Help!: Hello All, I am not going to smoke... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3720 profile image
46 Replies

Hello All,

I am not going to smoke and I mean it!!!!!!

The problem is, is that I still want a cigarette and I hate this - it is so annoying!

Physically, there is no craving, psychologically it is in full force and frankly it is really hacking me off.

I think it must be the time of year. I absolutely love Christmas but I keep having this sneaky little thought that if I could smoke then everything would be perfect! In fact everything would be perfect if I could just stop the thoughts about smoking pestering me.

I find this all very odd. In a funny sort of way it seems harder than it was in the first few days. Maybe I am being too complacent.

Is this a familiar experience for you guys?

The thought that I will have to live with these feelings for the rest of my non smoking days does not fill me with hope.

I suppose I feel like I am in a lose-lose situation (the glass feels completely empty right now) in that I can't smoke and I don't want to smoke but I do want to smoke and I can if I want to..............if that makes any sense!!

I suppose it is because prior to stopping smoking, I felt like I had a choice whether to smoke or not but now because I am out of the addiction and feel so much better (both physically and mentally) I know that I just cannot afford to smoke - I just cannot smoke again - the downsides to smoking are just too big. My anxiety for instance just does not exist on the same level or intensity as it did when I smoked. The physical symptoms are so slight and I feel like my hole body has slowed down to a natural rhythm.

So why am I complaining????????????:D:rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_3720 profile image
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46 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello All,

I am not going to smoke and I mean it!!!!!!

Good make sure you don't!!! You'd only regret it.

The problem is, is that I still want a cigarette and I hate this - it is so annoying!

Physically, there is no craving, psychologically it is in full force and frankly it is really hacking me off.

Quitting is not something that happens overnight, it is a sustained effort to maintain the right mindset and you have a lot of learned behaviour to let go of.

I think it must be the time of year. I absolutely love Christmas but I keep having this sneaky little thought that if I could smoke then everything would be perfect! In fact everything would be perfect if I could just stop the thoughts about smoking pestering me.

I find this all very odd. In a funny sort of way it seems harder than it was in the first few days. Maybe I am being too complacent.

Is this a familiar experience for you guys?

It is all perfectly normal!!!!! I have been exactly where you are, it seemed like everything had fallen into place then it comes back to kick you in the rear. Don't get upset with yourself, this is an addiction, it is real and your subconscious mind wants you to smoke, you will have urges to a greater or lesser degree for some time but what is important is that you stay firm and deal with them. The more often you do the stronger your quit will be.

I firmly believe that you need to experience the various trigger points to practice dealing with them and have been doing so myself after nearly 5 months.

The thought that I will have to live with these feelings for the rest of my non smoking days does not fill me with hope.

You spent years smoking now you need to spend time getting used to not smoking, its a marathon not a sprint but you will clear the urge to smoke over time.

I suppose I feel like I am in a lose-lose situation (the glass feels completely empty right now) in that I can't smoke and I don't want to smoke but I do want to smoke and I can if I want to..............if that makes any sense!!

Repeat to yourself that you have done fantastically well already and smoking is not a pleasure. Re-affirm that thought over and over!

I suppose it is because prior to stopping smoking, I felt like I had a choice whether to smoke or not but now because I am out of the addiction and feel so much better (both physically and mentally) I know that I just cannot afford to smoke - I just cannot smoke again - the downsides to smoking are just too big. My anxiety for instance just does not exist on the same level or intensity as it did when I smoked. The physical symptoms are so slight and I feel like my hole body has slowed down to a natural rhythm.

A subtle point but its better to regard yourself an an addict choosing not to fuel the addiction it focuses the mind on staying quit!

So why am I complaining????????????:D:rolleyes:

Because you want to draw a line under that part of your life, but there is still work to be done

Really you have done fantastically, but don't expect Rome built in a day, I'd been hoping for that myself and it wasn't until about 110 days that I realised its not how this works.

best wishes


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I went through a week where I just could not shake the thoughts of smoking. It didn't matter what I did. I read, and read, and read. I wrote my thoughts down over and over again... and all it did was distract me for a while.

