Hello Everyone,
Here we go another day in paradise, thats how im going to view it . feeling positive but little scared.
But think i have learned a bit from previous quits ( lets hope so).
Its a Beautiful day and have plenty to do so will get as much fresh air into my polluted lungs as possible.cant get better than that.
lots of love
ali xx
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Hi Ali
Good to have you back so glad you're feeling positive and that you have learned from your previous quits
We're all here for you for as long as you need us
Marg xxxxxxx
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Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. You make the choice not to smoke.
Stay strong, post often and read.
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HI ya, Big thanks too all.
Had a great time so far .been for a three mile walk , little steps this time, the ole labrador is worn out ha ha .would be no good as a working dog.
WOW did not know how great water could taste !!.
I want this good feeling to stay .have set the wii fit up so if things get a bit tough later will jump on their and exercise any thoughts away.
lots love ali xx
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day 10 of paradise here too dude-
happy days!
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Well done johnlpc
That is excellent. keep up the good work, i only have 9 days to catch up with you. everyday is paradise without that evil weed in our lungs .
lots love
ali xx
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Deke 9 Years Smoke Free 16 years ago Hi Ali,
3 mile walks and a session on the wii fit!! Good for you.
Here's to day 2 in paradise tomorrow
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Thanks Deke,
Yes can not wait till day 2 in paradise, been out for another long walk just want to keep my mind of eating funny enough ,not the cigs. have been reading lots of links and feel even more educated this time so feeling easy at
the moment which is a good sign.
This beatiful weather helps alot , the sun is good for the soul !!!.
lots of love ali xx
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Hi Alison
Your doing great, soon be counting days and weeks again, least u dont give up quitting, and u sound very detemined.... U will do it this time
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Hi Alison, great to have you back, you sound so positive this time and all this excercise i think i need to copy you on that one!
Well done, day 1 almost over and things are looking good!
stay strong and keep smiling
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