Hi Everyone: Hi Everyone, I have just... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi Everyone

nsd_user663_4451 profile image
18 Replies

Hi Everyone,

I have just stumbled across this website and it looks fantastic, I'm from the UK and this is my umpteenth stop.

Each time I stopped I learnt something new about myself and the dreaded habit. So this time I haven't bothered with any gimmicks or NRT, I just began to hate the weed and so far it doing the trick.

I have read the Allen Carrs book and that is fantastic. I didnt grasp what Mr Carr was saying at first but after the third read the penny dropped.

Two weeks now and I hate the stuff, and the smell. I dont know whats come over me and I dont know whats different, but it is working.

I just want to be one of the happy millions who have already succeeded, and I want my children to be proud of my stop, they mean all the world to me.

Best regards to everyone and I'm proud to be here


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nsd_user663_4451 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi Stu Welcome to the forum Yeah it is great, I read the Allen Car book, have u read the follow on by him "How to Stay Stopped" that is also really good?

Well done on your quit, its a great feeling as the days mount up:)Kaz

nsd_user663_4451 profile image

Thanks Karen

Hi Karen

Thanks for your reply. I haven't seen that particular book by Allen Carr, but I'm going to look for it straight away. Anything that can teach me about nicotine and its subtle trap is worth its weight in gold - literally..!!

All the best and good luck to everyone. Great to be here


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stu :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

2 weeks quit is great well done I also tried and failed umpteen times but this one has stuck and I'm now 41/2 months down the road

Stu look on Amazon for that book it'll be cheaper OK

Best Wishes


nsd_user663_4425 profile image

Hi Stu,

Well done on surviving 2 weeks, thats fantastic!

You will find everyone here very friendly and very supportive.

Welcome to the forum!:D

Lottie -x-

nsd_user663_4451 profile image


Thanks for your replies, you have made me feel very welcome. I am not used to writing on forums but this has changed my mind. Its great to have support here as I live alone and have no-one here to nag me, remind me, or even say well done now and again. So its a great boost of confidence to know that you are here and I really do appreciate this.

The last two weeks haven't been easy, but its not been as hard as I have experienced before, perhaps thats because I know whats in store, and what to expect. Ive learnt that coping with hard times during not smoking are not helped one iota by lighting up again, I've done that before, and then ended up with two big problems instead of just the one, the second problem been I had introduced the monster back into my system. I have done that before, and it doesn't help in lighting up when faced with a big problem, you only double it.

I have looked high and low for the book "Staying stopped" by Allen Carr, I looked on Amazon and on Ebay, but cant find any info on it anywhere. I would be very grateful if anyone knows any way of finding it.

I guess Ive rambled on a bit here, which has suprised me, I usually dont have much to say, ha ha.

Thanks for listening and for being here, I hope I will be around for quite some time on here.

All the Best


nsd_user663_4317 profile image

Well done Stu and welcome to te forum glad to have u on board!!

You will get plenty support and advice on here, youre never alone. Its great cos evryone knows what youre going through and theres always someone at your stage of the quit. I dont think id have been able to do it without the help of this lovely bunch:D

Keep strong Stu and keep posting, love to know how youre going on good or bad, hopefully good;) we'll be there whatever


nsd_user663_4373 profile image

hi stu and welcome.i understand what you say about lighting up when in a crisis lol.i done that on friday and i have quit nearly 6 weeks ago.i felt sooo bad and i wont be doing that again!:o its a great place this everyone is lovely and we are all in the same boat.i too am new to forums and only joined in chatting the other night.well done and keep up the good work.x

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi Stu

The book is actually called "Stop smoking permanently", I found it in the airport WH Smith when I was going on holiday??My copy was £9.99.:D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Stu :D

Well done Stu you're doing great I also found this quit relatively easy and found this site through my son Stuart and as I also live alone found his help and this site a wonderful help

Hope you find that book you're after


Marg xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4451 profile image

I Found That Book..!!!

Thanks for the advice about the book. I have managed to buy one today at a bookstore in the middle of a commercial center. I quickly flicked through it and theres more in this book than the usual "Easyway" ones. More examples and stories, and much more of Allen Carrs valuable advice. In fact I think this edition should be the one that everyone must read. It is perfect. I am already a quarter the way through it now and I wish I had got this book years ago.

This forum is fantastic, I only wish I had come across it years ago too. There is so much positivity and support here, and I'm really pleased that I have found you. - Great stuff..!!!

I hope that I will be soon in a position to help others along the way.

All the Best


nsd_user663_4026 profile image


glad you found the book. Someone on my first day on this forum expalined Allen Carr in a terrific way. He quit then stayed quit by devoting his life to helping others quit. Thus reinforcing why he quit in the first place. A bit like AA. And the penny dropped for me. Thats why I think this forum is so terrific. You post and learn mentally how to quit and get support from other like minded addicts. Then, once you are on your way you reinforce that by supporting others. Well done on your quit!!

nsd_user663_4317 profile image

Hi Stu glad you found what you were looking for.

Just wanted to reiterate what Fiona said. Its so true about helping others when you are in recovery, seems like theres a need to help others with their addiction as its cathartic and rewarding to pass on your experiences.

Keep up the good work Stu, you sound really positive:D

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Hi Stuart glad u found the book, sorry I give u the wrong title at first, was gonna ask if u wanted me to send my book when u couldnt find it.... It is probably twice at big as the first book And a really good read.....:p

nsd_user663_4451 profile image

Hi Karen

Thank you for your kind offer of sending me your copy of the book, that is really thoughtful, thanks. Luckily I did find a copy at the bookstore and its a gold nugget.

I have also found a link to his last book "Scandal", which is in a PDF format, a book which I dont think he ever managed to get published. The link is from Allen Carrs website so its all above board to download it.

Here is the link


I hope this can be of some use

All the Best


nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Cheers Stu

I will have a look at that this evening, Happy reading ha ha:cool:

nsd_user663_4451 profile image


Hi Karen

I have just finished reading SCANDAL (I have a lot of time on my hands at the mo !) and I just couln't believe it.

I know that thousands of people have used NRT and have been succesful, myself incuded, but I didn't feel the same way towards nicotine as I do now, and on umpteen occasions I failed.

This book blows the NRT industry wide open, I'm not saying NRT is a bad thing, but when you consider that NRT gum has no reason to cost any more than Wrigleys gum. you start to ask questions.

Here is a link to what other people have written about it.

What readers thought about scandal

All the best


PS. Well look at me here, never posted like this on a forum before, and here I am posting like mad. Thanks for everyones postive comments, they are priceless to me. This forum rocks..!!!!

nsd_user663_4367 profile image


Gosh Stu, Cant believe u have read it already.... Good on u Well I defo need to read that now, cos I have read both of Allens books now (Ha ha am talkin about him as though I know him)

U are doing great now......

Yes u are right about the forum

I am addicted and go on in the mornings b4 work and evenings to see how everyone is doing..... Yet I dont like sites like face book etc

Keep up the good work Kaz:cool:

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I have just downloaded it. I started to read it, then thought: "thank god I am not in a place of having to quit smoking, I have already done it!" Feel sorry for my husband who is still smoking and addicted and will go through it sometime in the future. I genuinely think I can never start again, if I did, I am unsure if I could stop again, if you see what I mean!! Thank you anyway, I shall read the rest then leave it open on the computer for my husband to 'stumble' across!

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