DAY 10. help: I'm on day 10 now and I have... - No Smoking Day

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DAY 10. help

nsd_user663_5695 profile image
13 Replies

I'm on day 10 now and I have cravings all day long. I feel like getting on my bike and buying a pack of cigs! it sucks:mad:

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nsd_user663_5695 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_5812 profile image

DONT DO IT..............Im on day 11 ...Day 11 is MUCH MUCH easier than Day 10....we both know it will pass.........hang in there !!!


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

You've been off fags for nearly 10 days you want to go through all that again?

Just stick with anything to take your mind off them...a brisk walk is a good way of getting cravings out of your system, and make you feel healthier :D

Good luck!

JJ xxx

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

No, it is just not allowed. Stop even thinking about it, I SAID STOP IT or I will get the Murph and she will make you stop:eek:

Ok, there is no way u want to do the first 10 days again, no way you want to be smelly again, no way you want to be killing yourself again, no way you want to be setting light to £5 notes again.

It will pass, I promise and you will feel better and stronger for getting through, head down and just get through it, keep posting, and keep reading (i know you can't do that with your head down)

nsd_user663_5695 profile image

Thanks, this helps.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

I'm on day 10 now and I have cravings all day long. I feel like getting on my bike and buying a pack of cigs! it sucks:mad:

You need chewing gum, a lolly, a carrot or to hell with it a Mars Bar!! NOW.

I must admit I am like that today, it is driving me crazy but we have all smoked for such a long time we knew this was not going to be easy. Besides if you had a fag you would smell and we would not talk to you:D

Deep breaths my love, hope your day gets better. Now where is my Mars Bar!!

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

You need chewing gum, a lolly, a carrot or to hell with it a Mars Bar!! NOW.

I must admit I am like that today, it is driving me crazy but we have all smoked for such a long time we knew this was not going to be easy. Besides if you had a fag you would smell and we would not talk to you:D

Deep breaths my love, hope your day gets better. Now where is my Mars Bar!!

Save me a bite Christine starving here :)

nsd_user663_5695 profile image


I just made myself some sandwiches and a big mug of black coffee:D

No cravings atm.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi It'stime2quit :)

Well done on day 10 and the double figure milestone tha'ts great

Sorry you're craving badly walking is a big help or anything else to take your mind of it

Drink water OK I know it sounds daft but it does help with the craves trust me on this I've been there and done that

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Save me a bite Christine starving here :)

Over my cold dead body mate!! No-one comes between my Mars Bar and me. :D (actually I've got a carrot!!SAD)

nsd_user663_5695 profile image

God this is getting harder.

I have a headache now and heavy cravings god I hate this:mad:

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Okay its time to quit, Ive been dragged over hear from playing with bradders in the back seat of his car to kick some sense into you.

Having a fag will not solve anything in fact you will spontaniously combust if you have one so dont.

Change your name to some thing easier to type please

nsd_user663_5598 profile image


Go and poke yourself in the eye with a sharp stick...cos that won't feel nearly as bad as you would if you lit up...and it will take your mind off the cravings!

Seriously though, take it an hour at a time you have a puzzle in the house? crossword book or anything that will take your mind off it? There's loads on tinternet you can games or read about anything that interests you!

I resorted to watching my old idol Scott Walker on youtube...sad I know but it didn't arf take me mind off fags! :D

Keep going

JJ xxx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

give in now and you will regret it in the morning!!!

day 10 is fantastic...well done and stay strong.

Lorna ;)

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