In the end, I just had to ride it out - it went away eventually. I am a firm believer that eventually, every quitter has to go through a bad spell to make sure that they are really commited.

This is simply your addict mind coming to the front for a while - testing your resolve. You can beat it back again... you may never be free of nicotine addiction, but you can keep the addiction in the background and live your life free of it.

So... How much do you want to stay quit, Lisa? If it's enough, you will come out the other end stronger and better for it!

Hang in there, and you will win.... I promise it will get better again.

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

feel so much better (both physically and mentally)

Just think what you will feel like this time next year!!

It does get better, and very quickly. Enjoy your smoke free Christmas.

And read the book again;)

nsd_user663_2817 profile image

It was the first time i quit smoking - Now i actually want to NOT smoke, and have 0 desire to do so.

Just ask yourself what the desire is to smoke? Can't you be around people who smoke & be proud that you're not?

Anytime it feels like EVERYONE is smoking, notice how 90% of people are NOT smoking, lol.

Hope48 profile image

Hi Lisa,

I have had just that same feeling last week,it really made me angry to think that for most part it has been fairly easy for me, to be honest,so I was really shocked to have this feeling.

it did pass and I feel stronger for it,Just remember why your giving those awful things up;)

nsd_user663_2216 profile image

give me a fag !!!!!

at least its not just me having the cravings again !!!!!

nearly 5 weeks and not a puff and i came off my champix a week ago but i had to swallow 1 of those blue pills tonight just to help with the cravings.

well think going to bed will be a good option so night night everyone and just stay strong.

but we all do that so well

this nico demon is a pain in da buttttttt


nsd_user663_3687 profile image

how are you feeling today lisa? better i hope.

just wanted to echo what the others said really and thats dont undo all your work

skip a stage and think about how you are going to feel AFTER you have had one...not too chuffed with yourself id guess. so hopefully that thought will help you sustain. its prob the time of year - its just another smoking association you need to get rid of from your head. once you have done it this year, you will be confident of more christmas' smoke free to come

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Lisa And Tim

hope your both feeling a little better today. maybe we need the bad times to enjoy the good ones just try and ride it out. you will feel much worse if you give into it take it from me HEHE. xxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

maybe we need the bad times to enjoy the good ones

That is true in life as a whole - You can't have the silver lining if you don't get the cloud!

nsd_user663_2216 profile image

finally got something out of smoking

well saving money by not smoking has had one reward i decided to spend some money on a secondhand digital camera with an expensive lens.

so £500 pounds lighter and wifeee indoors wont talk to me but what the heck.

beats spending £20 a week on the ciggies.

at least the cravings have been more easier today and the camera will keep my hands busy and my mind active.

normally i would spend the money on presents or things around the house but this one time i decided to think of myself and get what i always wanted.

hope everyone is ok


nsd_user663_3720 profile image

Hi Guys,

Bad news - I have smoked.....................

Only kidding!!!!! No, I haven't and the cravings finally subsided again yesterday.

I think Nic hits the nail on the head for me. I don't want this addiction hanging over me for the rest of my life like some ball and chain! I just want to put it to bed and get on with living but I think now that I do believe this is an addiction and that I am a smoker who chooses never to smoke again and that I have done the right thing (that fact will never change) I feel much more in control again.

Do you know what really works for me??? This is so vain but I just look in the mirror and marvel at my pink, blushing, bright skin and then I notice how all the fine lines around me eyes and the dark circles have diminished to almost nothing....then I recall how pasty and tired I used to look. I am sure I was actually poisoning myself twenty times a day.

I also understand that smoking did not agree with me at all - I think it actually made me feel a bit off and tired every single day.

Well done Tim and thanks everybody.

I think I am prepared mentally now for another setback if it happens and will not be surprised or taken aback when it does. I will just have to work through it.

Here's to a smoke free Chrismas!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Only kidding!!!!! No, I haven't and the cravings finally subsided again yesterday.

I'm really very pleased to hear that, Lisa!

These feelings crop up and I know exactly how you feel, acceptance that they do crop up means they are much easier to deal with.

