Day 26: ok have to say the last 48 hours have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 26

nsd_user663_4786 profile image
6 Replies

ok have to say the last 48 hours have been the worst of this (my final) quit, finding it really hard now, weird eh? maybe there is some other factor? don't know. do know however that i don't want to do the last 26 days again and i am so near to calender month without nicotine. maybe time of month? maybe time of year? maybe stress? maybe just too easy so far? i know in my head that although i feel shit if i have a fag i will just feel shit with a fag so no i will not give in but just need to vent and thank God i have you lot to vent to, my OH and kids THANK YOU. :eek:

right it is already tomorrow and i know and u know that lack of sleep will not help, so off to bed i go, and i know that tomorrow when i log on, someone like Bradders, or Murph, or Cav will have been on before me with something wise and clever and funny........

ok maybe not wise.......

or clever......

and not so funny, but they will be up before me:D

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nsd_user663_4786 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Stay strong, I've had a couple of bad days myself. I go from having a great day and thinking I've got this licked , no problem. Then comes the frustration at everyday things and then the anger. I think anger is my biggest problem , I keep think how far I've gotten ( Day 31 ) and can't imagine going through this again or giving up the satisfaction of making it this far. I've smoked since I was 13 ( yes 13, the age my son is now ) and am 42 now, I intend to see my son go to collage, meet a nice girl, get married and have children of his own. There are many good reasons to quit but only yours are good enough. Good luck and as we say in New Orleans.... Talk at ya Later


nsd_user663_4121 profile image


you've got the right attitude now and it will really get you through those tough days...... now that you've almost hit a month they will start to slowly fade....... craves will become weaker, and your ability to face them stronger. I expect soon you'll have that special day when you find things have become very easy. Great job so far...... really impressed ;)

Twiste.... you too, great job! Anger is something many will fade and things will get back into balance. I found exercise really helped out a lot......... Good luck!

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Bev For God sake pull yourself together girl, you sound like a namby pamby southerner winging and whining all day long. Where's your bloody Yorkshire grit. Kick up the backside is what you need. If you have a fag you will internally combust, simple as that, medical fact ask hubby.

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

ok been thinking Im gonna help you out here, if you give in I will too and the way my lungs are at the moment thats tantamount to murder.

Then Pancake the cat will have to leave home cos no one but me likes cats here. the dogs will just become spotty splodges because who will walk them , the horses will be on the front of the daily mail laid dead just skin and bones with the headlines from the RSPCA saying help us to catch this evil sinner and Yes it will be you their after. My grandson will turn from the man who will find a cure for cancer and aids into the worst drug dealer the world has ever seen, his crack killing thousands of our young people, this is because he did not have his gran to point him in the right way. My grandaughter will not bring about world peace which was her destiny, she will set up a company to rival Virgin called Town bike and all her planes will go the other way round thus sending the world in a spin, causing floods, earthquakes and the end of the world as we know it.

What a wicked person you are Bev for even contemplating inflicting this evil upon us

nsd_user663_5255 profile image

Day 26 Bev is fantastic, you have done nearly one whole month and you are going to have bad days but I bet the bad days are not as often as they were in the first few weeks, they just seem like the end of the world cos you thought that it would get easier. It may be that you are just having a bad day and nothing at all to do with smoking - do you really want to go through that first 2 weeks again, god knows I wouldnt not for anything.

Have a coffee and a big sticky cream cake (or chocolate or wine or sweets or all of them) and look back on how well you have done. Oh and sleep is always good although I would trade in my youngest right now for one decent nights sleep.

You know you can do it, just have a good old moan at us, we dont mind.



nsd_user663_5028 profile image

ok have to say the last 48 hours have been the worst of this (my final) quit, finding it really hard now, weird eh? maybe there is some other factor? don't know. do know however that i don't want to do the last 26 days again and i am so near to calender month without nicotine. maybe time of month? maybe time of year? maybe stress? maybe just too easy so far? i know in my head that although i feel shit if i have a fag i will just feel shit with a fag so no i will not give in but just need to vent and thank God i have you lot to vent to, my OH and kids THANK YOU. :eek:

right it is already tomorrow and i know and u know that lack of sleep will not help, so off to bed i go, and i know that tomorrow when i log on, someone like Bradders, or Murph, or Cav will have been on before me with something wise and clever and funny........

ok maybe not wise.......

or clever......

and not so funny, but they will be up before me:D

Your right on all counts Bev never been Wise Clever or funny but i cant fffffiinnng sleep thats why i am on before you otherwise i would be the laziest dullest non smoking bstard on here :D

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