All help needed.and much appreciated - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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All help needed.and much appreciated

nsd_user663_4207 profile image
27 Replies

hi,my quit day is in the morning,9/3/09,im looking for all the help i can get,ive smoked for 33 yrs,and i want to quit but im scared of how i will feel,but im gonna do it but no one ,thinks i will do it,im the only smoker at work,and the only person at home who smokes,so hopefully that will help,any advice you can give would be much appreciated.

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nsd_user663_4207 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Hi, Mega and welcome to the forum. Everyone here is very helpful so read the threads and post as often as you need. Read the links that peeps have on their posts. The following 2 are the ones that really helped me: - Understanding about nicotine addiction and what to expect from your quit will make things a lot easier. Your in the right place as we are all in the same boat! :D

Quit: Jan. 18, 2009

Method: CT

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mega :D

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit quite possibly one of the best you will ever make as jody says read,read and then read some more it really does help everyone on here will help as much as we can we all help each other and are very much like a family cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad which we all have sometimes

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4207 profile image

Hi, Mega and welcome to the forum. Everyone here is very helpful so read the threads and post as often as you need. Read the links that peeps have on their posts. The following 2 are the ones that really helped me: - Understanding about nicotine addiction and what to expect from your quit will make things a lot easier. Your in the right place as we are all in the same boat! :D

Quit: Jan. 18, 2009

Method: CT

hiya and thanks for your reply,and yes ive added the links to my favorites and have been reading on the site for the past hour,im really determined this time and hopefully with all the advice on here i can do it,gonna save all the links ive added for tomorrow night when i might be ratty,and yes i WILL get through the bad times.

nsd_user663_4207 profile image

hiya marg and thanks for the quick reply,so good to see a site that does what it says it does,and gives support

nsd_user663_4197 profile image

hey mega, good luck for your quit date. I read loads before I gave up and got myself all prepared. I even printed the certificate from this site and have it up at my desk at work.

you can do it, theres lots of support on here too :)

nsd_user663_4207 profile image

hi moog,thanks for taking the time out to help,much appreciated

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hi I smoked for 32 years and quite last tues, its been quite hard in some ways but in others it has been really good. Ive done a lot of reading on those pages and it really helps you understand the otherside of smoking.

We will all be here for you when you need us

nsd_user663_4207 profile image

thanks mel x

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Welcome Mega and good luck tomorrow. Don't be scared... it may not be the funnest thing ever but so well worth it. Really educate yourself.... there is a book out called the Easyway to stop smoking (allen Carr) and he dispels the notion that quitting is hard.... well it is not easy for everyone for sure (as the mind is powerful and can trip you up along the way i.e. when batteling the nic demon) but it IS do-able.... and we will be here for you as you will be here for us!! You can do it, Mega..... be positive and :) a lot!

nsd_user663_4207 profile image

thanks bella just about to have my last ciggie for EVER, then off to be

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Well.... I was sending you the very best wishes whilst I assume you were taking your last puff...... what I am trying to say is that your are not alone.... Stay positive and come on here if you feel great or if you feel low!!! :):):)

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

hi,my quit day is in the morning,9/3/09,im looking for all the help i can get,ive smoked for 33 yrs,and i want to quit but im scared of how i will feel,but im gonna do it but no one ,thinks i will do it,im the only smoker at work,and the only person at home who smokes,so hopefully that will help,any advice you can give would be much appreciated.

Hi Mega :)

Welcome to the forum- i found it just over a week ago, and it's a great place!

It's great you've decided to quit, and the people here are full of support and advice and a handy 'shoulder' when you need it. I quit at Midnight last Sunday, so almost a whole week... and i too felt like you the evening before i took the plunge.

I was scared how I'd manage without my smokes, how I'd cope with stress, but I know I had to do it- I wrote down my reasons, and realised I'd spent far too many years smoking( over 26 of them)

It's helpful that no one else at your house smokes, my other half did( although he is quitting today..) and the start of my week was really hard.

Read through the web sites listed on here, read and write down your reasons, get supprt from the NHS stop smoking website( they send out a pack with info in), maybe join a quit group, and come here often!

On those forst few days i cleaned a lot, walked a lot, and got through lots of wrigleys!

I also keep boiled sweets handy, as they sweetness of them takes my crave away.

Hope to see you posting about your successful day 1 soon!


