hopeless: I can’t do it, I really am... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_4293 profile image
12 Replies

I can’t do it, I really am useless. :(

Things a bit iffy with him indoors at the moment, which isn't helping (yes I know it's an excuse). Once I get to work I can cope without a fag but first thing in the morning and once I get home it is like a battle zone in my head (I have tried distraction, walking the dog, doing the garden, ironing, reading, etc). This morning I put my patch on before I got up, had a further 10 minutes sleep, got up made a cuppa washed my face, cleaned my teeth etc etc, but still the craving was too much.

My intention at the moment is to carry on not smoking at work and just see how I go but I seem to have lost my motivation and all of a sudden the reasons why I have quit don’t seem as important and I just feel drained and exhausted.

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nsd_user663_4293 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_4420 profile image

Heeeeey!! What are you talking about? Come on!:) You are not useless... I am sure if you ask yourself you want to quit you'll sa yes! So you lost the motivation for right now because you want that damn cigarette so badly but really think about it like the demon is trying to tempt you! You say no, and if you keep saying no the demon we'll get weaker and weaker and you'll start feeling the taste of victory! Is a promise from me and from everybody who past these moments!! Once you feel the taste of victory, trust me, things will change!! Don't smoke!! Don't smoke right now! You have to see hiw is like to beat the demon, once, it's a FANTASTIC feeling! Just give it one more day!!

nsd_user663_4293 profile image

Heeeeey!! What are you talking about? Come on!:) You are not useless... I am sure if you ask yourself you want to quit you'll sa yes! So you lost the motivation for right now because you want that damn cigarette so badly but really think about it like the demon is trying to tempt you! You say no, and if you keep saying no the demon we'll get weaker and weaker and you'll start feeling the taste of victory! Is a promise from me and from everybody who past these moments!! Once you feel the taste of victory, trust me, things will change!! Don't smoke!! Don't smoke right now! You have to see hiw is like to beat the demon, once, it's a FANTASTIC feeling! Just give it one more day!!

Thanks, but unfortunately I did give in to the demon, last night and again this morning. Fighting it now again but just finding the whole thing too exhausting now, if you beat it once it just keeps coming back and back and back again!!!!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Come on hun dont let old nic win. i know its hard when things are not right at home tell my about it. But you will only be taking your self back to day one cos you will be back wanting to quit before you know it. Trust me I been there dont keep puting yourself though it.xxxxx

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

The way you feel is perfectly normal - the reasons we quit suddenly seem less important as our min plays tricks on us. It makes us think that the fags help us cope with bad situations, when they only make it worse by making us crave a drug.

Did you ever crave to smoke before your first fag? Of course not.

Do people who have never smoked crave a fag? Of course not.

Smoking will not help the situation, only make it worse.

If you smoke now, you will either have to smoke forever or go through this all again.... What do you want to do?

1) Keep going with this quit and make it work?

2) Smoke forever and hate it?

3) Go through this again?

You CAN do this, no matter what life throws at you.

nsd_user663_4421 profile image

I agree with everyone else. When I am having a IFFY moment, it's the thought of having to do them first couple of days OVER AGAIN that help me to stay quit!!

If you can just get yourself to day 5... I promise you will wonder why you didn't do this sooner!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THE NIC DEMON!! ...GO SHOW HIM WHAT YA MADE OF!!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I think you need to mentally find your way again and remember why it was you wanted to quit in the first place. I have been through a couple of these too. Are you still smoking now or have you quit again?

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Candowilldo,

Don't beat youself up too much about this - I've seen that phrase on this forum a few times!

How many quitters take several goes before they succeed? I know I tried many times. You know what you want, and you will get there.

Keep strong, keep going.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Candowilldo :D

You're not useless, if you were you wouldn't have quit in the first place I know it's hard at times and that sometimes it seems easier to give in

So you gave in a couple of times, don't beat yourself over the head about it, what's done is done

Now you pick yourself up dust yourself down and start again

You know smoking will solve nothing, it never has and it never will the more you say no to the Nico :eek: Demon the easier it is to say no the next time the sneaky little b.......d comes along

Do some more reading on here or of the many links in the signatures of posts

You know you can do this or otherwise

YOU WOULD NOT BE ASKING FOR HELP which everyone on here will give as often as needed, for as long as it's needed

I smoked for over 50 [yes 50] years so if I can do it so can you J ust dig your hells in and go for it


Marg xxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4293 profile image

Hi Candowilldo :D

You're not useless, if you were you wouldn't have quit in the first place I know it's hard at times and that sometimes it seems easier to give in

So you gave in a couple of times, don't beat yourself over the head about it, what's done is done

Now you pick yourself up dust yourself down and start again

You know smoking will solve nothing, it never has and it never will the more you say no to the Nico :eek: Demon the easier it is to say no the next time the sneaky little b.......d comes along

Do some more reading on here or of the many links in the signatures of posts

You know you can do this or otherwise

YOU WOULD NOT BE ASKING FOR HELP which everyone on here will give as often as needed, for as long as it's needed

I smoked for over 50 [yes 50] years so if I can do it so can you J ust dig your hells in and go for it


Marg xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you, that really helped. I feel more positive this morning. I guess we each have to find our own way out from the clutches of this evil creature and because I know a few people (men) who have all just stopped instantly (and apparently relatively easily) I feel I am a failure. In fact I am not and am doing really well! :)

I will get there I might just be slower than everyone else, like a toddler learning to walk.

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Hi Candowilldo,

Your post sounds very positive again, well done. Don't let this put you off. I'm on my third or fourth attempt and I feel really good about it this time.

I WILL NOT SMOKE AGAIN. Have a good day and keep your chin up, love J.x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Candowilldo :D

Good morning to you I am so glad you feel better today and more positive and yes we do all have to find our own way out I am really pleased if I helped you

Men are very contrary creatures by nature you know

You say you know some that stopped instantly and apparently easily, but you know if you had had it easy they would have told you how hard it was for them

No as you say you're not a failure and you're doing great truly and it doesn't matter how long it takes you after all


Marg xxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4397 profile image

Thank you, that really helped. I feel more positive this morning. I guess we each have to find our own way out from the clutches of this evil creature and because I know a few people (men) who have all just stopped instantly (and apparently relatively easily) I feel I am a failure. In fact I am not and am doing really well! :)

I will get there I might just be slower than everyone else, like a toddler learning to walk.

Hi i havent been on here for the last few days but i logged on this morning and i saw this post and my feelings really do go out to you... i quit 24 days ago cold turkey and so did my partner... last week i couldnt get the thought of smoking out of my head no matter what i did it was so strong stronger then what i had experienced in the past. boyfriend on the other hand seemed to be taking it in his stride every time i moaned about how i was feeling his response would be "well im fine" which i admit made me want to smash him round the head...

you have to fight it at the end of the day who controls your life??? you do and if you dont want to do something you dont do it... i didnt want to smoke anymore.

after 4 weeks i woke up this morning and i had a craving but it disappeared as quickly as it came.. im not saying its easy and who knows what im going to be like tomorrow..but today im not allowing it to control me....

all said and done if you truely are not ready to give up yet you shouldnt.. but i think you are otherwise you wouldnt be here... ok you have give in a couple of times but dont see that as failure you had a slight relapse ( we all do) but you learn from your mistakes right!!!!! xxx

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