For me feels like this now

- An irritating salesman arrives on my doorstep and rings the bell,

- I see who it is "oh its you again - I told you last time I'm not interested,

- They say "Hang on wait if you'll just listen to me, I'm sure I can interest you.

- "No, I'm not interested, now Bu##er off!"

- "But please,"

- "NO!" Close door!

This episode will have been a valuable stage in your quit, when you reach the penthouse and review the year you will probably look back on it and be glad that it happened!

Well done!


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

.... I am sure I was actually poisoning myself twenty times a day....

That's because you were.

We also did if for so long we became ever tolerant to it, defended our 'right' to do it and if queried we publicly announced our enjoyment of it.

Once we've stopped for any length of time there is the dawning that life seems to have lost many of the stressful situations that always needed a fag to help us get through.

The most upsetting thing I've seen recently is someone starting to smoke and being oblivious of the years of torment and stress that lie ahead of him.. :(

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

I wonder if there if a forum somewhere of people who are collective in their denial of smoking is Goooooood:confused:

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Don't know about a forum but there is a campaign <allegedly> called National Smoking Day, where you can sign up and receive SMS which cost £1 a time LMAO

I guess if you've got money to burn ........

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Don't know about a forum but there is a campaign <allegedly> called National Smoking Day, where you can sign up and receive SMS which cost £1 a time LMAO

I guess if you've got money to burn ........

isnt there a group called FOREST or something

nsd_user663_3720 profile image

Yes, I have been on the FOREST website and when I used to defend my right to smoke (when I was in denial) I was considering joining; now I wish they would wake up and see the truth.

A nice thing happened today - a colleague gave me £20 and puzzled I asked what it was for and she reminded me back one Day 1 that if I was still stopped by Christmas, she would give me the money for my fave I have just dropped it in the Animal Care collection tin which felt really good. Some dogs or cats have benefited through my quit!!

On another note, have you seen those new packets with the graphic pictures on them???? Thank goodness I don't need to buy them - the guilt and stupidity I would feel would be just too much!!!

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

i am utterly shocked and disgusted that a site such as forest exists!!!!!! i have just been on there to have a look and frankly, why that site is allowed to exist is beyond me!!!!! :eek: :mad:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

People have a right to enjoy tobacco and a right to claim to enjoy tobacco. Most of us have said it at one time and bizarrely some of us may well say it again…!!! :eek:

As the old saying goes..... "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

hey ho.. :o

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Do forest organise fund-raising events? Sponsored walks and runs? maybe not!

I can't say I defend the right of people to smoke, as it perpetuates the cycle through the generations. I would have not missed smoking had it been banned before I started, and I don't see why we tolerate the free availability of a deadly substance that will eventually kill many youngsters who have not even taken their 1st puff yet.

All the best,


nsd_user663_3687 profile image

so basically austin your saying that anyone can say what they want??

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

People have a right to enjoy tobacco and a right to claim to enjoy tobacco. Most of us have said it at one time and bizarrely some of us may well say it again&#8230;!!! :eek:

As the old saying goes..... "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?

hey ho.. :o

If we start to ban organisations such as FOREST (even if we disagree with what they stand for) we take away the right to free speech which is what freedom is based on.

I don't like several organisations (like the BNP for example) - but I would never suggest that they be made illegal.

so basically austin your saying that anyone can say what they want??

People cannot say what they want (for example inciting a crime is illegal) but we do have the basic right to free speech... thats what our society is based on.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Was in asda today looking at the ds games (for grand daughter) They have got one game out by Allan Carr to help you stop smoking. Sorry to mess up the thread but didnt know where to post it. xxxxx

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

I find it funny that people bang on about the Freedom of Speech (I'm not on about this case) and our right to this, yet everyday watch our other rights in civil liberties get washed down the plug hole...

ID Cards

Age Enforced Curfews

Stop and Searches

If I hear, if you got nothing to hide once more....

and people say we are not a police state

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

so basically austin your saying that anyone can say what they want??

Like Stu pointed out... Yip, pretty much.

Don't forget that these people believe it, can preach it, can publish it, can recruit for it, can collect money for it and so on.

There are plenty of other groups, institutions and faiths that fall into the very same category and have many, many followers.

