Fell back into the nicotine trap: had over a... - No Smoking Day

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Fell back into the nicotine trap

nsd_user663_4453 profile image
15 Replies

had over a 100 days quit and fell back to smoking i brought a pack of richmond mentol on wednesday..ive had 3 on wednesday, 2 on thursday, 2 on friday and 2 today....now have one cigarette left which im going to have tomorrow.....and hopefully quit on the 1st of december...i say hopefully because the other side of me wants to quit the 1st of january.:eek:

i know ive been very silly and started again i think because lately ive been feeling very lost....I felt like no matter what i was doing that i had that something missing feeling, and very restless.

Also being out of work is not helping, and the winter blues are a part to blame also. I do blame myself too.

What worrys me is quiting now and then start smoking at christmas or new years when ive had a drink...I dont know if my mind is in the right state of mind.....I know there is always some excuse to put off quiting smoking.

Just dont want to waste another attempt that is bound for failure.

Because my mind at the moment seems convinced that i should quit january and that i will smoke over christmas.

lee x

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nsd_user663_4453 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Oh bad luck :( 100 days+ and going so darn well too.

But have a really, REALLY good think now about whether you really should not get right back on the quit horse and go at this again.

What would you rather be quitting ? 10 cigarettes? or a whole month of smoking them?

I think it will be much harder to quit after a month (especially christmas month), than if you put that bit between your teeth now and got on with this instead?

Bottom line though? you have to be comfortable and ready for it. No pain, no gain n all that.

nsd_user663_6570 profile image

aww ace

sorry for you... its so hard I know

as I planned my quit I didnt give christmas a thought, then someone at work said with christmas round the corner is that a good idea.... I almost decided to wait, then thought there is never a good time. so here I am day end of 4. finding it so hard

sounds like ur in a very bad place at moment... bloody cigs are evil..... be strong..... i am really struggling.

what ever you decide goood luck xx


nsd_user663_4847 profile image

had over a 100 days quit and fell back to smoking i brought a pack of richmond mentol on wednesday..ive had 3 on wednesday, 2 on thursday, 2 on friday and 2 today....now have one cigarette left which im going to have tomorrow.....and hopefully quit on the 1st of december...i say hopefully because the other side of me wants to quit the 1st of january.:eek:

i know ive been very silly and started again i think because lately ive been feeling very lost....I felt like no matter what i was doing that i had that something missing feeling, and very restless.

Also being out of work is not helping, and the winter blues are a part to blame also. I do blame myself too.

What worrys me is quiting now and then start smoking at christmas or new years when ive had a drink...I dont know if my mind is in the right state of mind.....I know there is always some excuse to put off quiting smoking.

Just dont want to waste another attempt that is bound for failure.

Because my mind at the moment seems convinced that i should quit january and that i will smoke over christmas.

lee x

Really feeling for you Lee, throw that fag out though.

Feeling down and being short of cash, is not going to be helped by smoking, your gonna be poorer and stressed trying to eak the fags out and trying to find the money.

How about compiling a list of all the things you get to do for free and having a go at them?

You know you can do it you already have.

Been feeling lost in the last 6 mths too, had a really shit last few days, glad I haven't smoked though, that really would be a 2 fingered salute to myself. You barely smoked, so just don't have that last one. In fact if you consider how many times you're prompted to have a fag you've probably given in less than 10% of the time which means you're doing that horrid cutting down thing.


nsd_user663_5666 profile image

Get back on the damn horse

It's OK. A lapse is not the end of the world. It is not that big of a deal. But you really need to get right back on that horse. That demon came out of the walls and blindsided you. If you start back at day one you will be in a familiar place with a battle that you KNOW how to fight. You feed that demon until he is 800 pounds and you will have a time of it. I hope you choose to fight.

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Smoke that last Cigg right now, get it out of the way and get back on the quit man. Puttin it off will just give ya more reasons to continue. If you want to quit stop right now and leave them behind. Don't make me post the Junkie reasons thingie.:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

had over a 100 days quit and fell back to smoking i brought a pack of richmond mentol on wednesday..ive had 3 on wednesday, 2 on thursday, 2 on friday and 2 today....now have one cigarette left which im going to have tomorrow.....and hopefully quit on the 1st of december...i say hopefully because the other side of me wants to quit the 1st of january.:eek:

i know ive been very silly and started again i think because lately ive been feeling very lost....I felt like no matter what i was doing that i had that something missing feeling, and very restless.

Also being out of work is not helping, and the winter blues are a part to blame also. I do blame myself too.

What worrys me is quiting now and then start smoking at christmas or new years when ive had a drink...I dont know if my mind is in the right state of mind.....I know there is always some excuse to put off quiting smoking.

Just dont want to waste another attempt that is bound for failure.

Because my mind at the moment seems convinced that i should quit january and that i will smoke over christmas.

lee x

Hi Lee :)

I'm so sorry to hear this news from you that you've fell off that bloody horse after 100+ days

Only you can decide whether to start again now or after the New year though I personally think it would be better sooner rather than later before you get too much Nicotine back in your system

There is never the right time to stop as you know and also you know that in part this is the Nico :eek: Demon talking having got you to give him his fix he now wants you to keep right on doing just that and the longer you do it for the harder it will be for you to stop again

You know how to get the mindset right Read, Read and then Read some more and keep posting, let us help you as we all will Promise


Marg xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Ace

I hope you find the way back that is right for you really quickly.

