alot now, i know its silly, but that post he made really upset me and i think he meant it too aswell.. sadly.

Thats NOT to say that posting to help others doesn't help your own quit though because up to that point.. it did.. a heck of alot. I recommend it to anyone. You see your own advice later on and it helps you too.

Long term quitters hey Jase ...end of the day we all will be you keep posting mate ... see the TV cameras have gone now so you probably wont see him again now anyway !!

nsd_user663_4991 profile image


Hi Mah , I think positive posting helps in lots of ways.

It hopefully reassures the thread starter looking for support, it also helps the "author" in response to search for his / her inner feelings which "may" be no longer be in the forefront of the mind once they have been stopped for any significant length of time.

Sorry to hear that Jase has had any negative comments for posting too much as I am sure that the more positive comments in here ....the merrier.

Ignore him Jase and keep the posts coming :p

Quitting cigarettes is very hard and I value the positivity and support from all members that this forum has offered me

Good luck to US all .WE can do it !:D


now in month 8 :)....quit 28th april 09

3 months patches

4 months C.T

nsd_user663_2658 profile image

I agree. I think that's what it is all about. Also, you can't get away with excuses or negative thinking (both which will lead you back to the dark side of life with the evil weed) because someone will always call you on it! You can't kid a kidder; and you can't distract an ex-smoker with shiny objects b/c will all know all the tricks in the book! ;)

nsd_user663_5666 profile image

This forum is the sunshine that turns the mud into terra cotta. This forum is the well that quinces my thirst. This forum is the duct tape that keeps my quit held together. I am a battery that stays charged by drawing from the positive energy of this forum. Without this outlet I am a smoker.

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Without this forum I know I would have given in by now. Its been a tremendous help to me, I do know that sometimes I have posted really depressed or angry posts, but realise thats part of the nicotine quit.

I dont have the quick wit and lovely humour of some of you ( very envious), propably because I have had such an "annus horribilis " year.

But a big thank you forum and all who post.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Trying to help others certainly helped me through especially early one in my quit

Now I try and help others because I enjoy and like to feel useful

Marg - You have no idea how many people you have helped including me xx

I have posted everyday since I joined in October, and I have found friends on here, I think I've helped newbie's and I've been helped by so many of the longer quitters and frankly if I decided I wanted to post something every 42 minutes day and night I would!!:p As far as I know this board does not have a leader (mods yes, dictator no!). However we all must remember we have quit smoking so frankly we can all be tetchy at some stage (obviously except me as I'm perfect:D)

It's great to do the whole constructive positive thing, however sometimes posters need the truth (ie - is quitting hard, you bloody bet it is!!).

What I would love is someone over in the 12 month bracket to tell us warts and all about their quit. At two months down the road I had no idea my teeth were going to be agony and I was going to start suffering from depression, however I wish I knew from the beginning as I would have been prepared.

Mah - good post xx

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Marg - You have no idea how many people you have helped including me xx

I have posted everyday since I joined in October, and I have found friends on here, I think I've helped newbie's and I've been helped by so many of the longer quitters and frankly if I decided I wanted to post something every 42 minutes day and night I would!!:p As far as I know this board does not have a leader (mods yes, dictator no!). However we all must remember we have quit smoking so frankly we can all be tetchy at some stage (obviously except me as I'm perfect:D)

It's great to do the whole constructive positive thing, however sometimes posters need the truth (ie - is quitting hard, you bloody bet it is!!).

What I would love is someone over in the 12 month bracket to tell us warts and all about their quit. At two months down the road I had no idea my teeth were going to be agony and I was going to start suffering from depression, however I wish I knew from the beginning as I would have been prepared.

Mah - good post xx

Hi Christine and cheers for the shout

Think the reason why I wouldn't say to anyone about all the s*ite that can happen when you quit because I hope their quit is easier. There was a lobby when I first joined and we now have a place to put info, like depression and quitzits, quitulence etc etc.

Some people have been really buoyant in their quits, one particular chap to the point of rudeness, he was filled with energy and basically called a spade a spade. Holding a mirror up to someones face is not always the best way to help them and tough love can just create a *nasty child* everybody gets the chance to post, hopefully gets more than one reply and can take all the infop offered and select what fits them.

Have read that this will take a year, a grieving process, determined not to be blue all the time and regardless of how down my posts can be at the moment, I'm not blue all the time, perhaps I only post when I'm down. This for me ( I hope and am determined) is my final quit, I ain't doing this again. I still have a little note on my pc about never taking another puff. Will see if I can dig it out.


nsd_user663_6596 profile image

This forum is the sunshine that turns the mud into terra cotta. This forum is the well that quinces my thirst. This forum is the duct tape that keeps my quit held together. I am a battery that stays charged by drawing from the positive energy of this forum. Without this outlet I am a smoker.

Couldn't have poeticised it any better Stumps...... how apt and beautifully put.... i feel most similar! :D

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

I'd like to say that i find this whole website marvellous.. i've done better this time than on previous quits as i've felt supported and not alone, its brilliant to be able to read others success's and even the rants too, so identifiable with!!! ranty ranty rar rar etc :D

I enjoy helping other people and it helps me too, if i can say yay blummin well done to someone who is on the first week... or even congratulations for those who far preceed me then it has a feel good factor.... It also inspires me to remember where i have been, and gain sharper visualisation of where i will be in the future.

When i have bad days i am on here far often and could maybe be accused of a serial poster.... but what the hell if it helps?

The people who have helped me, supported me, laughed at my rants and generally made me feel like i'm not going totally insane with this tough struggle... then i thank you and salute you!

Far be it from me to waffle on..... lalalalalaa


nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Marg - You have no idea how many people you have helped including me xx

I have posted everyday since I joined in October, and I have found friends on here, I think I've helped newbie's and I've been helped by so many of the longer quitters and frankly if I decided I wanted to post something every 42 minutes day and night I would!!:p As far as I know this board does not have a leader (mods yes, dictator no!). However we all must remember we have quit smoking so frankly we can all be tetchy at some stage (obviously except me as I'm perfect:D)

It's great to do the whole constructive positive thing, however sometimes posters need the truth (ie - is quitting hard, you bloody bet it is!!).

What I would love is someone over in the 12 month bracket to tell us warts and all about their quit. At two months down the road I had no idea my teeth were going to be agony and I was going to start suffering from depression, however I wish I knew from the beginning as I would have been prepared.

Mah - good post xx

I in general agree with most of what you have said and it would help to have a good idea what may happen, but is all experiences the same?

If I can explain myself further, although as a male I have never given birth I have heard the many stories about childbirth and have never heard two the same. Some are horror stories and some are "oh well it was nothing" As a driving Instructor I can say the same about driving tests, there's never two the same. I don't believe for one second giving up the fags is easy but I would hate to think that if someone who has reached the stage of "penthouse" who has had a horrific time doing so would pass this on and make others frightened to try. But you are correct it would help to know for us beginners what may lie ahead, that is exactly the reason I joined this form last night.

As far as someone doing too many posts I think you better chuck me off now. I have already posted I think 17 times since joining, why? because it has helped through another day and night. And for that guys I am very gratefull, yes I have already found friends on here. I intend to keep posting as long as I feel it is helping me and helping others to quit this horrible stinking habit and addiction.

OK, I've had a rant and now I feel great again.


nsd_user663_6570 profile image

well said Jack xxx:):)

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