Made it to Day 80 !
Could have been around the world in that time
Thanks for your help. Still love reading all the comments when it gets tough
Made it to Day 80 !
Could have been around the world in that time
Thanks for your help. Still love reading all the comments when it gets tough
Well done you, good work!
Hi again
OK - I'm now on day are a few more comments:
Getting over the hump of Month 3 sucked for me. It was vey hard. - I think things are picking up again, so finally have the courage to write.
The tricky bit was that I just started feeling a bit unhappy...probably very unhappy, and this state of mind was complicated by me being stuck with both the mother and then mother in law for 10 days solid under the same roof. Now, this was new to me, I just don't get unhappy, al least not for more than a day usually. Normally, prior to this, the fags helped me cope in getting space to think (lets be honest...puffing away on a fag did seem to help keep a rather useful sense of distance sometimes :eek:
Happily, the unhappy feeling is now finally reducing - I think it was also caused / made worse by changing seasons/ weather and more likely my getting use to living with a 'more quiet state of mind' after the usual 'mental turmoil' the fags generated....somehow I felt incomplete / not normal / more edgy/ not sure how to react/ etc ???
Anyway, am looking forward to the big 100 days, and then the holiday on beach should easily take me through the 4 ,month mark :eek::cool: Hope I'm over the worst but will stay on guard ...still getting the occasional urges to fight :mad:
Kind Regards
Happily, the unhappy feeling is now finally reducing - I think it was also caused / made worse by changing seasons/ weather and more likely my getting use to living with a 'more quiet state of mind' after the usual 'mental turmoil' the fags generated....somehow I felt incomplete / not normal / more edgy/ not sure how to react/ etc ???
Kind Regards
So glad you wrote this, you seem to have gone through the same thing. The logical, rational side of my brain is reminding me of how well I've done but I'm blue for no good reason, not permanently but it's irritating as should be on cloud 9, have had to conclude the whole cycle my body was subjected to of dopamine release, followed by crave, followed by satisfaction was a massive cycle of being up and down, now that I'm not doing that life feels "odd"; hoping to re-baseline soon so that I can start to determine the new me without nicotine's hellish circle of dependency.
Thanks for the kind feedback/ comments !
Feeling far much better after getting past all my wierd mental stuff at around month 3. The blues effect is still there, but forunately diminishing away...a bit like the effect of missing fags iafter the first two or three weeks. That feeling also got weaker every day, but admittedly took far longer.
Nicotine truly is a very addictive and wretched drug. I'm impressed, though really do think that it should definitely have been banned years ago.
Come on Day 100 !
Kind Regards