Week 2 and struggling: Im on day 12 and I'm... - No Smoking Day

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Week 2 and struggling

nsd_user663_5392 profile image
9 Replies

Im on day 12 and I'm finding this week really hard, much harder than last. I'm fed up, depressed, and impatient. This isn't me at all, and I don't like myself very much at the moment. I absolutely don't want a cigarette, but don't want to feel like this either :( Instead of feeling healthier, happier, and more free, I feel like I'm stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. I know that at the moment, the way I'm feeling is the lesser of two evils, but god it is so damn hard and quite unsettling. I feel like I'm going backwards a bit and turning into a basket case :eek:

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nsd_user663_5392 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_5255 profile image

I know what you mean, I felt exactly the same, week one wasnt as bad as I thought it would be but the next couple of weeks after were awful. You do come out the other end though and it does get better, which I know is easy for me to say, but you will. Yes you will have your bad days but you will think its because of the quit when in actual fact its probably cos your just having a bad day and moody.

You will get through it you just need to stay strong and come on here, you can shout rant and rave (just bring the music) as much as you like we dont mind we all have big shoulders AND most of us have been where you are now.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh dear I wish I had not read this, I thought day two was bad:(

Anyway can I just say you are both my heroes and look how far you have come:) You are an inspiration to me and you should be very proud.

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Christine - quitting affects different people different ways, you may find that you sale though it with no problems at all. My OH gave up at exactly the same time as me and he is breezing through it, some days he doesnt even have a patch on. You will be fine promise and if not the same advice goes.


nsd_user663_5392 profile image

Oh Christine, I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad, like younme posted, I would probably be a mardy cow anyway :D

Day 2 is a fantastic acheivement which you shouldn't underestimate and knowing there are going to be tough days ahead should be a positive. Forewarned and all that...............

Hark at me eh? I should listen to my own advice lol

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

never underestimate the power of repeated conscious choice

Thats a line from the tales from the quit and one I still on occasions repeat to myself.

Try and go with the flow. There will be days you will feel horrible, moments you will panic and think you'll never be able to cope another day without a smoke, but they go away. Take each day as it comes and try not to feel like its a burden. More that you are making a choice each day not to smoke and pat yourself on the back for doing that. Its bloody great. And it gets better!

nsd_user663_5392 profile image

Thank you all. I'm going to clean my house :confused: then take the dogs for a nice walk.

Christine, despite how I have felt, I haven't felt bad enough to have a cigarette. The only thing stopping me is myself. I think I have probably expected a bit too much too soon. I need to be a bit more positive. Anyone that gives up smoking is doing bloody marvellously, myself included. I don't want one, and don't ever want one, and I certainly don't need them. I'm back at work tomorrow and Friday and then it will be the weekend again and I'll be able to post in the week 3 forum. Happy days!!!!

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

I've got to agree with what Fiona says.

It is a choice you make to not smoke. At times it will feel easier to make that choice, at other times it will feel tougher. But keep making the right choice, choosing life and choosing not to smoke, and it will get easier and easier.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thank you all. I'm going to clean my house :confused: then take the dogs for a nice walk.

Christine, despite how I have felt, I haven't felt bad enough to have a cigarette. The only thing stopping me is myself. I think I have probably expected a bit too much too soon. I need to be a bit more positive. Anyone that gives up smoking is doing bloody marvellously, myself included. I don't want one, and don't ever want one, and I certainly don't need them. I'm back at work tomorrow and Friday and then it will be the weekend again and I'll be able to post in the week 3 forum. Happy days!!!!

I posted in jest really, I hope I did not upset you. The way I look at it is we have had our fun, we smoked ourselves silly and now it's time to stop. I am not putting myself through this just to start smoking again.

Hope your day improved and giving you a huge. I will meet you in the month 1 forum and I will buy you a wine or 3:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I'm not sure if this link is fully relevant here, but i do know it may help..


Whereever you are on your quit, however bad the day you are in may seem.. and no matter how difficult it is for you, it does get so much easier.. it will not always be like this, and you simply have to believe the folk who have trodden this path before you when they tell you things will improve and become much more manageable.

This forum is full of such people at varying stages of their quit, i'm at 3 months, others at much more.. even 1 year+.. we've all been there, you doubt yourself, you wonder if you'll cope.. the truth is.. yes you will. You just have to believe. The feeling of hope and wellbeing will be yours soon enough, you just have to not smoke, and get through these difficult days.

You will do it.


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