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Mod alert!!! Where are you!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Mega

Welcome to day one cant really add more than the others have said. But take things one day at a time hour if needed. Dont think I will never have a fag again just deal with today. Good luck Im sure you will be fine.xxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mega :D

Good morning on day 1 the first step to a smoke free life take it day by day or even hour by hour if you need to and know that we are all here to help and support you through this

Post often and always remember to read as much as possible

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4213 profile image

Hi Mega

First of all well done for coming here. I smoked for 40 years (Am now 60 years old) And have not smoked for the last 7 years.The benefits of not smoking far outweigh the reasons to smoke, I can breath, I can taste, I can run upstairs , I can garden, I can play golf etc etc. You can do it Margaret A day at a time in the first few weeks. Try those little nicotine tabs u place under your tongue if you feel the need. "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" is a very good book to read it is by Alan Carr. I wish you well


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi mega

congrats on day one,,i am 65 this sept and smoked all of my life,,tryed lots of times and failed,,this time i just stoped ,,and that was 117 days ago,,smoked 30 plus a day ,, so mego you can be like all of us on here and be smoke free,,when you are smoke free [AFTER 72 HOURS ] you will see and feel your body change,,so you be strong mega and as i say you must keep the faith tony and keep:D:D:D

nsd_user663_4165 profile image


Hi Mega, I think it is brilliant on this site, Im quite new too and am on day 6. It's been remarkebly easy, i don't want to give you a false impression but on day 1 i got msg's from so many, marg, minniminxz, linda to name but a few and they gave me such hope and are an inspiration to all us new'ees.

iv been burning lovely oils in a burner round my house and its fabulous. i do use the nicotine gum (amongst some peoples advise) but it does help me so much. i was a heavy smoker, 20 or more per day for 25 years and my first line on here was 'i cant imagine never having a fag again', i was soon put in my place by margareth who tpld me that is real negative and hey she certainly wasn't wrong. Linda advised me to take baby steps to get that attitude out of my head, yep an hour or two at a time is all you must think about, not tomorrow or the next day.

Good luck to you and please stick with this forum-the people are fantastic (and prob get fed up of me writing the same stuff again and agin, but it does help to write down how you feel and to recieve lovely feedback telling you how well uv done )...... xx

nsd_user663_4165 profile image

Well done on quitting after 32 years !!!!! You're a day ahead of me, how are you feeling now?

nsd_user663_4220 profile image

New on here, on my 1st day with patches! and now I'm going mad

Hi everyone, Well done to everyone who has began the path of quitting on here so far. I am on day 1 and right now, "dont I just know it!", Ive had a patch on since first thing. Work was cool, this afternoon was okish, and now I'm home and my mouth is watering, I keep munching, (mainly rise cakes!), and just practicing mind of matter each time my brain wonders so casualy into the thought of..... "Yay lets have a cig" straight away I'm saying nooooooooooo, black lungs yuk yuk!...........

Anyway now I'm here, hoping for general support from you guys, other than that I suppose it's time just to keep on eating, and in a few months I can just roll on (literally) out of the door, but be smug and say I'm a non smoker! Yay......... okay okay I'm really trying to convince myself here, I will do it, and Ive nearly done day 1. I have no cigs or tobacco in the house I cant go and get any as my little ones will be in bed so this really is it my first night of no cigs in 16 years! Oh my god!! ( and reading this back I really do sound crazier than normal, theres just no hope!:D!)

nsd_user663_4207 profile image

hi,nearly made a full day without the dreaded weed,must admit it wasnt too bad this morning but as the day has gone on,its got worse,but im being strong and told my kids and hubby to bare with me if i snap at them,going bed shortly as im well over due an early night.would just like to say a big thank you to all the people for giving me there support x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Mega

Well done for getting through the first day good idea to tell hubby and kids how you feel at least they will know it isn't them making you snap just hang in there

All the best


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sel

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit and on your 1st day You will get all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other and no you do not sound crazy at all just nervous which is understable

You should read anything you can find and there is plenty on here read some of the posts and see how others cope and pick up loads of tips also click on the links in the signatures of some of the posts they will help as well 2 I find really good are and to start you off the more you read and understand why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often and let us know how you are getting on, rant if you need to no one will mind pretty much anything goes on here

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4213 profile image

Good Morning Mega

Heres a little joke for you......."There are some new no smoking patches on the market that you put over your eyes,so that you cant find your cigs!!"

But well done on trying to give up and I wish you all the best Mega,as each day goes by not smoking you will find it gets easier to stay stopped.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Mega & Sel

See day two already every thing must start with the first step. Keep up the good work it will get much much easyer. Keep strong read ramble all you like just dont smoke. xxxx

nsd_user663_4220 profile image

DAY 2 Nearly over!

Wow, day 2,, I've shocked myself, Thank you for your kind support, it's really appreciated, everyone on here is giving me so much inspiration its great!

Marg - I checked the links out last night, and yep they to have helped!

Been a crazy day, really busy at work, then dash to pick my girls up and my 3 year old decides, today is the day she reverts back to tantrums! But hey I was as cool as a cucumber, (Just munching on carrot batons, I may be orange in a few months:D) and stayed calm, to the point that she stopped, as we were just letting it go until she tired herself out! biggest bonus was that I stayed calm, "Mind over matter" :)

Once again my girls are in bed and it's alone time, thats when its hard, so tonight, I've been in bed since 8.30, something I never do, but it has helped as I would never of smoked here anyway.... so it's all good:) just need to sleep now instead of flitting around on the net!

So again, quitely proud of myself :)...... Thanks again! Day 3 here we come!!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sel :D

Day 3 nearly over well done sounds like you had quite a day yesterday and good for you staying calm just hang in there



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