the 3 syndrome: :confused: Hi guys, I can... - No Smoking Day

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the 3 syndrome

nsd_user663_4770 profile image
12 Replies

:confused: Hi guys,

I can remember reading a post from Marg but can't find it now. It was about the craves and difficult times going in 3's. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. Sorry Marg can't remember what you said. Anyone else experiencing the terrible 3's?

Eileen x

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nsd_user663_4770 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Hi, Eileen Most of us have had problems with the 3's. 3rd day, 3rd week,

3rd month. Seems like we have experienced more difficulties at those times, but they pass and its not for the whole of week 3 or month 3, just more times than normal. Some of us have more problems on month 4 than 3. Just depends on what life throws at you. Not so sure its not problems that just come about on peoples daily lives, but we have a tendency to blame the quit, would have had a loosey day even if we were still smoking. Just have to tell ourselves that we choose not to smoke and that we choose freedom, health, wealth, and life! Keep that in your mind and repeat it. Also read the links attached to mine and others posts over and over again. They really help. Remember not one puff!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Eileen :D

Is this the one you were looking for if it's not let me know and I'll have another look for you OK

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time at the moment feeling tired and depressed and as if there is no joy left

I promise these feeling will go away, lots of people find that after the third week things really do get so much easier to handle

So yes you will enjoy things again and play that guitar as well in fact everything will go back to normal for you only they'll be even better as you're smoke free OK

But as we're all different so are our quits and we all do it at our own pace and in our own way, a lot of this is down to the body healing itself after the abuse we've given them while smoking but heal it will


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4770 profile image

Thank you margaret

not sure if that is the one but I like it anyway! Don't worry about looking this one makes me feel better anyway. You're a love!

Eileen x

nsd_user663_4770 profile image

Thanks Jody

I sometimes forget this is my choice and my quit. I was just getting anxious about it being a hard month ahead. I won't know if it's a bad month until I've done it I guess! Thanks hon, I'll quit being previous and let you know how I get on when the month is over.

Eileen x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Eileen :D

Glad to help you and also pleased that it made you feel better anyway lots of us on here get the terrible three's

As Jody say's it doesn't last for the whole of week 3/month 3 or whatever just a bit more than usual


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

:confused: Hi guys,

I can remember reading a post from Marg but can't find it now. It was about the craves and difficult times going in 3's. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. Sorry Marg can't remember what you said. Anyone else experiencing the terrible 3's?

Eileen x

I started going through a bad time last week and must admit worse than the first two months. Didnt have much of a problem on day 3 or week 3 more than any other but last week started with the smoking dreams, irritable and weepy for no reason. Im really hoping it is going to pass soon as nothing has really changed in my life this month so dont really understand it. :confused:

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Chrissie :D

ohhhhhhhhhh threats now is it naughty girl that you are

Now where did I put those steel toecaps of mine and maybe better buy them boxing gloves after all


Marg xxxxxxxx

This-Time profile image

Thank goodness for that!

I've been away from this forum for a while, but needed to come back and read a bit because I've been having a tough time too with the demons!

I am so glad to hear that this is 'normal', I'm on day 126, so about 4 months. I thought it was going quite well until the last few weeks, still, onwards and upwards!

Thank you, now I know I'm not the only one which helps a lot!

TT x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi ThisTime :D

Sorry you've been having a bit of a rough time lately with them demons little sods that they are

Unfortunately you're right and it's normal hope you feel better soon

Well done on 126 days as you say onwards and upwards and it's nice to see you again


Marg xxxxxxxxx

This-Time profile image

Thanks Margareth - it's nice to be back! :)

nsd_user663_4770 profile image

Thanks guys

It's nice to get the support from all of you. I'm glad it's normal to struggle a little more a different times and guess we all just ride the waves until the demons pass. There are other things that come in three's too and they are important to me so I will concentrate on them. Clean lungs, clean clothes and clean teeth!

bye for now

Eileen x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Eileen :D

You're right to concentrate on the good things that come in threes I think sometimes we all forget about them


Marg xxxxxxx

Not what you're looking for?