Dis at your peril I say..!!! :(

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

im sorry but i disagree. u cant just say what you want anymore. in some cases thats good but i most cases its to protect people and in this case, that site should be banned to protect people

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

The right of the individual to wish to smoke and say thay wish to smoke is fine, as it is to wish to use cocaine and to say they wish to use cocaine.

Its the fact that one is legally available that I have an issue with.;)

nsd_user663_3712 profile image

I'm going to wade into this discussion - I hope I don't regtret it, but I know you are all reasonable people.....;)

I honestly truly do not give a to$$ about what anyone else does or says in relation to smoking or any other part of my life - so what other people believe is of no concequence to me - I just don't care.

Now some people may think thats naive, but I think I am able to make my own mind up about what I choose to believe. I get very angry at the nanny state we seem to live in.

The most recent atempt by the government to stop people smoking - hide the packets :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Wow, how many coke heads, crack heads have been tempted to try by the nice colourful packets on display !!

As a teenager the "worse" something was - ie the most dangerous or the one you'd most get into trouble for - the more interested I was. We are putting smoking back in there more and more in my opinion.

And of course it is all just opinion - but there is mine :D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

And of course it is all just opinion - but there is mine :D

Shared by me for the most part.

I too choose what to beleive and noone is going to tell me that this government or the NHS want a load of people to quit smoking. If that were true they are going about it the wrong way. So... Either...

a) They are all ignorant - to the point of not knowing how to use Google, and even those that smoke have absolutely no idea.

b) They are NOT ignorant and are just trying to make it look like they want people to quit by offering a token stop smoking service staffed by people who have no clue offering "solutions" that only work in a vast minority of cases.

So.. a) Ignorant or b) putting peoples lives on the line for tax £'s?

There we go... free speech!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Is that sleigh bells I can hear...??

nsd_user663_2216 profile image

and its nearly christmas


and thats without anyone smoking.

i have never had a christmas without a ciggie and i bet most of us are in that boat or at least remember it.

sounds strange considering 2 days ago i was desperate for a ciggie but now i feel i can cope.

but be a turning point



nsd_user663_3738 profile image

come to think of it,,this will be my 1st xmas not smokeing..sure does feel good,,had a few bad days but there gone now,,like you say its nearley xmas,,o yes o yes o yes .there is life after smokeing..just keep the faith all the best tonh

nsd_user663_3720 profile image

I honestly truly do not give a to$$ about what anyone else does or says in relation to smoking or any other part of my life - so what other people believe is of no concequence to me - I just don't care.

Now some people may think thats naive, but I think I am able to make my own mind up about what I choose to believe. I get very angry at the nanny state we seem to live in.

The most recent atempt by the government to stop people smoking - hide the packets :rolleyes::rolleyes:


I can understand what you are saying, but ultimately, what people think DOES have a bearing indirectly on what each and every one of us thinks or believes. Maybe not in the short term but in the long term what other people believe (our culture) will affect us, our children, our grandchildren........

Some people believed in Jesus 2500 years ago and here we are living in a Christian country!!

Also, I agree about us having the intelligence to make up our own minds but sometimes he truth is kept from us or the people giving us the facts have no idea what they are talking about either so it is up to each and every one of us not to accept what we are told and to find out for ourselves.

Look at smoking - only fifty years, forty even, smoking was hip, cool, sociable

etc. and the ill effects were not talked of or even know of by the masses yet look how things have changed. So, either way, it is difficult to know what to believe.

The best way is to not believe anything and go find out for yourself. Education and research is the key....but even this can fail.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Look at smoking - only fifty years, forty even, smoking was hip, cool, sociable

etc. and the ill effects were not talked of or even know of by the masses yet look how things have changed. So, either way, it is difficult to know what to believe.


My relatives said that some doctors used to smoke a pipe during consultations, and you used to have smoking wards in the hospitals:D

A colleague I worked with whose daughter is now about 23, was told when pregnant that it was OK to smoke as its will keep her calm throughout the term.

