If I Can, You Can: If I can, You can. I... - No Smoking Day

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If I Can, You Can

nsd_user663_5666 profile image
8 Replies

If I can, You can.

I have come to lean on this forum a great deal. Sometimes I feel that I might be overwhelming the others but I reckon they know that the rants are helping me to keep from lighting up.

So many posts end with the statement "If I can, You can." If you just read the words it sounds like "How you doing?", "Take care.", "Have a nice day." But hell no! Those 5 words mean something by each and every person who writes them.

These people have accomplished something that they themselves did not think was possible. A great many smokers need more than one quit. I once heard a famous musician say "You blow the first million." The first time you quit it is like; Damn, that wasn't sooo bad. I can do that again (all together now) any time I want.

This addiction thing is beyond description. It is not a sane act to put on a pullover, a sweater, and a coat to step out into a snow storm so you can have a smoke. Why did we do that? Are we going to do that again?

The people that use those five words have come from there. They woke up and lit up as soon as possible. After meals we took off to the smoking area. Do I need a raincoat? It goes on and on.

In my own personal case the insanity baffles even me. I had a heart attack at 35. Did that stop me? My wife actually threw up when I lit up when she was pregnant. Did that stop me? My son has a form of asthma. Did that stop me? It goes on.

I finally saw the light. I finally had the resolve. I finally quit. And damn it, it was hard. I do not intend to go through this again.


The next time you see these 5 little words remember there is a story behind them

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nsd_user663_5666 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_4754 profile image

great post stumpsounder. heart attatck at 35 eh? mate that's incredible. youve done brilliantly. we all have. I never believed I was capable of it either. its changing my life. long may it continue for us all :D

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

That was great- really good post, and has given me a bit more resolve. Thanks, and......................................................



nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Yeah, good post.....if I have, you will too ;)

I think that it's great there are a fair few first time quitters that have passed/are passing through this forum who have retained their quits. It just goes towards strengthening the education, education, education and read, read, read mindset extolled here, as well as being a member of a vibrant supportive forum ;)

Hopefully there will be a great reduction in the numbers referred to in the bold section.

These people have accomplished something that they themselves did not think was possible. A great many smokers need more than one quit I once heard a famous musician say "You blow the first million." The first time you quit it is like; Damn, that wasn't sooo bad. I can do that again (all together now) any time I want.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stumpsounder

What a great post this is I myself have written those words on here many times for the simple reason that I believe them to be true

I smoked for over 50 [yes 50] years starting at 15 in the days when smoking was the norm and if you didn't smoke you were looked down on as people who smoke tend to be these days

We were actively encouraged to smoke then we were told it was good for us, it would help us with everyday life the list was as endless as the one they give now as reasons not to smoke

Over the years I tried many times to quit but couldn't I lost my Father, my Sister and my late Husband to smoking related diseases but did this stop me No way I carried right on smoking until last year what a waste of time and money that was eh

I agree with every word you have written here as you say it is not sane to do the things we have all done to feed this addiction we all have and yet we carry on doing it until in our own good time we decide

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and decide to quit and then the fight starts for freedom from it and we all know how hard and painful that can be

I do believe though that IF I CAN QUIT ANYONE CAN You just have to want it enough FOR YOU and no other reason

Not for any other reason can most of us do it, not for loved ones, money or any other reason it has to be because YOUwant it


Marg xxx

nsd_user663_6550 profile image

That was an EXCELLENT post, Stumpsounder!! Posts like these is why I'm extremely happy I joined this forum.....I really needed to hear that....I'm on my 9th day of not smoking...Your post really helped me today...Thanks!!

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Stumpsounder, that was a terrific post, thank you.

I am in my third week grrrrrrrr been having a real battle every day all day and I am exhausted with it, but its this forum that has also kept me going. When I get up in he morning I use to have a coffee and a cigarette, now I have a coffee and rev up the computer to go on line to this forum. Last thing at night when I use to have my last cig I am on here checking in and making sure my fellow buddies are all ok.

Well done for that posting you are so right.


nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Stumpsounder, good post and thanks.

It's my first attempt. I've stopped before but knew I'd pick it up again (how daft was that????). Both times I was pregnant I stopped and only picked it up again once I'd stopped feeding.... I never even missed. But I don't count those and failed quits......... I stopped for a duration and then started again :confused: Seems rather weak and somewhat silly now:rolleyes:

I didn't want to stop smoking this time round.... I did because it gives some dental treatment I'm undergoing a better chance of succeeding.... and if I can stop for the two months required, then I'll carry on because it now makes sense to. And I will carry on stopping.

See your from NC - got a friend from there (well, Richmond VA originally) but moved to NC last year. She visited with me last summer and loved the UK.... she was totally blown by standing in an old church which was 1,400 yrs old and proper cheese and fresh bread and fish..... loads of food stuff actually.

All the best


nsd_user663_6090 profile image

brilliant posts stumpsounder and marg ive got to say that Marg is my inspiration...if she can i can Thanks Marg and all

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