this maybe taboo?: hi, am familiar to a few... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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this maybe taboo?

nsd_user663_3707 profile image
33 Replies

hi, am familiar to a few folks on this site and i would like to discuss a smoking matter which maybe fairly taboo with some folk so i apologise in advance for i do not wish to offend anyone, i have checked a few old threads about this subject and would like to expand ........ you,ve probably guessed it ....smoking weed? not the tobbaco kind. :rolleyes:

Im a musician and am typically around smokers and heavy drink/drug users most of the time ( not trying to stereotype :o) and although i have given up smoking ( three months now ) i find myself yearning to 'have a proper smoke' if you know what i mean. The last thing in the world i want is to start smoking again , stopping smoking is the most empowering thing ive ever done for myself and my children...but im just wondering ? could i just have the odd joint ? i think not, thats why im on here asking..... could someone ( am guessing nik:o or stu H ) just either give me a bollocking:p or some advice if they have been here ( or there ) ....many thanks carol-anne xx

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nsd_user663_3707 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

hi, am familiar to a few folks on this site and i would like to discuss a smoking matter which maybe fairly taboo with some folk so i apologise in advance for i do not wish to offend anyone, i have checked a few old threads about this subject and would like to expand ........ you,ve probably guessed it ....smoking weed? not the tobbaco kind.

Im a musician and am typically around smokers and heavy drink/drug users most of the time ( not trying to stereotype :o) and although i have given up smoking ( three months now ) i find myself yearning to 'have a proper smoke' if you know what i mean. The last thing in the world i want is to start smoking again , stopping smoking is the most empowering thing ive ever done for myself and my children...but im just wondering ? could i just have the odd joint ? i think not, thats why im on here asking..... could someone ( am guessing nik:o or stu H ) just either give me a bollocking:p or some advice if they have been here ( or there ) ....many thanks carol-anne xx

Slightly taboo I would have thought, but never mind.

Joint, no. Tobacco be inside those ;)

Nicotine and recovering addict = not a good idea.

There are other ways around it though....

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I dont think it is a good idea because of the smoking part of it.

It might get you back in the mood for a cig.

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

I'm interested to see what people's thoughts on smoking ganja are as well. I smoke it fairly often with friends, and I'm hoping to knock that on the head as well come the 20th. It's another sacrifice that I'm willing to make, despite the loss of that social aspect of my life. I'll still see them, just not in that way. I'll miss it of course, I'd be lying to myself if I said otherwise, but it's time to give it all up.

But like Stuart and dubbs said, one puff, one doob, is all it takes to get you into smoking again, and that's not a risk I'm not willing to take personally. Yeah you could probably smoke a pure one (not easy!) but it'd still be smoking nonetheless. It's up to you though, krismatt. If you've got the strength enough to do it without succumbing to the nicotine, then fair to play to you!

nsd_user663_3720 profile image

hi, am familiar to a few folks on this site and i would like to discuss a smoking matter which maybe fairly taboo with some folk so i apologise in advance for i do not wish to offend anyone, i have checked a few old threads about this subject and would like to expand ........ you,ve probably guessed it ....smoking weed? not the tobbaco kind. :rolleyes:

Im a musician and am typically around smokers and heavy drink/drug users most of the time ( not trying to stereotype :o) and although i have given up smoking ( three months now ) i find myself yearning to 'have a proper smoke' if you know what i mean. The last thing in the world i want is to start smoking again , stopping smoking is the most empowering thing ive ever done for myself and my children...but im just wondering ? could i just have the odd joint ? i think not, thats why im on here asking..... could someone ( am guessing nik:o or stu H ) just either give me a bollocking:p or some advice if they have been here ( or there ) ....many thanks carol-anne xx

I can't really offer you any advice, after all, it is your life but perhaps you can just ask yourself the question "why do I want smoke weed or tobacco"?

Ponder on that one and see what comes up.

Are there any positives or benefits to having the odd one? What would be the actual point (apart from giving in to a craving)?

These questions often help me when facing anything such as cigarettes, drinking too much, over eating, being rude to people, moaning excessively etc. etc.........

