yeah Day 3 1/2: I stopped 3.30 in the... - No Smoking Day

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yeah Day 3 1/2

nsd_user663_6496 profile image
7 Replies

I stopped 3.30 in the afternoon. I have been putting off stopping (again) for months and months. I was looking after my mum for a couple of days (who thinks i stayed stopped years ago) so this forced my start day. It was easy, why had I been delaying it? Now the hard bit. My husband is a smoker. Im not to use that as my excuse to relapse. Had cravings when he came home. Found a nice long hot shower helped the cravings vanish. New day new battle.

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nsd_user663_6496 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Smoky :D

Well done now on day 4 that's great

Sorry you had the craves when your smoking OH came home but glad the shower helped with that

Drinking water for some reason daft as it sounds also helps a lot just hang in there


Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Hi welcome and well done for stopping the cigarettes.

Quite a few of us have smoking husbands/partners, I do too. He never smokes where I am and he goes outside but I still know he is doing it, we can smell them, urgh. Onwards for you all the way to the top.


nsd_user663_5666 profile image

I was not aware that I smelled like an ashtray after I had a smoke until I quit smoking and could smell the way other people smelled after smoking. The smell of tobacco on others is a powerful trigger. So many mention that drinking water helps it has too. Hang in there. We are rooting for you.

nsd_user663_6496 profile image

Thanks for the water tip. :)

nsd_user663_3755 profile image

I stopped 3.30 in the afternoon. I have been putting off stopping (again) for months and months. I was looking after my mum for a couple of days (who thinks i stayed stopped years ago) so this forced my start day. It was easy, why had I been delaying it? Now the hard bit. My husband is a smoker. Im not to use that as my excuse to relapse. Had cravings when he came home. Found a nice long hot shower helped the cravings vanish. New day new battle.

My husband smokes too- it is hard! But, it's do-able. I used long bubble baths, facials, anything pampering, to get past cravings. Whatever works, do it!

My husband has no intention of quitting, and is a bit scornful of my quit attempt(s!) but I have to be stronger than him and get on with it. And, you know what? It's ok! Best of luck to you, am sure you'll do fab! :)

nsd_user663_6172 profile image

I'm the same, Ialways take a bubble bath in the evenings and that really helps relax me and keep the thoughts of smoking away from me:)

nsd_user663_5629 profile image

My husband is a smoker.

My husband is a smoker too. I think we can still do it but maybe it is slightly harder as we are near temptation all the time. We just have to get on with it I suppose.

I walk away if I get too tight when he smokes.

Maybe there's a group for quitters whose otherhalves still smoke!!!:)

Best of luck to you all!


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