like losing a loved one: i miss my fags like... - No Smoking Day

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like losing a loved one

nsd_user663_6704 profile image
9 Replies

i miss my fags like someone has broken my heart! i take a trip down memory lane everyday - remembering when me and my fag had a cup of tea. when me and my fag had a glass of wine and when me and my fag were dying for a break at work... its bloudy awful!

its been 2 months (cold turkey) helps that my partner stopped to0 and we have a grand saving of £130 per week - phheewww i can say it now - yip £130 per week!

i'd say i'm now around a stone heavier and have serious mirror issues (cant stand to see my dimples) who cares though - i've just added ten years onto my life and have never fancied my lipstick seeping into the creases on my lip - yukk!

The funny thing with fags is when you're smoking them and want to quit, you see it as one of the biggest achievements of your life. however once you've quit, its not that big! - hard to explain!

i'm not giving into it this time. why should i be tricked into spending all that cash on something that the tobacco lords have injected major chemicals into, in order to get me hooked? i don't bloudy well think so. i am bigger and better than that!

The past 2 months have been seriously difficult and tested our relationship to the limit. The rage in me even frightens me. i've felt confused, sad, upset, lonely, angry you name it - i've felt it! there are good days and bad days but you've just got to remember that you're addicted to the chemicals in the fags not the fags!

if i smoke one cigarette, i'll never quit again! thats what's keeping me going. i couldnt go through this horrible sense of loss and confusion again - so the only way is forward!

Everytime you pass a smoker in the street who is in mid coughing fit - think about that be you but your 65 or 70years old and rattling! yukk a doodle doo! no thanks

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nsd_user663_6704 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_6684 profile image

very true

totally agree with you about the loss of a loved one. I think we lament the loss of a way of life that has consumed most of us for many years. Anyway like any loss, time will dampen the hurt, maybe not totally but enough to get on with the rest of your life Smoke Free! Keep it up, you are doing the right thing, and its normal to feel this way!:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Leniglas :)

That's a great post that will help a lot of new quitters

All the things you're finding and feeling are normal Promise and most of us get them at some point in our quits

But it does get better and easier Promise

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here

are 2 I found very good to start you off and

Read,read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_6704 profile image


i miss my fags like someone has broken my heart! i take a trip down memory lane everyday - remembering when me and my fag had a cup of tea. when me and my fag had a glass of wine and when me and my fag were dying for a break at work... its bloudy awful!

its been 2 months (cold turkey) helps that my partner stopped to0 and we have a grand saving of £130 per week - phheewww i can say it now - yip £130 per week!

i'd say i'm now around a stone heavier and have serious mirror issues (cant stand to see my dimples) who cares though - i've just added ten years onto my life and have never fancied my lipstick seeping into the creases on my lip - yukk!

The funny thing with fags is when you're smoking them and want to quit, you see it as one of the biggest achievements of your life. however once you've quit, its not that big! - hard to explain!

i'm not giving into it this time. why should i be tricked into spending all that cash on something that the tobacco lords have injected major chemicals into, in order to get me hooked? i don't bloudy well think so. i am bigger and better than that!

thanks - suppose its just another way of looking at it but hope it helps someone!

The past 2 months have been seriously difficult and tested our relationship to the limit. The rage in me even frightens me. i've felt confused, sad, upset, lonely, angry you name it - i've felt it! there are good days and bad days but you've just got to remember that you're addicted to the chemicals in the fags not the fags!

if i smoke one cigarette, i'll never quit again! thats what's keeping me going. i couldnt go through this horrible sense of loss and confusion again - so the only way is forward!

Everytime you pass a smoker in the street who is in mid coughing fit - think about that be you but your 65 or 70years old and rattling! yukk a doodle doo! no thanks

thanks - just another way of looking at it - i hope it helps someone

nsd_user663_6704 profile image

Hi Leniglas :)

That's a great post that will help a lot of new quitters

All the things you're finding and feeling are normal Promise and most of us get them at some point in our quits

But it does get better and easier Promise

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members



thanks a lot for the support

nsd_user663_6704 profile image

Brilliant Post :)

So many people will be able to relate to what you have just put into words - OMG aint that the truth.

You have done so well quitting with your partner and i hope you keep moving forward and are very proud of your journey.

Just keep practicing being a non smoker every day now until it is a normal way of life for you both.

I never thought that day would come for me but it has and is such a good feeling :)

You got a few more waves to ride yet so hang in there and celebrate the good days to see you through the bad ones xx

Again, you have said what many folk can't put into words which will help many quitters that follow you stay strong. No pressure ;):rolleyes:

Congratulations on your Journey to Freedom so far

Chrissie x

thanks a lot here's hoping my playing games with my own mind gets me through it

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

I'm 3 months in and that post hit the nail right on the head for me. Just like losing a lover or a big part of your life. Just like that lover though, you have to move on or accept being ABUSED!!!:eek: NOT GONNA DO THAT!!!!!!

nsd_user663_6570 profile image


wonderful words and how i feel.. what more can I say... I am at end of day 4, bed soon, feeling crap

keep up the good work


nsd_user663_6704 profile image

I'm 3 months in and that post hit the nail right on the head for me. Just like losing a lover or a big part of your life. Just like that lover though, you have to move on or accept being ABUSED!!!:eek: NOT GONNA DO THAT!!!!!!

thanks hope you're hanging in there! the fridge is my best pal for now

nsd_user663_6704 profile image


wonderful words and how i feel.. what more can I say... I am at end of day 4, bed soon, feeling crap

keep up the good work


you still feeling crap? i hope it changes soon for you! god i'm at month 2 and think im insane... weird

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