Well done on your quit - it must be difficult for you, particularly considering the "creative" environment you work within.

nsd_user663_3707 profile image

many thanks for the replies, especially the private messages ........i have decided its too much of a gamble to take with the nicotine being in 'it' id myself if i started smoking again . It was merely a thought when my mind wasnt focused, i just wondered how many folk had a similar dilemma............. ( far more peep than i thought!! ) ....anyhow, am back on the straight and narrow;) again and heading from month three into four very soon. carol-anne xx

nsd_user663_3891 profile image

I am on day 8 of not smoking... I smoked gear and cigs and have given both up at once.... having real bad time of it right now :( Can't sleep and cos of no weed I have no appitite, most peeps put weight on when they give up but not me I have lost a stone in 8 days!!!

I have been smoking cigs since I was 13 and gear since 18 and am now 37 so thats a long time. Any ideas on how I can get some sleep???? Doc won't give me sleeping tablets cos I am a single mother!!!

nsd_user663_3720 profile image

I am on day 8 of not smoking... I smoked gear and cigs and have given both up at once.... having real bad time of it right now :( Can't sleep and cos of no weed I have no appitite, most peeps put weight on when they give up but not me I have lost a stone in 8 days!!!

I have been smoking cigs since I was 13 and gear since 18 and am now 37 so thats a long time. Any ideas on how I can get some sleep???? Doc won't give me sleeping tablets cos I am a single mother!!!

Hi Sally,

It sounds like this has hit you hard so massive respect to you for what you are doing.

Is your Doctor sympathetic to what is happening to you right now? If not, ask to see another Doctor maybe.

I suppose sleeping will be difficult for a while - your body and brain is going through all sorts of changes and not eating will make you feel even worse.

What about trying some sort of relaxation technique such as deep breathing or meditation; it is really easy to learn and you can practice whenever you like and I can guarantee it will help you sleep better as this relaxes mind then body.

I am sure there are others here that have maybe been through something similar that can help more.

I suppose at the end of the day, there is no getting away from the fact that you will feel a bit out of it and messed up for a while whilst you re-adjust.

Get as much support as you can from friends and family and post here to keep your spirits up.

Well done for taking such a positive step.


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

1st off congrats on getting to day 8.

Not much I can say to add to what Lisa already has but, quitting 2 addictive substances at 1 time is bound to have a serious effect on your.

The sleeping will regularise itself given time and the best advice I can give is to tough it out and work on getting the right mental attitude!

Try to see quitting both substances as a positive thing rather than sacrificing a pleasure, sound daft but does help.

While they are aimed at smoking (nicotine addiction) have a read of the Whyquit website and the tales at woofmang (links in my sig) for further info and inspiration.

Post often to let us know how you are getting on!



nsd_user663_3707 profile image

sally........well done on quitting.....firstly i think if its possible, get another doctor, how ridiculous to not give you sleeping tablets just because you're a single mum,....they are however very addictive ( i know because i take them! ) ....but for just regulating your sleep pattern they can have an importantance ( especially because you are a single mum !! ).............

I also think the association of having a joint ( only speaking from my viewpoint here) equates to ' chill out before bed ' its a double wammy to give up both....but it can be done, if i can anyone can! My advice on the sleep front :

If you really can't get to sleep in say a weeks time , cant get some temporary sleep tablets and have tried other methods, including the sound advice nic and lisa have given then its just a case of sticking it out, hold onto the positives of giving up and remind yourself that this phase will pass, i daren;t go back to any kind of smoking, because of my kids!! .......i,m a single parent too btw :) hang on in there ......... sending you some healing vibes ....:D


nsd_user663_3738 profile image

the 60s was my time,there was all sorts of stuff one could take,but it never boather me,i never smoked any drugs,weed,joint etc etc,so i dont know how hard it would be to stop,,but you have done well to stop useing 2 substances,,sally,i would see another doc,..must be hard on you, my heart goes out to you,,just take it slow and ease..keep the faith tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I don't think anyone here is medically trained so we are not ideally placed to discuss the rights or wrongs of prescribing sleeping tablets.

