Any hints???: I'm sitting here at work... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Any hints???

nsd_user663_5249 profile image
33 Replies

I'm sitting here at work, really irritated by everything.

baisically, two things at work annoy me, the guy behind me breathing like a vaccum cleaner, and the guy faceing me constantly (literally none stop all day) twisting hairs out of his moustache and hiding them in his desk drawer.

now, these things usually annoy me, i'm quite tightly wound at all times, but now i've quite smoking i'm really fustrated, any tips on managing anger brought on by quitting??? seriously feel like i'm gonna punch the guy accross from me in a second, i'm going insane!

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nsd_user663_5249 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_5225 profile image

just start humming to yourself really quietly but still audible....if either moustachio man or vacuum breather ask you to stop or wonder where the noise is coming from deny that you can hear anything.

clicking the end of a pen repeatedly also works just aswell as the above

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Picture them sat on the loo!

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

thanks for the timely replies. made me chuckle.

you wont belive this, since i made that post, his hand has not once left his upper lip, his lip is bright frikkin red, looks foul.

this guys got massive issues. if i didnt have to work with him every day i'd deffo request to be moved, its horrible sitting next to him.

he's not even a nice guy with just a bad habit, he's pretty much just a tool.

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

do u think he might have nits in his moustache? :eek:

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

haha ahh i've only joined this forum today and its already helping.

I think the biggest threat to my stopping is definately stress and irritations, quite a high stress job whilst working with quite irritating people.

plus been stuck living at home for months now, i've got to get out and get some space!

other than the obviously quitting induced insanity, things are going well, hoping to see some benifits in my stamina whilst jogging soon.

got to keep strict on the diet, a friend of mine quit and put on a ton of weight. i'm already pretty hefty, i cant let that happen! :D

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

2nd day

2nd day of no smoking, back here at work, today is going to be a bad one, todays picking treat seems to be his beard, and i've forgotten my key to get my headphones (so no music to block the vaccum breather) and my tic tacs, which i'm using to suck when i get cravings.

:D still, i'll persivere

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

does he smell too? I was once asked to shave a beard ( not mine, i'm a girl) for charity. It was motheringly disgusting with bits in it.

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

He doesnt smell, that sounds horrible! you should have sprayed him with frabreeze in the beard

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Can you not develop an irritating thing to wind them up a bit? :)

Only surely you can find something that breaks their concentration and think 'what an annoying....______' :)

Another thing that i find works.. is the smile. When you smile and they are sat wondering why you are suddenly so happy and what do you know that they don't?

And guy who is picking beard.. just make up something for this.. for every one he twists off his chin/top lip, he is saving up for sticking on top of his head as he appears to be losing a major battle there ;)

The main thing is.. come out smiling.. you can make light of everything, when you put your mind to it :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Living Dorian

Well done getting to day 2 thar's great

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5249 profile image

to Jase, yeah, i've started the chewing plastic water dispenser cups, and table drumming, partially because of withdrawal partially because of knowing it'll piss beardy off, unfortuanately vaccum man sits with his back to me and with music on so pissing him off is nigh impossible. tho he's a fairly nice guy, just breaths loud lol.

to marg, cheers for the welcoming :D i feel like this forum is helping already, i'm not using anything but will power, i thought about patches but theyre so expensive, i'm partially quitting due to cost (until recently i was on 30 a day, it cost me almost £10 daily!) :(

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

The patches i've been buying are £13.99 at the most a week..

daily thats £1.99 ish a day on a per patch price. Depends if you have the money for them for sure.. but i figured compared to what i was spending on smoking, they are by far doable.

Now the guy behind you, he sounds a bit like darth vader i bet, but does he have an illness causing his breathing like that? To understand it might help to cope with the noise a bit. Might be that he plays the music to mask his breathing .. he might be really self conscious about it in honesty.

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

to Crissie - He's a current smoker! thats what makes it even harder, he's always nipping out for cig breaks and he smells of them all the time which obv makes me think about them.

and jase, he plays the music with headphones, i dont think its an illness, he's just a very, very large man, nice enough guy, but the breathing may be due to size

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

aah yeah it will be that then.. must be putting alot of stress on his body to maintain that weight.

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Yeah, i'm not a slim lad, but he's got a special chair, its so cool, like an office chair stretched, i never saw one before i started working here 6 weeks ago.

and in response to your earlier post, i could afford the 1.99 a day, but i've got rather heavy student loans and overdrafts that want to be paid, and to do this my girlfriend and i (she is in a simmalar situation only without smoking) are being humongous penny pinchers, i'll see if i can go without, i survived day 1, thats got to be the worst... right? :confused:

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

haha, contrary to what people think, there is no fun in this here office, just work and deadlines lol.

but yeah, i do enjoy it when he goes out, gives me chance to doodle in my notepad :p

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

admire you

well done for quitting, i admire your control of temper, i would have punched them by now buts only because i have had no sleep for weeks, No you should go punch them :D haha, contrary to what people think, there is no fun in this here office, just work and deadlines lol.

but yeah, i do enjoy it when he goes out, gives me chance to doodle in my notepad :p

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Haha, i'd probably have belted them by now but i do need this job, i'm lucky to have it, just a shame about my co workers i guess.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image


Haha, i'd probably have belted them by now but i do need this job, i'm lucky to have it, just a shame about my co workers i guess.


that was terrible advise from me, but i just got an image of you getting up and throwing around them office Kill Bill Style :D god i have to go lie down somewhere dark hahahaha well done for not smoking you know now you are a better person for it keep going it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, i am in my second month and i know now i will never smoke again.

