weird!!!: anyone else in/has done month 4 had... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3687 profile image
11 Replies

anyone else in/has done month 4 had this....?

for the past few days iv had a really heavy chest like iv smoked a fag ! been coughing a little bit, just a tickly cough nothing heavy but definately feel like iv smoked one but i havnt! other strange thing was though that when i walked past someone in town having one it made me cough real bad

today iv had the worst cravings in a long time aswell. REALLY wanted one this morning and it was quite distracting at work. no idea whats bought all this on :mad:

anyone else had similar?

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nsd_user663_3687 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I did have some wierd symptoms a few weeks ago.... it was very odd. I started coughing for no reason, and other peoples smoke made me feel very ill indeed.

I never felt like I had a heavy chest though, and certainly never felt like I had smoked.

No matter what though, not smoking today is what matters.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I found that I was OK in month 4, but I have hear of others having something similar, and I've found this post


Hi, I would always suggest that you see a doctor if you anyway worried about your health.

TBH I was quite scared when I was around 3 months into my quit, I have been going to the gym and thought that I was pretty healthy - then all of a sudden I couldn't walk up the gym stairs let alone complete the circuit. It was quite scary - and - although the doctor I saw was not much help - I felt all the better in my head for going, he did sound my chest and said it was all clear - he prescribed me with a asthma inhalalor - saying if would not be a permenant thing, explaining something about the tubes had narrowed and would re-oppen eventually?????? - am much better now - BUT - not yet as fit as I woukld have hoped.



But equally Jim could well be right and it might just be a cough :D

nsd_user663_3962 profile image

It has almost been 4 months for me, and I do sometimes get a slight tight chest . I have just gotten over a cough.

Hang in there. Over the past week I have had my strongest 'cravings' since week one. I have even been dreaming of smoking.

nsd_user663_3962 profile image

Thankfully I've had no coughs, though I do feel like I've had just about every other side-effect of quitting ...

Strongest cravings - weird isn't it - the icky threes on month 3 - I had a blip at Day 100 ....

Smoking dreams - very very common, apparently - someone on here (Dubbs?) said they look forward to them - or enjoy them at least - because that's the only way they get to smoke these days - which is one way of looking at it.

Must say, my first smoking dream I woke up in a cold sweat, confused - and checked my fingers for a smouldering nub ... the fact that the deam involved my ex-wife divorced over 15 years previously wasn't as important as checking whether I'd actually smoked or not !


The dreaming of smoking is the weirdest and most unexpected thing that I have encountered. Last night I dreamt that I asked a complete stranger for one drag of their cigarette. The night before I had a dream that I found an unopened pack of cigarettes...I don't mind the dreams. After all, they are just dreams.

nsd_user663_3712 profile image

Very strong urges too

You'll see from my other postsrecently I've just managed the 100 day milestone.

I haven't caved in at all but this week has been murder - I'm crunching my way through more sweets than since week 2.

Got that sensation in my cheeks that I associate with - need a fag.

Very Bizarre !

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

thanks for the replies. maybe i just have a cough. its just odd cos iv never "just" had a cough before. its always been related to smoking!

still got the weird chesty feeling today but thankfully the random cravings seem to have subsided. today is another day :)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well I'm just pleased to see that a post about a heavy chest hasn't led to an obvious boob reference, until now that is :D:D

nsd_user663_3687 profile image


not being funny, but, how can you say that if you've smoked since the age of 12?

you could say you've never "just" done anything - that anything has always been related to smoking.

... I've never "just" cut my toenails before - it's always been because I was a smoker...

Just being a devil's advocate!



i totally do not get what you are getting at there....toenails??? is that a bit of a fetish coming out there..??

just let it out. we wont judge i promise!

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

i still dont see the point.

im clearly having a blonde moment.

what i was saying was that any cough iv ever had previously was a smokers cough or a cough made a lot worse due to smoking

therefore apart from before the age of 12, i have never had "just" a cough - if u get me!?

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hoovering the cat?! :eek:

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

how do you know, if you've always been a smoker?

i just do !!!!

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