However its is always possible that the doctor is just using the excuse "single mum" because as has been said sleeping pills are highly addictive and the doc may be worried that you will just end up exchanging addiction for tobacco and dope for sleeping pills. Otherwise it strikes me as daft!!

Just a thought.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Sally Very well done on your 8 days. i agree with Nick on the sleeping front. Maybe try some herbel over the counter pills. it cant harm i kow its a pain have a bad time on the sleeping front myself.xxxxx Ps keep us posted.xxxx

nsd_user663_3891 profile image

Day 10 and I got some sleep!!!

:):D I have finally managed to get 3 hours of unbroken sleep:):D, am so happy (but still real tired). I am so proud of myself for getting to day 10 it has been tough - very tough but I am finally being able to eat a bit and now I actually got some sleep....looking forward to the time I get a full night again.

A friend not knowing that I had stopped offered me a cig yesterday - the moment I have been dreading - and I am pleased to be able to say it was so easy to be able to turn that cig down - my mate was soooo impressed with me - I'm soooo impressed with me !!

Thankyou for the posts of encouragement - they do help - the fact that someone understands what it is like to stop and what you go thru.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Sally

!0 days is really a very big step. Also so pleased you had a little sleep. xxxxx

Hi Jim

Let me know how you get on with them. Would love to have a good night sleep only gone a full night about 5 times in the last 10 years since I lost my mum. xxxxxx

nsd_user663_3707 profile image

hi, well done sally on every front ! I forgot to mention about the weight loss you're experiencing. If you truly cannot afford to loose weight ( lucky you if you can't ! ) then eat a few avocado's and a bag of peanuts extra each day, at 800 calories each they will soon keep the weight on!! ......also your body will have to get used to not having the munchies!;)

On the sleep tablet front obviously if you can get by without them then that is by far the best option , i am assuming of course that you don't normally have a problem sleeping ? however, i can tell you from 28 years experience of having insomnia (though not medically trained i am a bit of an expert on the matter) that depending on your level of sleep deprivation and what you have to do mentally and physically each day that a short course of suitable medication will not harm you , the big ones to avoid are types like Zimmovane which are prescribed to long term insomniacs who literally cannot sleep without them ,unlike some of the lesser strength ones......( the addiction can be all in the mind anyhow ) .whichever option you choose and i do not advocate strong sleep pills at all for most people , stay strong and keep up the good work , it will all be worth it

p.s. i know im stating the obvious here, but if you can get out for an hour a day and get some fresh air it always helps. good luck:D

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

Hi sally

Yes well done on everything. 3 hours sleep doesnt seem much to me but as opposed to not sleeping then i assume thats good. Carol Anne has some good advice and seems best placed to offer help with regards sleeping patterns.

Alot of people suffer mild insomnia when giving up smoking, and from reading up on it would seem most people seem to be back into their sleeping pattern after a month at most .

Just like Carol Anne said...getting out should help as would some excercise !

Glad you are still quit , well done ...hopefully you will start to see a turnaround in fortune and you can soon enjoy the process of being quit and all the benefits that goes with it.

Keep going and be as strong as you have been .

nsd_user663_3891 profile image

:confused: am on day 13 of stopping today and am finding out that without the gear and cigs I am not a nice person really - I feel SO angry all the time. I have had a very hard life and up to now feel I have dealt with all the stuff thrown at me well but now it is like I am angry for all the stuff that has happened in the past to me and my family, my boyfriend and 2 closest friends have told me that I have changed so much and it's not for the best ( I upset one close mate so much with my remarks to her that she now refuses to even look at me in the street). Thing is I have been smoking gear since I was 18 and now feel that I don't know who I am:confused: My mum died 12 years ago and I am sat here crying for her like a 12 yr old has said she wants her mum back... Just don't think this is worth it!:(

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hang in there

Hi Sally,

I really hope you're still strong and not going to put one of those things in your mouth EVER AGAIN...

Don't do it, please...things will get better. Your mood will even out.

