Hi tonight is my last night.I have 2 fags left and then that is it.I start on the patches tomorrow which have worked before with various results,usually i get to about 9 or 10 days then i give in,but this time i have set up a savings account and will tranfer all the money that i would have spent on fags direct into it.I have the added incentive that my drivers mate has quit for 2 weeks now so gives me some competition.
Hi its my last night as a smoker.4th attempt. - No Smoking Day
Hi its my last night as a smoker.4th attempt.
Hello and welcome.
Good luck with tomorrow I hope it goes well for you.
The best thing I can suggest though is that you spend some time reading up about nicotine addiction, and what to expect while quitting. Have a read of the links in my signature for more info and inspiration.
Try not to see quitting smoking as a sacrifice of a great pleasure but rather as a gaining experience; health, wealth, control etc. it will make it much easier if you can.
Post often and let us know how you are doing,
Best wishes
Hi Steve
Welcome to these forums, and well done on deciding to quit for good this time.
Lots of quitters on here and some great people with good advise. Like Nic has said read all you can.
Post often hun even if just to have a rant, plenty of support around to keep you going.
Good luck for tomorrow
Hi thanks for the welcome.Im pretty much all read up on it as ive been preping myself for tommorow.Im focused on that this is it and that this can only make my life better not worse in 2 major ways,1.being the obvious health implications and 2.being i am really looking forward to watching the balence in my new savings account go up and up.I think on previous attempts i have just quit for the sake of quitting without any real focus so this time i am feeling a lot more positive.So here go's.
Good luck and and good incentive by transferring the cash into a savings account, wished i had done that now lol
Well not to late i think i will sort that tomorrow
on previous attempts i have just quit for the sake of quitting without any real focus
Focus is vital, but so is getting away from the idea of smoking as a reward. IMHO
Best wishes
Welcome to the forum - please join our Team Monkey Bar-Stewards! Take a look in the 'General' part of this forum and look in team Jan 09 thread.
We have all gained the freedom from the ciggies this month and are here for each other.
Good luck and I look forward to your posts!
It will be interesting to see how much money you can save!
I was an 8 a day smoker and I have stopped for 9 days - that's 72 ciggies not smoked and nearly £23.20 not spent!
Thanks ill have a look at that.Im a 20-30 a dayer so im definately looking forward to £8 ill save every day.
Right how do you edit your signiture?
Right the deed is done.Ive just had my LAST smoke and im off to bed to dream about what i can spend my newly freed up cash on.
Well so far so good.finally got to sleep at 1:30 and woke about half six.Usually im straight downstairs into the garden for a fag but instead had a nice cuppa then had my hands full as my better half was out early so i had to get my daughter ready for the day.Ive had a busy morning so no problems there.This afternoon is proving more difficult but the cravings dont last very long so im just taking them as they come and keeping focused that this is a good thing.
You superstar Stevie!
This is the worst day but you've got to get through it no matter what! Once you have done a day, you know you CAN do it. Then you just have to hold on as it gets steadily easier and easier - and as everyone has said - it DOES get easier - a lot easier, but you have to stick it out to find out how quickly it gets easier!
If you get a craving come and log on - that's what I do and you soon have a laugh and forget that you are craving about ciggies. I am on Day 10 and there is no way I could have got here without this forum!
Yes Stevie excellent work! and congrats on quitting!!!
keep up the hard work and you will see how many things are to be gained in stopping!!
well done!
Right got back to work this afternoon and i was bouncing off the walls so i have been to tesco and bought an nicorete inhalator which i have used a couple of times which is helping.;)I was planning on using patches but put one in this morning but within half an hour it was irritating and itchy.
Hi Steve.
Well done you have almost got to the end of the first day. Have you read the links in Nics signature, i know they really helped me look at quitting in a different way, i dont look at ciggys now wishing i had one in my gob, but i do still miss them but dont miss smoking them.
Hang in there hun, you have done a day almost and like others have said it will get easier very soon
Right thats day 1 out of the way.This forum is highly addictive and is a massive help.Thanks for all of your supporting comments i shall see you all on day 2.
Yay! Well done Stevie - I wouldn't have got this far (day 10) without this forum. I have failed before because I haven't had any self-belief that I actually COULD quit. Having been reading this forum for the last fortnight I have become more and more confident that maybe, just maybe I CAN do it. You can too Stevie - you just have to believe in yourself!
Keep posting and have a good day tomorrow!
Right thats day 1 out of the way.This forum is highly addictive and is a massive help.Thanks for all of your supporting comments i shall see you all on day 2.
Yes its easy to trade addictions!!!!
But at least this one doesn't kill you!!!!
Yay! Well done Stevie - I wouldn't have got this far (day 10) without this forum. I have failed before because I haven't had any self-belief that I actually COULD quit. Having been reading this forum for the last fortnight I have become more and more confident that maybe, just maybe I CAN do it. You can too Stevie - you just have to believe in yourself!
Keep posting and have a good day tomorrow!
You can, and are really doing it!!!!! There is not good reason for you to fail, just don't ever smoke again
well done!
hey stevie
congrats on this amazing step to a life free of nigotine, i would be carefull though not to long ago i gave up with a friend at first it was great the compition and all and it drove me to about 2 and a half weeks but temptation got the better of him and i found my support slip, it is enough to send u back into smoking, good luck for the future mate.