Remember those sweets that you could get as a kid that were like fags????? They ARE still on sale.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

My relatives said that some doctors used to smoke a pipe during consultations, and you used to have smoking wards in the hospitals:D

A colleague I worked with whose daughter is now about 23, was told when pregnant that it was OK to smoke as its will keep her calm throughout the term.

All true - that's brainwashing, and a lot of that was going on AFTER the health risks were discovered but while the tobacco companies were saying nicotine is not addictive and the health risks were "dramatically exaggerated" (as recently as the 80's). People chose to beleive the companies rather than the researchers. I was one of them... it's taken me way too long to see the truth and the whole thing makes me very angry now if I stop and think about it. However, I do not feel I have any right to preach to anyone... they need to make the decision and learn the truth for themselves.

Remember those sweets that you could get as a kid that were like fags????? They ARE still on sale.

I couldn't beleive when I saw them in the village shop just a few days ago.... in this day and age how can a sweet company be happy to make these? Insanity.

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Was in asda today looking at the ds games (for grand daughter) They have got one game out by Allan Carr to help you stop smoking. Sorry to mess up the thread but didnt know where to post it. xxxxx

Good spot Linda. I saw them in Blockbuster the other day for £4.99 !!

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Some people believed in Jesus 2500 years ago and here we are living in a Christian country!!


Sorry but this is just NOT true!!!! :eek: ;) :D

(Pedantically checking dates!!!!)

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Some people believed in Jesus 2500 years ago and here we are living in a Christian country!!


More than likely around 1975 years.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Pedant alert, pedant alert..!!

Technically Christianity didn’t begin in the first century it began at the very beginning of time seeing as Jesus and God are one…

Personally it’s an argument I’d stay well clear of…. especially at this time of year… :o

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Pedant alert, pedant alert..!!

Technically Christianity didn&#8217;t begin in the first century it began at the very beginning of time seeing as Jesus and God are one&#8230;

Personally it&#8217;s an argument I&#8217;d stay well clear of&#8230;. especially at this time of year&#8230; :o

Probably showing my ignorance (been a long time since I was dragged to church), but isn't Jesus supposed to be the son of god?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Probably showing my ignorance (been a long time since I was dragged to church), but isn't Jesus supposed to be the son of god?

Ask me about guitars... I'm happy to natter into the small hours... :)

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

And considering the clue is in the title:cool:

Christ - iainity

Implicitly meaning followers of Christ or (divinity of Christ), as the religion was started by the apostles, following the Crucifixion.

Prior to this there was no Christianity, the main religions were based on the Jewish Faith (old testament), Muslim Faith (Koren), Hindu and Eastern Faiths such as Buddist etc etc.

The whole "Christianity" religion is based on the fact Jesus rose from the dead, 3 days after his death, and seen the first miracal of this kind. The Apostles then Chronicled his life works, Known as Gospels, and they form the New Testament which is used a the foundation for all modern Christian faiths, such C of E, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist etc etc

RC was one of the first wide spread forms of Christianity, which was adopted by the Romans, some hundred of years after Christs death, but was still very much in the minority, and Christians were often persecuted etc etc.

The statement of God and his son, being one, is in the spiritual sense, and also includes the holy spirit - know as the holy trinity.

Not I believe in any of this nonsense, in fact quiet the opposit, but this statement, and the religious service announcement above has been brought to you following 15 years of Indoctrined into Catholicism.

Like I said before, so many deaths have accured in the name of god, its hard to beleive that any of it really matters.

Anyway, seasons greatings to all.:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I started typing, then read the first post of this thread, thought, “yeah well hi-jacked”…

How on earth did we get onto the Holy Trinity…??

Anyone fancy a mince pie..? :)

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

I started typing, then read the first post of this thread, thought, “yeah well hi-jacked”…

How on earth did we get onto the Holy Trinity…??

Anyone fancy a mince pie..? :)

I still dont think that puts us back on thread does it?

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I started typing, then read the first post of this thread, thought, “yeah well hi-jacked”…

How on earth did we get onto the Holy Trinity…??

Anyone fancy a mince pie..? :)

PIe,any kind of pie sounds good to me ..........Is this a pie thread?

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

mince that time of year. hal a lue ya

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