Take some positive action. Get out and about. Get people to help give you some space for a little time. Drink water...breathe...You know how to do it Sally, and you can!

Every hour is a good one which takes you farther into recovery!

Bill X

nsd_user663_3911 profile image

I can empathise with some of the posters predicaments as I too have knocked both "smokes" on the head and as mentioned it's a double whammy!

I was previously on the page of knocking the fags on the head and having the "odd" bifta on a weekend but after reading the wise words on the forum I realise that's it's not quite as straight forward as that.

I'm moving forward by not having either and I agree, as mentioned, stopping the 'erb is easier than tobacco.

If I find later down the line I'm of a different opinion I think, again as mentioned, I may bake myself a cake as I think I owe it to my poor old lungs to give them a much deserved break:o

nsd_user663_3891 profile image

:D Day 17 now and ....I feel good ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ...just like I should ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ...

My mood swings have passed , I am eating normal again , and finally getting some sleep... only downside is I have gone off chocolate and I love chocolate??? :( . Thanks to everyone who has replied to my previous posts reading them has helped me understand why I felt the way I did. I am not saying I am totally over it don't get me wrong I still have the odd craving espesh when I just get in after being out for the day and sit down but when the little voice in my head says "I wanna cig" the bigger voice say's " no you don't!!" .

Will be bakeing a cake when I have been smoke free for a month as a little reward for doing so well.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done Sally,

I must admit that when I read your 1st post I though you had a really tough task quitting both, at the same time but you are proving to be more than up to the challenge.

Great work, keep it up.

Best Wishes


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Yes Sally i agree with Nick your doing a fab job. You go girl well done.xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

well done sally on quitting sleep can be a problem if i get desparate i use kalms but you could also try nytol both are herbal and non addictive and can be bought over the counter good luck

kismatti i wouldn't think it would be a good idea ro smoke a joint at all

love to you both margaret

nsd_user663_3853 profile image

Hey Sally, I've just read through your posts and the replies here, and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. James Brown says it all :cool:

Baking a big old cake for everyone? :p

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

..... I was really in the mood for a proper ciggie even though there was no tobacco.

People used to think the sun revolved around the earth. Some apparently thought the earth was flat. Smoking was once thought to be good for you and lots of people believe in Aliens. Many people think smokers are addicted to nicotine.

I’m sure, in not too many years, we’ll look back and smile…. :)

nsd_user663_3891 profile image


3 weeks today without a cig or a sooo proud of myself:D

The only downside now (apart from the occasional bad mood which soon passes) is the discusting taste I have in my mouth all the time, am sucking on sugar free mints to try and cover it up and brushing my teeth about 5 times a day - any idea if this is normal and how long it will last ??

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Well done Sally! 3 weeks is a great acheivement.

The bad taste is quite normal and will pass. It's to do with the chemistry in your mouth changing now you have stopped.

Theres not much you can do but wait it out, if I remember rightly mine passed around the 1 month mark.

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Well DONE!

Well done Sally,

You've had a lot to push through and you've done it!

Just stay on your guard...Ol' Nic hasn't let you off the hook yet!


nsd_user663_3891 profile image

5Wks today :)

I stopped smoking 5 weeks ago today...can't believe I am still able to come on here and say that, there have been a few times I have wondered if it is worth it but hey it is!!! Still have horrid taste in my mouth all the time but haven't put weight on and am over the mood swings so think I am doing ok!!:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Sally

Really pleased your still quit babes was thinking about you the other day. week 5 great work keep going your doing fab.xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


3 weeks stopped that's wonderful you have every right to be really proud of yourself give yourself a big pat on the back

All the best


nsd_user663_3891 profile image


It's real nice to know that people are thinking of me - thank you. I start week 6 as I get up in the morning wondering if I will stop craving a cig when I first sit down after being out - it's the only time I do really, once that's passed I will feel I am finally over it I think...I

Will post on here again soon, even if it's just to brag that I am still quit - cos I will be, my 12yr old daughter is so proud of me I can't and won't let her down!!!:D:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

6 weeks is fab work you go for it girl.xxxx

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