Alcohol!: Hi everyone,I quit 2/8/08/ is it... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3578 profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone,I quit 2/8/08/ is it just me or is anyone else avoiding alcohol as well as nicotine!!Fri tomorrow and thinking about opening a bottle of this a bad idea?:confused::confused::confused::rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_3578 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3559 profile image

Well, I had a few (too many) beers last Friday and I was SO twitchy. When I was pretty far gone, I was begging my mate for a fag, but thankfully he didn't give in!!!

Was mortified when I sobered up.

Make sure you have good mates around that won't give in to you - and stay strong.

This weekend will be different for me I think, I'm over the initial withdrawal stage, so hopefully it should be easier.

nsd_user663_3578 profile image

Yeah I was thinking I might be like that! I know in the past when iv bn drinking and i cant smoke Iv ended up drinking way too fast..maybe it gives my hand and mouth something to do...oh well one addiction to another then...hee hee

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I only drank once since my quit and was very tempted to smoke so I avoid drinking and keep myself away from it.

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

i don't think it's a bad idea. I have had a couple beers every night this week, and I haven't wanted a fag.

Go for it.

Enjoy the wine!!

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Nina

i quit on a Saturday and had my normal Saturday night glass or two of wine.

For me i wanted to face everything i felt would be a trigger as soon as possible, to help get that trigger out of the way. (Why should i stop two of my vices at the same time? ;) )

If you are prepared then you should be able to face it as long as you don't drink so much that you "forget" that you have quit.....

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

Yeah but when you drink a quart of vodka acig tastes good.......

Early in your quit of carefull...:)

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I enjoy drinking but to me it goes hand and hand with smoking and when you are a new quitter I would refrain from alcohol and places that you normally would go to drink and smoke.Evertime I drank I would smoke a pack of 20 no problem.:eek:

But now pass the vodka......:D

nickywalton profile image

I actually found having a drink helped...but I didn't go out to the pub...stayed home where there are no smokers or vending machines!?!!

BUT I have noticed that I am now drinking a lot more than when I smoked...I could easily not drink when i smoked...but that's not the case now..:o As someone said, swopped one vice for another-not great and not the plan...

As with so many aspects of quitting, each individual acts/reacts differently...

Good luck for the weekend drinkers and non-drinkers...treat it as any other day of the week - cos that's what it is...a period of 24 hrs...:p


nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I actually found having a drink helped...but I didn't go out to the pub...stayed home where there are no smokers or vending machines!?!!

BUT I have noticed that I am now drinking a lot more than when I smoked...I could easily not drink when i smoked...but that's not the case now..:o As someone said, swopped one vice for another-not great and not the plan...

As with so many aspects of quitting, each individual acts/reacts differently...

Good luck for the weekend drinkers and non-drinkers...treat it as any other day of the week - cos that's what it is...a period of 24 hrs...:p


Yeah I think they have a save my liver

nsd_user663_3556 profile image

(stand up )HELLO MY NAME IS KEN.

I was not an alcoholic till I gave up the cigs :D

I am drinking abit more since I gave up smoking,but I have not been tempted once,to pick up a cig.

nsd_user663_3200 profile image

(stand up )HELLO MY NAME IS KEN.

I was not an alcoholic till I gave up the cigs :D

I am drinking abit more since I gave up smoking,but I have not been tempted once,to pick up a cig.

I'm actually finding that I'm drinking less since I stopped smoking! Which really isn't a bad thing!!! Weird how it affects us all differently.

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

Well I went out last night and was pretty far gone (paying for it this morning :() and u kno wot, I didn't even have a craving and I even went outside with smokers, and didn't smoke. That's a milestone 4 me!!

I'm doing well :P

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

(paying for it this morning :()

You little liar - you said in the other thread you are one of the lucky one who doesn't get hangovers!!

Which is it?

nsd_user663_3463 profile image


i dont see how drinking can be a problem as long as you gave faith in yourslef and the determination to quit. i personally didnt see drinking as a test when i went out, i have had a drink twice since quitin smoking once within the first 3 weeks n the other a week later and i was fine. if your gonna cave your gonna cave alcohol or not YOU JUST NEED FAITH IN YOURSELF NOT TO DO IT.

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

(paying for it this morning :()

I wasn't talking about hangovers - i didn't get to bed til about 5 this morning and then I was up at 8 with Lachlan!!

Not what you're looking for?