Hi All set to be a non smoker!: Hi everyone... - No Smoking Day

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Hi All set to be a non smoker!

nsd_user663_3865 profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone thats me all set im having my last one after i write this then thats me;) Been smoking for 18 years 20/30 a day the last few years !.

Loads of reasons to stop both my mum and mother inlaw have COPD,my kids hate it and constantly nag me money,health the list goes on an on however the most important thing is im doing it for Me!:p

First real attempt so hoping for the best. Can i just say a big well done to everyone on here who has sucseeded:D Oh and great forum by the way loads of usefull information.

Debbie x

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nsd_user663_3865 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_3617 profile image


Welcome to the Forum.

Good luck, you seem determined so you should be OK. Everyone on here will tell you that the key to success is education. Read, read and read. A lot of the members have links in their signatures to some useful reading.

Remember that you are not giving up, there is nothing to give up. You are quitting a filthy habit and only have masses to gain.

Keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.

It's not as difficult as you may think.



NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello and welcome,

Good luck with the quit. Keep posting, and reading!


nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi and Welcome

Congrats on making the decision to quit. Are you using any nicotine replacement or are you doing it Cold turkey?

Either way , you will find lots of support and information here .

Most sucessful quitters on this forum have managed so because they educated themselves about quitting. Its important you understand ..why you smoked, and what to do in times when the cravings come.

There are various websites offering all sorts of information , from inspiring tales at woofmang.com/tales/index.shtml to online programs at ffsonline.org .........read and understand as much as you can and it will help you when most needed.

Understanding your addiction is the best way to beat it , to understand it you have to disect it and educate yourself about it. Take it just a day at a time. Choosing to stay free not giving in to the cravings . Hint....don't fight with the craving.... Recognise it for what it is... a thought, a suggestion...its your addiction wanting fed, nothing more. All you have to do is make the choice to not smoke !

Your prize is something money cant buy ....you have better wealth and better health .....they even say you start to look better ( not saying you need that :) . The best present i find is the happiness that you have within yourself for giving up. You are no longer a slave to that nasty habit.

Good luck with it ....stay close to the forum and post whenever you feel the urge. Also drinking lots of cold water helps in the first few days , it takes the edge off the craving but also helps clean out your system ..........This is something you can do , lots of us start our quit wondering how we will get on .....but as each day passes you and your quit become stronger.

nsd_user663_3816 profile image

Hi Debbie

Huge welcome to the forums and well done on making the decision to give the ciggys the boot.

Good luck with it hun and post often, dont forget to update us on how its going.



nsd_user663_3849 profile image

Welcome *waves*

Well done on your decision to quit - it is one decision you'll never regret. Quitting isn't easy all the time, you will have one or two tough moments but that's all they are. Every tough moment you get through makes you stronger and those moments become less and less, the longer you stick it out.

Keep posting on here and let us know how you are doing.

Also, if you can, post on the 'your reasons' part of this forum then you can re-read it often!

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Well done on your decision to stop. Nearly end of day 3 for me. Follow advice to read as much info from the links provided, print it off, read it when you get a moment. If you have a tough moment, come on the forum, read peoples experiences, everyone's different and you'll get so much strength from the fact that you're not alone. I've kept away from caffeine, think it's definitely helped and I've listened to a stop smoking relaxation session on my Ipod, found it really calming. You'll do it, stay strong.

nsd_user663_3916 profile image

Good on you! I am on day four smoke free and keep coming here for inspiration, support and offering it when I can. I really do find coming here helps!

Good Luck


nsd_user663_3897 profile image

Hi everyone thats me all set im having my last one after i write this then thats me;) Been smoking for 18 years 20/30 a day the last few years !.

Loads of reasons to stop both my mum and mother inlaw have COPD,my kids hate it and constantly nag me money,health the list goes on an on however the most important thing is im doing it for Me!:p

First real attempt so hoping for the best. Can i just say a big well done to everyone on here who has sucseeded:D Oh and great forum by the way loads of usefull information.

Debbie x

Hi Debbie

I smoked 20/30 a day for years and I'm on day 8 so it can be done. Don't let that nicotine craving get to you, think of it as a fly that you have to swat!

Good luck!

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hi Debbie, welcome to the forum.

Can't really think of what to say... it's all been said! Best of luck, we're right with ya x

nsd_user663_3865 profile image

Hi everyone

Im back thats me on day 4:D it hasnt been easy but i am determined to stay with it Today has been a bit rough so ive decided to come on here for a snoop about lol!

Can i just say a huge thankyou to everyone for the support:o

Debbie x

ps Im using lozenges when needed!

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Well done Debbie keep it up!

Best wishes Wayne

nsd_user663_3910 profile image

Your doing good Debbie, keep thinking positive, keep caffeine down, but don't cut it out all together if you are used to drinking a lot cos you can get withdrawals from that!* Day 7 for me, and although it hasn't all been roses, as a whole, it's been much much better than I thought.* Take each day as it comes, every night tell yourself how brilliant you are not to have smoked, and every morning think, i'm not going to smoke today, one day at a time really helps.* Read lot's and lot's of information links found on this forum, they are REALLY helpful.* Smile a lot and cry if you need to! Stay strong.

nsd_user663_3822 profile image

Good luck Debbie,quitting is probably the best thing you have ever done.

nsd_user663_3936 profile image

Welcome to the realm of happy non-smokers :)


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