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

i'm looking forward to that, its still tempting, i go to work and my coworker smokes, i go home and my brother smokes, i'll be moving out soon but when i do, my room mate will be smoking, i'm surrounded by it haha

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

might help

i'm looking forward to that, its still tempting, i go to work and my coworker smokes, i go home and my brother smokes, i'll be moving out soon but when i do, my room mate will be smoking, i'm surrounded by it haha

It might help you know the people smoking around you, i share a car to work every week with a smoker and i sit there and smile because i know i am resisting them and thinking uggghhh they stink ....and what makes me smile more than anything is that the following week i drive him to work in my car and NO SMOKING hahahaha love watching him twitch for an hour :D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

your cruel bradders, but i can sooooo see your point.

My new car has never been smoked in, and never will be ever. so if i give lifts now thats a major ground rule ;)

You gotta get some positives from quitting, so this is a good way ;)

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Just got my first car, 51 plate clio, may be like 8 years old but it's only done 50k miles and the physical condition is superb,

uuuugh, back to the irritation, i went out for lunch today, back in the office and my hair pulling colleague is still eating, i go out to avoid this, its not rather pleasent, someone should have really taught him some table (or desk) manners when he was young

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Kill Bill

Just got my first car, 51 plate clio, may be like 8 years old but it's only done 50k miles and the physical condition is superb,

uuuugh, back to the irritation, i went out for lunch today, back in the office and my hair pulling colleague is still eating, i go out to avoid this, its not rather pleasent, someone should have really taught him some table (or desk) manners when he was young

Kill Bill its the only answer ;)

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

i'm starting to agree with you, after finishing his lunch of what i can only imagine was metal screws and dry wood chippings due to the sound it made, he was gone right into his patchy foul beard to twist hairs until they fall out, today however he's switched from putting the hairs in his drawer and is simply making a small pile of them... sick

i've got a beard, i do not do this, WHY DOES HE DO THIS!!!

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

A little less drastic perhaps

i'd watch, but i forgot my headphones :( hence my massive stress, beardy has gone for a smoke but the human doughball is really getting on my nerves :mad::mad::mad:

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

just a dirty man with constant withdrawal

Arent you glad you have quit?:D

btw sorry i thought you were female

Chrissie x

i am glad i quit, but i'm looking forward to not being so stressed out, i'm hoping after the 3 day hump things will get a little easier.

and yeah, he's a little on the gross side lol.

an nah i'm a guy, havent been mistaken for a girl since i got my hair cut haha

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Kill Bill

just a dirty man with constant withdrawal

Arent you glad you have quit?:D

btw sorry i thought you were female

Chrissie x

So did i Chrissie hence Kill Bill massive massive apologies Dorian hope you are not offended :)

In that case forget Kill Bill......... Enter the dragon Bruce Lee Styley ;)

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Haha, Dorians not my real name, but its a boys name anyway! :P

My Names Chris. ooooooh he's back from his cig break, it would appear he's decided to aim for the moustace again this afternoon, maybe his beard felt a little too thin after this mornings fun.

i might bring in a videocamera and when he asks why i'm filming him i'll say i'm making one of those "laugh at the freak because its ok cause its a documentary" style channel 5 documentarys.

god damn this guy is annoying, doughboy's gone for a walk, bliss for my ears while...wait... no way! i can actually hear him breathing outside the office door, at least 20 metres away... sonofabitch >_>

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

just for you

Just for you i have posted the following

should help in a big way :D

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Just for you i have posted the following

should help in a big way :D know what i'm gonna have to do... glue these to my face via the linking rope/chain then use my tache-chucks to beat him down o.0

nsd_user663_5249 profile image

Day 3

god damn he's back to the beard, his upper lip is still gross and raw looking, i think the most annoying part is i can see it in the corner of my eye the way he wiggles his head while he does it, i was having such a good day as well, then this mother***** decides its beard picking time :mad::mad::mad::mad:

By the way, i'm not sure, should i be continueing this thread or making new ones in the different "day sections?"

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi, i would suggest you post the right day, just because it makes it easier for us all to know what stage you are at.

Just a word of warning day 3 can be a bit tricky, it is to do with the dreaded 3's:eek:. it might not bother you but just in case for warned is forarmed.

Can't suggest anything new for your work colleagues other than maybe something involving a shotgun and black bags?

Not what you're looking for?