Back again: Hy all well i,m back again... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Back again

nsd_user663_4146 profile image
15 Replies

Hy all well i,m back again...... Unfortunately i stumbled on day 7 and i thought i was doing so well. I am about to smoke my last cig an tomorrow will be a fresh start....... I dont even know why i did it as i was just beggining to feel the benefits! I,m so annoyed with myself as i,m not even enjoying it and i, m actually pulling a face when i have one.....:( But what upset me more was my daughter getting upset and telling me she dos,nt want me smoking as she dos,nt want me to die (the latest tv ads have alot to answer for)...... So here go,s to my healthier future and a happier daughter........

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nsd_user663_4146 profile image
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15 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Good luck for tomorrow, and READ!

Get your head stratigh and the rest will follow.

All the best


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi LilBear :)

Wondered where you had got to so sorry to hear you had a slip you were doing so well but I can only imagine how mad you were with yourself and upset about your daughter

You will have learned a valuable lesson from this so now

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and carry on

Not to be nasty but I am so glad you didn't enjoy it



nsd_user663_4312 profile image

Hi Lilbear,

Heres another thought for you. My Children moaned at me for years, and were desparate for me to stop. I tried and failed. When they got a bit older they hated the smell and said they didnt want me to die. Heartbreaking. I tried to stop again and failed. Although somewhere in there I did have 8 yrs ciggy free!

My eldest Daughter is now 16, and I discovered a few months ago that she was smoking. I was devastated. Hence the cutting down and eventual quit last month.

I am now trying to get her to stop!

Please dont leave it too late x


nsd_user663_3810 profile image

We can learn alot from the kids can't we??;)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

No.... so here it goes..... to you..... a healthier future and a happier you......

I am so sorry you stumbled...... pick yourself up quickly and you will be okay.... otherwise you'll be back to day 1 and that won't be so fun, will it?! You have to really want it...... otherwise it is just too damn hard.... and yes, I know what I am talking about... if you just say 'heck... it is not going to be easy for a few weeks and I will be challenged....' then those few weeks will pass and you will end up being a happy non smoker. You have to somehow want it though..... otherwise it will be a feeling of 'being deprived' and personally, I NEVER lasted longer than 24 hours with that feeling.... wish you the very best of luck..... and don't beat yourself up..... EVERY fail is a learning experience.... necessary for THE successful quit. You keep going!

nsd_user663_4146 profile image

Thankyou all for the support this is it now i,m ready and geared up!!!! :rolleyes: Need to kick this demon right were it hurts :eek: With all the support on the site i know where to come when i,m feeling it...... I have got patches an i,m not sure wether to use them or go cold turkey again maybe that was my stumbling block last time...... and yes i will read, read, read ;)

mands x:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi LilBear :D

That determination really coming through loud and clear and while you're kicking that :eek:Demon where it hurts give him some extra ones from the rest of us



nsd_user663_4146 profile image

Hi LilBear :D

That determination really coming through loud and clear and while you're kicking that :eek:Demon where it hurts give him some extra ones from the rest of us



I will he sat on me shoulder at mo!!!!! But he wont get the better of me this time. Just sometimes get the thought in my head and he wont leave me be..... :( He got alot to answer for and can i just say all the support and encouragement go,s along way xx:)

nsd_user663_4146 profile image

We can learn alot from the kids can't we??;)

We certainly can and has well as owing it to myself i owe it to my daughter.... She gives me so much encouragement as well as this site. Even to the stage where she,s become my personal escort to the shop making sure i dont give in bless......;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

We certainly can and has well as owing it to myself i owe it to my daughter.... She gives me so much encouragement as well as this site. Even to the stage where she,s become my personal escort to the shop making sure i dont give in bless......;)

Well done LilBear's daughter. You keep your mummy on the straight and narrow sweetheart.

Welcome back LilBear and all the best with your quit.



nsd_user663_4146 profile image

Thankyou jan..... its quite funny really my daughter only 9 as soon as she came home from school she asked me if i,d had any when i told her no she said good girl so looks like she,s going to keep me on the straight and narrow...;) Today has gone well though bit of bad craving this morning but i just thought i aint guna let it beat me....:mad: but felt ok rest of the day.... And bluedog i hope your successful when it comes to your daughter i got a friend at work going threw the same thing and i,d hate to think of my daughter becoming a smoker..... :(

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hey LilBear,

Likewise I was sorry to read you had blipped as you were so positive at the start, and trying to drag EBG along in your wake showed that you are real good person to have around. I think we on this forum could do with somebody just like you here - only thing is YOU GOTTA STAY OFF THE CIGS!

Best wishes with your quit....and post when you need to.


nsd_user663_3822 profile image

Hi LilBear,

Glad you have come back,you can do it this time.

nsd_user663_4240 profile image

Hey Lilbear, you will have learned a lot in those 7 days that you stopped smoking and that can help you with this quit. I personally think that its best to work to mini goals, as it can be hard to visualise never smoking again for the rest of your life and so can be hard to achieve. Plus if you treat yourself at these mini goals, i.e 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month then you really have a sense of achievement. The longer you go the less it becomes part of your daily routine.

And you were asking whether to go cold turkey or use patches. I've never used patches but feel that the fruit nicotine gum 2mg is really helpful as you can pop some in when you have a craving. I also use the inhalators (very rarely) when I have a drink as gum and drinking doesn't really mix. I've been stopped 6 weeks on Saturday and don't bother with the nrt as much now, but take it out with me just in case for the time being. If you can stop without thats great but I think it can be good to give yourself a hand, especially in the beginning.

Anyway Good Luck!

Steph x

nsd_user663_4140 profile image

Ebt girl is back

Hi Lilbear

Whoooo i logged on to see how you were doing and see that you stumbled on your 7th day. Hey i stumbled on my 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th day.... have kept away for a while to sort out my head. I am sure i have been smoking more than ever since my few days quit !!!! I am back on track now and want to have another go.... shall we start back ... let me know cos i cant remember that date of your post you may be already onto your 3rd or so day. Lets just keep on trying till we get there...


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