The fool is back: Hi all I am back sorry to... - No Smoking Day

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The fool is back

nsd_user663_1733 profile image
26 Replies

Hi all

I am back sorry to tell you all but really bad shit happend and i had a Relapse. ( no excuse I know) I dont have to tell you that smoking never made anything better. John will be pleased this time got an Allan Carr book & gds off ebay Read it and hear i am back to day 1. off to work now speak again later Missed you all. Also welcome all you new quitters. Rick and Jan if your looking in about coming back to be my team buddys. Linda xxxx

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nsd_user663_1733 profile image
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26 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hi Linda

I'm really glad to see you back and hope things are improving.

All the best with the new quit.


nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Linda

good to see you back.

although i am glad to see you have the Allen Carr stuff, i am sorry you had a relapse. I would much rather you didnt need the AC stuff but were still quit.:(

Never mind. You are back to the right place and i am glad you are trying again.

All the best linda..

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Linda l am SO glad to see you back.:D I was really worried about you. I even posted the other day, asking if anyone had heard from you.:( Don't worry about having a little blip, you are not the only one to cave, and my goodness, you have had more reason to, than most. I'm glad to see that you are back on the straight and narrow again. I shall just have to keep a closer watch on you this time. TEE HEE.

Loads of love Josie XXX

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Good to see you get straight back to it.

All the best

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Linda. You're not stupid, you're human like us all.

Dont beat yourself up, just jump back on as you have with a positive attitude.

Although if you do want beating up a little, give me a call! :D

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

So pleased to hear you're having another go Linda! Sometimes when the shit happens it's just easier to smoke cos our brains are too full of the shit to cope with not smoking too!!

I'd love to be your quit buddy - am back on the wonderdrug champix for the 3rd time (quit 9months last year up to mid march this year, then 9 days, then just dun 3 weeks 2 days, had 2 weeks relapse) but I'll be a day or two behind as got to let the champix take effect which, incidentally folks, seems to happen quicker if you've had champix in the past. I'm fairly sure it modifies the brain forever!!

Bill G and Mojo-Jojo how are you both doing??

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Thanl you all.

Feel at home with all my quit mates wishing me well thank you each and everyone of you. to be honrst to day have been good be glad to get the first week out the way. Love Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi Linda Im so sorry to hear you had a blip. I havent been around lately so didnt know.

I am pleased to see you have got right back up and quitting again xx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello Mick and welcome to the forum.

Well done for making the decision and good luck with it!



nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Mick

well done on deciding to quit.

You will get good support on here from many people at all stages of quitting.

It might be a good idea to start your own thread and that way more people may see your post. :)

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Linda, you are not a fool, stupid yes, but not a fool !:eek:

I don't have to say any more, do I?:rolleyes:

Welcome back and make sure it's for good this time ok? :p

(((Hugs))) :)

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Team brewing???

Hi Pammy, Linda,

Sorry to hear you're both at the start again...but glad to because you can be my new buddies!!

I have diddled about with it after falling off the wagon the evening before I got married! It was was as if I'd already decided to do it. Pint of beer, early evening sun, out by the c-a-n-a-l**** with an old mate who stops and starts smoking and had just started again...and off I went. For about a week. Then stopped and had the odd one then know how it can be.

This time I used the fact of being back in Algeria to stop aids, just stopped. It's been really easy. I did have about 1/2 a cig around 10 days ago, so we can more or less say we're starting at the same time.

I have been reading the thread about psychological hang-ups..." Scarey thinking I'll never smoke another" etc. That's not it for me, but I'm sure the key to a lasting quit is to get really clear that there are NO advantages to've just been convincing yourself (correction..WE've just been convincing ourselves) there ARE.. for a long long time...Takes a while to get back to the beginning of the brainwashing.

I don't care much for AC's style and aggresive approach, but I have to say he was right..the 'willpower' method does not work. You've got to get right about there being nothing to give up before you can finally let it alone.

So,....anyone for a team???:D

Bill X

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

Hi Bill, congrats on the wedding- hope you'll both be very happy and your partner must be so pleased you've quit the smokes again!:D

I'd love to join in your team altho as I've said previously gonna be end of week I think when I stop- just letting champix take a hold again 1st and, as you say got to get the brain in gear, do some reading.

Linda - hope you ok today - you gonna join with Bill and me?

Flippy good to know you're still quit - over 2 months now that's great!:)

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Hey Linda me too - hey ho we r only human, gonna take a while to break the habit of a lifetime - and at least we know we can stop, even if its not forever its better than what we were doin xx

nsd_user663_2863 profile image



ok..Think of a name Pammy...or anyone (but we have the last word on THAT thank you!)


nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Anyone else qho wants to join

Is most welcome,

of course!:D

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Sorry to hear about the lapse's Linda and Bill, good to see you straight back on the wagon. We've all been there, multiple times no doubt, and it'll only help in the long run to cement your next (and last) quit.

All the best to you!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Thanks all

Day two almost done and alls well. Im in with the team Bill but dont ask me about names no idear. xxxxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

well done Linda

Keep on keeping on

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Glad to see you back Linda and Bill........Hope you both have your heads in

it this time to quit for good......GoodLuck

Never one Puff.....

nsd_user663_2863 profile image


Hi Pammy and Linda,

Can't think of anything clever, so I just thought of NOPE..and let's stick to it.

I never had one of those signatures either, but i reckon I'll remember.

Let's do it this time...Anyone else for tennis?


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Sorry to hear that Linda, you have been nothing but supportive to others during their quits and i hope you get it now you need it.

No more relapses ok? ;):)

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

Hi Bill! NOPE sounds good to me.

Goin for friday as my day without a cig- feels about right cos Champix has really kicked in 2day. By the way if i don't post much it's because the champix lethargy has got hold of me and turned me in2 a zombie- again.;)

Well done Linda -third day nearly dun with? Are you cold turkey or NRT?

Congrats also to Alan Ransome - you're doing great.:)

Jojo24 - am wondering if you want to join NOPE TOO?


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Team Nope

OK with me. DAY 4 hear I

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Hi Bill! NOPE sounds good to me.

Goin for friday as my day without a cig- feels about right cos Champix has really kicked in 2day. By the way if i don't post much it's because the champix lethargy has got hold of me and turned me in2 a zombie- again.;)

Well done Linda -third day nearly dun with? Are you cold turkey or NRT?

Congrats also to Alan Ransome - you're doing great.:)

Jojo24 - am wondering if you want to join NOPE TOO?


thanks - still struggling a bit tho so maybe soon x

nsd_user663_2863 profile image


Like tomorrow Friday?


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