Im here!: Day 10 - Week 2 - phew Probably... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3768 profile image
25 Replies

Day 10 - Week 2 - phew

Probably down to around 2 proper craves per day (I would think that any newbie reading this will take hope). Thats not to say when they come they are less than a week ago, because they are not, and I could quiet happily light up, but I'm not - hurrah.

Rock and Roll

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nsd_user663_3768 profile image
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25 Replies
nsd_user663_3633 profile image

So you are

Well done on getting so far :D

Glad you're noticing that the craves are starting to get less frequent, in a few days you should start to notice them getting weaker too.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done its nice to get to double figures!

Keep up the great work!

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Well done on getting so far :D

Glad you're noticing that the craves are starting to get less frequent, in a few days you should start to notice them getting weaker too.

Thank heavens!!!

Had a bad one last night - would love to say it was me being strong that stopped any relapse, but was the fact i had no smokes in house, and live miles away from shop, that thwarted it.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

hello there

very well done stuarth is right the craves do get less and weaker in time i have just finished week 4 and i am very proud of that you should be proud of yourself to youre doing well keep it up

love margaret

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Thank heavens!!!

Had a bad one last night - would love to say it was me being strong that stopped any relapse, but was the fact i had no smokes in house, and live miles away from shop, that thwarted it.

It doesn't matter. As long as you don't smoke. If you really wanted one, you would've got some. So you couldn't have really wanted one.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

It doesn't matter. As long as you don't smoke. If you really wanted one, you would've got some. So you couldn't have really wanted one.

never looked at it like that - mearly that Im too lazy :D :D :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi opheilia well done to you.. a crave will go weather you smoke or not ,so take it one day at a time..or one hour at a time..try reading again it does help ,,be strong,,and keep the faith all the best tony

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

hi opheilia well done to you.. a crave will go weather you smoke or not ,so take it one day at a time..or one hour at a time..try reading again it does help ,,be strong,,and keep the faith all the best tony

Thats a good prospective - you should add that to the tips section or as your signature.

You'll get a crave whether you smoke or not - I like it - LOL keep the faith!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Babes 10 days is great. Glad there getting less for you.xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Well done Babes 10 days is great. Glad there getting less for you.xxxxxxxx


I have a few touch and go moments as you can read above, and like I said it was laziness not will power that got me through :D, but I'm through, and chuffed to bits!

have a smoking friends staying with me over xmas, don't think I'm going to be bothered, she hates the fact she smokes, and like me other mate, full of good intentions. anyway, I know she'll be looking at me with smoke free envy as opposed to me looking at her thinking "I wish I could have one":D

Ultimately thats the point isn't it, I'm not "missing out"

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

have a smoking friends staying with me over xmas, don't think I'm going to be bothered, she hates the fact she smokes, and like me other mate, full of good intentions. anyway, I know she'll be looking at me with smoke free envy as opposed to me looking at her thinking "I wish I could have one":D

I know a good book you might like to buy them for Christmas;);):D

nsd_user663_3679 profile image

HI Opheilia

A big congrats on your achievement so far!! As each day now passes you have more reason never to go back to what you were before, each day quit is very precious in becoming the new you.

The other day when you craved and never went to the shops wasnt a lazy moment , it was a defining moment. When you smoked you would have made that effort to get those smokes if you had ran out no matter what the weather or your state of fatigue because your addiction would have forced you to go get them. Now you are breaking free of those chains and this to me is a sign you have a great quit going!

Smoke free envy<< like this term :) is very common, however you must be on your guard as alchohol will loosen the resolve and like you said you are not missing out.

In many ways we are lucky - some people would give anything to improve their health and wealth ......some people would do anything to improve their self confidence ...some people would do anything to make a positive change to their lifestyle ....all we have to do is continue in our quit!!

so keep it up , your doing fab!!!

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

In many ways we are lucky - some people would give anything to improve their health and wealth ......some people would do anything to improve their self confidence ...some people would do anything to make a positive change to their lifestyle ....all we have to do is continue in our quit!!

Ain't that the truth :cool:

nsd_user663_2863 profile image



Well done to all who are continuing their journey away from the nasty habit.

We WILL need extra resolve and some strategy, most of us, over the Christmas period, and it will help to have made some clear resolutions before the time comes.

I'm back to boozing tommorrow...that first G&T on the plane is hard to resist.

First dilemma...Do I say 'No'..Aghhhhhhhh...maybe I should, just to start how I mean to go on...Aghhhhhhh!!!!

Bill :rolleyes::(:o:p

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I think you need to just get on with it, have a few drinks but resolve not to smoke. Then you know you can do it and you can undertake plenty of "practice drinking" without smoking until you feel comfortable :D



nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Bill

Hows week four going for you? Are you home or away and hows newly married life. How long has it been now this is your first chrismas isnt it? Enjoy both of you. xxxx

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

week 4

Yes week 4 is going fine, thanks Linda.

I'm just coming up against the image I have of relaxing with a fag...for the first time since I quit. What people call 'Junkie thinking'.

Strange how it lurks in there untouched until it's ready. As Nic said, you've just got to see these leftover associations as they come up. I'll have the lovely relaxing 'Kick off the shoes' moments, thanks, but reclaimed from the '...and spark up.' bit...which was the b******s attached!

I'm still unsure about how much I can risk vis-a-vis the booze,'s a strong association and I'm just too prone to kick over the traces!

Maybe just one G&T then...:D


PS Married life OK, thanks Linda, but it's all a bit fragmented, what with being away six months of the year and not being able to sell either of our houses just now...!

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Im off out on sat, fort with a non smoker.

Im thinking dont take a coat, that way, wont be tempted to freeze my **** off having a smoke outside:D

Its silly, but if it works.....

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

OK end of Week 2 and a big day to go out on a bang with.

Got my first non-smoke beforehand interview. Its a biggy starts at 12.15 lasting 3 hours.

I Know Im not goign to cave in and have just the one before I go in. But just wanted to share with you all todays a toughy.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

You'll be fine!

Well done on 2 weeks and good luck with the interview :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Im sure you will be great good luck anyway. Congrats on your two weeks. Come back later and fill us in on how it went. xxxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Good luck with the interview,

If you were still smoking you'd probably end up more agitated, at least that's how I seem to find it (I'm a much calmer person off the smokes) so going in smoke free will stand you in better stead!



nsd_user663_3738 profile image

Take your mind off smoking


Just thought you may like to have a look and smile...

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

tony that was really good xxx

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Four sodding hours for interview, hanging around waiting for other people etc etc

Boy I needed a fag at the end - didn't though..

What was funny a chappie who obviously couldn't wait went out have way through the selection day to have a smoke - not very professional; is it?

Ah well, find out next week

Not what you're looking for?