Englishbullterriergirl (ebt girl) is back - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Englishbullterriergirl (ebt girl) is back

nsd_user663_4140 profile image
9 Replies

Hi all

Well i stumbled and then i stumbled and then i smoked more and made myself feel sick...... Until I thought to myself every time i have just one single puff of a fag i will end up right back in the same spot smoking 10 plus fags a day and feeling like nothing on earth !!! FACT !!!

I had a few issues that i needed to sort out, although smoking doesnt make a blind bit of difference to any issues, you are all smokers and ex smokers so i dont need to explain my totally illogical thinking :o

Now i want this QUIT really bad and thats the most i can say. You all supported me and Lilbear last time. Looks like Lilbear went back to base too... if your back out there Lilbear i need a QUIT BUDDY for tomorrow.


EBT GIRL ( and hopefully Lilbear) :D

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nsd_user663_4140 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Nice one EBT Girl, :)

Seems your head is still in the right place. All you need to do now is drag your body into catching up.

You and LilBear, if you can get your collective acts together, will make an awesome quit team....once you both get going.

You both certainly have my support when required and I'm sure that will also be the case with the majority of members.

Margaret will be along soon to give you a talking to so I'd advise having a quick read up on the various links ;) :D

Maybe the 'quit smoking online' link below will help you get going.


nsd_user663_4146 profile image

Well hello again i wondered where me buddy had gone...... Yes i,m bak to and yes i stumbled but this time i want to keep on track! I fed up to the back teeth of being ruled by the nico demon. Has you may o read my daughter keeping me on track to and i dont want to get on the wrong side of her lol..... Well nearly finished my day 2 and its been hard i dont know why because i hated it when i finished my last one.... Anyway i,m here and with you all the way as well as the rest of the lovely people on here... We,re all in it together (sorry if i ramble lol) Nice to have you bak :)



nsd_user663_3822 profile image

Welcome back EBT girl,missed you.

You will do it this time,stay strong.

nsd_user663_4306 profile image

Hello again EBT and Lilbear..

I am going to be on day 19 tomorrow... the way I see it is that I am over the addiction thing, I must be or I would be sat here screaming out for a fag and shaking like a leaf.Thankfully I am doing neither of those things.

If I go back to smoking now its going to be because I have allowed myself to believe that I want to smoke, that infact I enjoyed smoking. Which clearly I dont and neither do you or neither of would would be here posting.

Remember .....next time you fancy a cigarette, smile about it ,be happy that the feeling will pass in a few minutes and youve every right to feel smug about every 5 minutes youve not spent smoking..


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Ebt Girl :D

Welcome back You say you want this quit bad so forget the past failures and look to the future do'nt drag the past into this quit OK

Remember to read, read and them read some more I will support you in any way I can as will Cav and the other members on here you know that don't you

LilBear [Mandy] is back as well so that is good for you as well we all want you to succeed almost as much as you do and as she says we are all in it together in a fight to the end together we can beat those Demons:eek:

As you say you had issues which you smoking did nothing to resolve

I know you really want this quit so remember from the second you put out that last fag you are a NON SMOKER NOT ONE PUFF We will all be here for you but at the end of the day it is only you who can make this stick and that is by never putting another fag in your mouth ever

Right lecture over OK

Love & a big hug


Hi Mandy

Great you're on Day 2 and it's been hard but I know you can do it and so can EBT Girl this time around and remember we are all here for you



nsd_user663_4197 profile image

Hello again EBT and Lilbear..

I am going to be on day 19 tomorrow... the way I see it is that I am over the addiction thing, I must be or I would be sat here screaming out for a fag and shaking like a leaf.Thankfully I am doing neither of those things.

If I go back to smoking now its going to be because I have allowed myself to believe that I want to smoke, that infact I enjoyed smoking. Which clearly I dont and neither do you or neither of would would be here posting.

Remember .....next time you fancy a cigarette, smile about it ,be happy that the feeling will pass in a few minutes and youve every right to feel smug about every 5 minutes youve not spent smoking..



you are brilliant, this post has just hit the spot with me, I ve been mooging around for a couple of days feeling sorry for myself and this post has just really really helped me.

thank you xxxx

nsd_user663_4306 profile image

Awww shucks..

Anything to help... Think I am going to cry !:o


nsd_user663_4146 profile image

Hy Ebt so hows your day going? Hope its going well. Remember we can do this and that i,m with you all the way. I,m at work today an then shopping argh but i will be on later this evening. I,m hear for you even if you need to rant lol..... Keep your chin up :) An together we will crack that nasty nico demon:eek:

Luv Lilbear(mandy)


nsd_user663_4140 profile image

Not too bad so far

Hi Lilbear

Not going too bad soo far, am doing my best to keep busy and keep focused. Im at work too, the concentration is going a bit but im hanging in there..... Keep me updated ;)

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