Back Again!! Day 17: Hi all - old friends... - No Smoking Day

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Back Again!! Day 17

nsd_user663_2867 profile image
22 Replies

Hi all - old friends and new.

I'm Libby former member of Team 428, who fell by the wayside in June,. Any of the old team still about? I see Flippys still here - Hi Flippy - how are ya;)

Anyway I started my new quit on September 29 and have been quit for 17 days. Last 2 failed attempts were with NRT gum, so just decided to "bite the bullet" and go CT. It's working really, really well for me and I'm feeling a lot more positive than I ever did the last time.

I had a look at my previous quits and have discovered what went wrong for me. I realised that I was concentrating all my efforts on the first month or so of my quit. Then when I got to the end of month 3 and came off the NRT gum - it hit me like a ton of bricks, the cravings, irritaility, aggitation. It was like being at day 1 all over again and I was just totally demoralised and beaten.

So Cold Turkey it is this time!

I didn't want to rejoin the forum too early just incase I came a cropper and fell straight off the wagon after about 6 hours!

Anyway it's good to be back - and winning:D

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nsd_user663_2867 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_3679 profile image

I didn't want to rejoin the forum too early just incase I came a cropper and fell straight off the wagon after about 6 hours!

well you sure didnt , youre doing great .....congrats on day envious of people like you at present!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi Annasmummy So please to see you. Welcome back.

Your doing great already to have got to day 17.

I have only popped back on the last few days to support a freind with her quit.

Theres not many people here from our last quit. Mojo was around but he seems to have gone again.

Good luck xx

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Thanks Flippy n Chilly - (that sounds strangley good together, like Ant and Dec or Smashy and Nicey).

Anyway, it's good to be back, will have a scoot round the forum later and see whos about.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi there

welcome back, good luck with your new quit.

I came off NRT a few weeks back and I understand what you mean.

Good ide to do the CT thing this time, well done for getting to day 17,

All the best


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I also know what you mean about NRT, with more failed attempts than a few - now at just over a month and delighted.

Congratulations on day 17 - no mean feat. You also sound like you have your head straight, good for you!

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Thanks guys. If the NRT works for ya - great.

I've just come to the conclusion after having a real big think about it that it's not for me, and I also have the experience of quitting before, for a considerable time - 5 years in the mid/late 90s - and that was cold turkey. which, by the way just goes to show how addicted we are to these things.

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Thanks guys. If the NRT works for ya - great.

I've just come to the conclusion after having a real big think about it that it's not for me, and I also have the experience of quitting before, for a considerable time - 5 years in the mid/late 90s - and that was cold turkey. which, by the way just goes to show how addicted we are to these things.

I came to the same conclusion, NRT - not for me. Unfortunately, I started this quit with little education and am on Champix, which I hope to stop taking soon.

If I knew then what I know now - I would be CT too.

Hope48 profile image

Hi Annasmummy:)

this is my 3rd try too,I also have gone C.T, for me its working,I know this time its different, I feel positive and Just hate the thought of ever smoking again!

Good luck,You will do it!!:)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Libby

Linda here i also caved and Im back almost done my first month. Good to see you back welcome Home. Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Hi annasmummy, I don't believe we've met!

Congrats on making the decision to quit again. Must be living in Belfast that depresses you so much you need a vice to take your mind off it LOL

Hopefully this quit will be your last, many of the quitters at the start of the year have all tumbled off the wagon. Poor things :cool:

All the best in your new quit! :D:D:D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

good to see you back hun............well done on you restarting your quit!!


nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Annasmummy welcome back. I fell at 6 months as well. Been quit for 8 days now on Champix. Hopefully quit for good this time.

Your doing well on 17 days. Good luck xx

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hey Jude - how are you doing hun. Nice to see you on here. xxxx

nsd_user663_2867 profile image


Can't believe so many "welcome backs", so to speak .

I'm doing good, bit p*shed, but no cravings, apart from kebab and chillie sauce!!!HHHHmmmm;)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

What is it about alcohol that leads to Kebab cravings!

Well done and keep up the great work.

All the best


nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Hi annasmummy, I don't believe we've met!

Congrats on making the decision to quit again. Must be living in Belfast that depresses you so much you need a vice to take your mind off it LOL

Hopefully this quit will be your last, many of the quitters at the start of the year have all tumbled off the wagon. Poor things :cool:

All the best in your new quit! :D:D:D

Oh I don't believe you said that! Belfast is ok, I've lived in Canada, States for a bit,Scotland and England. Believe me - grass ain't always greener.

It's the people make the place, and my place is right here with my people!

nsd_user663_2867 profile image

Hi Annasmummy welcome back. I fell at 6 months as well. Been quit for 8 days now on Champix. Hopefully quit for good this time.

Your doing well on 17 days. Good luck xx

Hi Jan

It's great to see ya

it's so easy to get complacent and loose determination!!!:confused:.

I think some times we get to 3/4 months and think we've kicked it - but in reality we haven't. I'm not gonna call myself a non smoker until I've done one whole year fag free!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Hey Jude - how are you doing hun. Nice to see you on here. xxxx

im good thanx :)

and im keeping my beady eye on you teamy!! :p

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

im good thanx :)

and im keeping my beady eye on you teamy!! :p

Not finding it too hard at the moment. Have had a few times when I felt I wanted a cig but didn't. I can't go through all this again. Silly old moo that I am.:D

Take care Jude, it's nice to know you are there still supporting your old teamy.:)

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Hey Annasmummy, remember me? Nice to see you back :)

Not so nice that you fell off the wagon, but so glad you got right back on again :)

You CAN do this you know! :)

I have been quit for 8 Months, 2 Days, 3 minutes and 8 seconds (245 days). I have saved £1,225.00 by not smoking 4,900 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 3 Days and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/02/2008 22:00

Jan, me ol' mate - chin up, you are doing fab, my beady eyes are on you too! ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Thanks Barb - much appreciated.:);):)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

11 days today Jan. OMG where do the days go maybe its my age Lol. Well done Jan your doing fab. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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