Yip, yet another 2 years...: Thought I’d pop... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Yip, yet another 2 years...

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free
20 Replies

Thought I’d pop in and wave my hands about in the time honoured, “whoopee it’s been two years” fashion..

Crucifixion, it’s a doddle… naawww, actually quitting the fags, it’s a doddle.. yip.!

The only thing you need is determination and faith in yourself.

Firstly, understand why you do smoke then educate yourself not to.

Do not blame nicotine, stress, family, friends, pubs, or Philip Morris.

There is nothing that can be bought, prescribed, stolen, borrowed or invented that can make you quit unless you want to quit.

If you think it helps then feel free to cover yourself in patches and potions and help Mr Glaxo-Smithkline-Pfizer buy an incredibly large yacht but similarly don’t feel you have to.

Find whatever flicks that cigarette switch in your head to ‘off’ and you’re laughing.


For up to a year you can persuade your partner to let you spend the “money you’ve saved by not smoking” on silly toys and electric guitars.

After a year that ploy doesn’t work.

The old “I haven’t smoked for 43 years then, can I have a Lamborghini..?” starts to be mentioned…

Heed my advice. :)

Written by
austinlegro profile image
11 Years Smoke Free
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Austin :D :D


On 2 whole years quit

I remember reading your posts when I first got here just a year ago amd it seemed an impossible target to me at that time

Thanks for all the help and advice you gave me as a newbie here


Marg xx

nsd_user663_6208 profile image

Inspirational, thanks. :)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image







Well done ;) :D

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Wow, nothing more to be said really!

jackieinv profile image

Congratulations, I remember you when I first came here, I enjoyed reading the posts around a year and more because it convinced me it could be done and felt good. Thank you for being there for me.


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Congrat's Austin.

Not bad for a man with a square wheel, eh?

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

well done, I too read lots of your posts when I joined and found them very inspirational! Thank you and look forward to future occasional postings!

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Great advice Austin, *nods* thanks

Huge congratulations to you:cool:

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Find whatever flicks that cigarette switch in your head to ‘off’ and you’re laughing.

I did and i'm still laughing ;)

Congrats on 2 years, a huge achievement as quits go, something for even our 1 year folk to aspire to :)

nicely done :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Hi mate lovely to hear from you miss you loads. Big congrats for your two years. See you at the three year mark. Up the welsh Lol.xxxxx

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Huge congratulations "Quit Buddy";)

The 2 years has flown by, I can still clearly remember our initial encounters on this board;)

Heres to the next smoke free year

I'm off to cover myself in Cream buns:p

PrudencePotts profile image

Just like old times! I've passed the two year mark now and Tomatpots is about to.

Is Dubbs still around?

See you next year;)


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Pru :D

Yep Dubbs is still around he posted me yesterday


Marg xxx

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

No disrespect to any of the recent quitters or those thinking of doing it but it’s pretty special to see so many 2+ years quitters peeking around the doorway to say hello.

We’re not better, cleverer or any more special, we’re just a little bit further ahead that’s all.

I know now for sure and I thought it at the time (but didn’t quite have the confidence to publicly shout it too loudly) that this quit was going to be my last simply because all the rubbish surrounding smoking just clicked into place for me and I pretty much had no choice but to stop.

When I stopped I looked initially at the official NHS advice on “10 easy ways for a successful quit”:

1. Set a quit date. Not too soon mind. Make it far enough away to seem like you’ve done something then start stressing as it approaches and then push it back a week or two. Try to set a date when you’ll be really happy and relaxed.

2. Assess your smoking habit. Will you be needing a few nicotine patches or a bargain bumper tub. Can you get some off EBay or a friend? Those inhalators look brilliant, how much are they?

3. On your quit day throw away everything that reminds you of smoking. Clean and deodorize the house, the car and any pets from top to bottom. Smoking is now history. Try to keep busy and don’t think about smoking. Cleaning the house is good it’ll take your mind off things. If you can’t clean the house because you work full time throw yourself into your work with a passion. Your boss will appreciate it. Don’t think about smoking any more.

4. Tell the world that you’ve stopped and ask them for their undying support. Post widely and wildly on as many internet forums as you can. Make sure there’s press coverage of your one and only attempt to quit smoking. If you can make it into the local paper all the better. If everyone knows you’ve quit you can’t possibly start again.

5. Stock up on nicotine patches or gum or inhalators regardless because you’re going to need them, loads of them. Steal them from ASDA if necessary.

6. You may experience cravings for cigarettes once you’ve stopped. They may be surprisingly intense and last for many hours. You may feel ill and positively sick when you have them. They may affect your work and your relationships. Ignore them. One day you’ll laugh about them.

7. Stop drinking and stop going to the pub. In fact stop going out as it will simply introduce you to other people enjoying tobacco and might persuade you to start smoking again. It is crucial that you don’t go on holiday. Most people who fail in their quits do so on a beach surrounded by sun and cheap booze.

8. Don’t eat more food as you’ll put on loads of weight. In fact, now you’re giving up something you really love and that you are going to miss terribly why not start that diet too and join that gym you’ve always fancied. In for a penny and all that.

9. Try to avoid speaking to others who’ve quit. Their method was probably some sort of pact with Satan and they had a much harder time than you’re going to have. Ignore anyone who said it was easy, they’re lying and still secretly smoking. You know it’s hard, we know it’s hard but together you can do it as long as you don’t try to ask for advice. Remember what the doctor said, “those things will kill you in the end you know..?”

10. Brace yourself, this is going to be awful. Really, really awful. Do you really know what you’re taking on here.???

Luckily I ignored it all. :D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

hehe i did laugh out loud in our office as i read them 10 tips :)...

thanks for this :)

Been finding your posts not only entertaining, but really inpiring too.

so thanks.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Luckily I ignored it all. :D

...and went straight to the midget gems ;)

Regards Mr Legro

Irony at it's best:

Veni, Vidi, Vici*


*latterly Philip Morris

nsd_user663_6064 profile image

Wow fantastic. Thank you for giving me hope in myself.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Congratulations on your 2 year milestone, Austinlegro! Good to see oldies lurking around :)

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Just like old times! I've passed the two year mark now and Tomatpots is about to.

Is Dubbs still around?

See you next year;)


Congrats Pru and Mr Potts

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Well done Austin - one of the good guys.

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