Thanks for posting though as it shows how we need to keep our guard up all the time....even after 100 days we are not immune.

Don't beat yourself up...


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Lee, really sorry to hear this news. As all the others have said there is really only you who can decided when to quit. You know there is no "good" time to stop, so make your decision and stick to it.

Know we are all here to help and support all we can, I am sure you can do this. Let us know what you decide and post often.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Jump back on the happy horse!

Hey there,

Just read your post, thats unfortunate after all your non smoking, buuuut... its not the end of the world.... just jump back on the non smoking horse before he bolts and leaves you enslaved again to the Nico-demon.

The horse is far smaller today to leap up onto than it will be next week....

Good Luck, dont give up on giving up... i'm sooo rooting for you!!!! :)

jackieinv profile image

What a shame 100 days was a great achievement. Only thing I can add is maybe come on here more often and read and post, both for yourself and using your knowledge to help others.

Wishing you success.


nsd_user663_4844 profile image

Just keep on quitting!

As someone who is on her 7th quit I feel your pain. But you know if you keep quitting it really will eventually stick....you just can never give up on quitting. Each time brings you closer to the day you just walk away from it.....you learn more with every quit and become better with coping every time you try!

It is true there really is no good time to quit. This darn addiction will try to keep it's hooks in you anyway it can. It affects our way of thinking and keeps telling you it just isn't the "right" time to quit. Problem is...it never is the "right" time to quit. You will learn to recognize when it is you talking to yourself versus when it is the addiction speaking in your voice!

You can do it...you will do it! Keep up the good work!!


nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Aww Lee, yeah I know, know , know how it goes.

I know the "but i want to smoke over xmas/holiday/festival/party thing" and started properly 40 a day again before I went to Glasto this year for a week just because I knew I would be at the cider bus, and I couldn't imagine doing that without a cig, or being at a festy and enjoying myself without one. This is really mad, if they were as enjoyable as we think that they are, we would've been so darn happy as smokers, as a 40 a day girl, I should have beeen in ecstasy most of the day! Instead I was miserable, chronically addicted, and I suffered periods of depression from my late teens, I wonder how much now smoking contributed to that.

The drink thing (plus stress ) has been the last of the nicodemons attempts to drag me down and suck me back. Plus I totally get ya about the i'll just buy a pack, and that's all i will have, but then you are readdicted again. i've quit the whole smoke one thing as i was stuck in it going around and around. I won't ever have one again(it took me along time to believe that when i said it) because i can never have one again, if i do, i'll be smoking again cos i'm a smoking addict.

You can smoke over christmas if you want to, it's your choice, but you'll be straight back to whatever your previous intake was within a few days. Plus Xmas is still a month away, so you'll have to spend xmas money on fags, and then after xmas and new year you'll have to go through that hard part again of giving up a months worth of them, and your brain will be thinking of another reason of why it isn't the right time. Don't think i'm being harsh with you, I'm talking to myself here, you have an addiction and you can continue taking the drugs or you can stop, there is no between.

PS I spent much of the whole week of smoking thinking this is really not that good , why am i doing it? and looking forward to giving it up again...

You can do it, keep trying , it took a while (ok, a year) for it to fall into place for me. If you don't keep trying you will be a smoker forever and I don't think you want to be?

nsd_user663_4453 profile image

Day 1

Thanks everyone for your advice. Ive desided to quit today and get back on my horse. It would be harder if i waited till january if i fed the nicotine demons for a month plus what a waste of money. So here i go again hoping this is the quit. :D

How is everyone today?

lee x x

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Oh well done Lee. I'm so pleased that you've jumped straight back on that there horse - not an easy decision but a good one. You're inspiring :)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

had over a 100 days quit and fell back to smoking i brought a pack of richmond mentol on wednesday..ive had 3 on wednesday, 2 on thursday, 2 on friday and 2 today....now have one cigarette left which im going to have tomorrow.....and hopefully quit on the 1st of december...i say hopefully because the other side of me wants to quit the 1st of january.:eek:

i know ive been very silly and started again i think because lately ive been feeling very lost....I felt like no matter what i was doing that i had that something missing feeling, and very restless.

Also being out of work is not helping, and the winter blues are a part to blame also. I do blame myself too.

What worrys me is quiting now and then start smoking at christmas or new years when ive had a drink...I dont know if my mind is in the right state of mind.....I know there is always some excuse to put off quiting smoking.

Just dont want to waste another attempt that is bound for failure.

Because my mind at the moment seems convinced that i should quit january and that i will smoke over christmas.

lee x

Lee Keeping your place in the August Cigarette Escapers , that last fag you have go and throw it away come on mate we are in month 5 on Thursday, 4 Done

Strike whilst the iron is hot mate January is a long long way away throwing that cig away is an early Christmas present. :)

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