Best way: gradually reduce or stop immediat... - No Smoking Day

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Best way: gradually reduce or stop immediatly??!!..

nsd_user663_3521 profile image
15 Replies

well i've an doubt if you could help me in this..

i'd like to know wich was the method do you choose to start to stop smoke: reduce gradually (day-by-day) the cigarettes or stop immediatly??..

another thing that i want to know is, i see in a few members signatures the process to quit smoke was "cold turkey" (if i'm not wrong), can anyone explain to me what kind of method is this??..

thanks in advance..

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nsd_user663_3521 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3465 profile image

hi there casper,

welcome to the forum. you have come 2 the right place!!

i've been off the fags for 1 week now. i stopped immediately on monday 21st july.

what i used when i had cravings was nicorette gum and that helped.

'cold turkey' basically means that people stop without any help i.e no NRT, champix or anything!!

good luck pal!!

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

thanks for the welcome philip_ross and congrats for your 1st week without smoking, please tell me, isn't to violent to stop smoking immediatly??.. :confused:

can you tell me the changes (humor, physical, etc..) that you notested in this week??.. it's real hard i know that and i admire all people who's trying to stop and mostly, all that they can to stop with this stupid addiction..

thanks for the explanation of the mean of "cold turkey", i'm thinking to use that mode to stop with any help, only with exercice and some normal gums.. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

hi there grumpy old bag, thanks for the good tips that you gave me.. :)

but like i said, i gonna try to quit without any suplement (patches, nicotine gum, anything..) help, only with much exercice (some jogging, weights, many water and milk..)..

sounds a little bit crazy no??!!.. :confused: i know that but gonna try for that way.. ;)

now one question, did you reduce or stop immediatly the cigarettes??.. i'm think to stop immediatly that's to tragic.. :p

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

Thanks for noticing bout the month - it has changed!!

Casper. I didn't feel any changes as such - I'm still funny (i think) and iv not been admitted lol. but day 3 was a toughy, i woke up fine but then i just went downhill and was in a bad mood 4 the rest of the day.

what 2 do when that happens is get out the house!! whether u go 4 a drive, a walk, sit in the garden, it don't matter, just get out the house!! i guess being outside gives u a feeling of freedom whereas being inside,u are restricted within 4 walls.

Obviously that is my preference - everybody is different. You may not stop straight away - this is my 5th attempt. But with that experience, I have become stronger and have picked up a few tips on how 2 control cravings etc.

Keep at it Casper. You can do it m8!!

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

thanks for the support philip_ross.. :)

let me tell you got right about to stay inside in 4 walls that's the worst thing that we can do it friend..

i belive in you the 3rd or 4th day is to bad (for who stop immediatly), cause of that i've decided to reduce day after day, i'vent no defined program to do that, but today (at this moment are 16:40 hours) and i only smoke 5, in a normal day i smoked 15 or more.. :(

so until to the end of the day i gonna see how much i smoke and try to reduce one by one, day by day and expect this work..

i see you work in a pub and i know it's very hard to see the people smokes one after the other (cause when we drink alchool we smoke more) and you must got a great strenght to avoid smoking, congrats for you if you can stand clean of smoke.. :)

so, no alchool, no coffee and make some exercice that's the begin of my program and obviously reduce everyday the number of cigarettes.. ;)

nsd_user663_3465 profile image

Good for you Casper. Obviously people will disapprove of your method. But don't worry about them, as long as it works for you!!

Lets hope you manage 2 give up m8.

Well done for reducing your fags!!

Keep it up!

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

i understand them, cause for all effects i'm a smoker yet but i can't imagine me to cut nicotine from a day to the other, it's very rough for the body and psychologically i'm not prepared for that..

so i think that's the way more soft to try to quit the nicotine with any kind of help (drugs and doctor's)..

if my option goes to quit right now, i would need help with quite sure and i don't want that..

my father smokes about 50 or more years and he quit from an day to the other the nicotine, just you belive he dies from colon cancer??!!.. :eek:

yes my friend the life is hard and there're something for must i'm thinking i can't understand.. :confused:

ok, i'm think that's all for now and go forward with your fight..

good luck friend and once again thanks for supporting..

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

I used the patches (nrt) 3 month program. Ive never tried cold turkey to be honest. Would find it really grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr haha I wonder how long the intence cravings actually last for when stopping cold turkey, anyone?xxxxx

I think the key is to get your head in the right place. I read Allen Carrs EASYWAY which put my head in the right place. Because of this I do not feel I suffered from intense cravings. It wasnt easy and I didnt feel right for a couple of weeks, but I wasnt confined to my bed, there was no physical pain!

It was a battle in my head and this time there was only ever going to be one winner:D

There will be more intense cravings if someone trys to cut down.When you are down to one a day what time will you smoke it? Do you spend the whole day looking forward to it? Do you smoke it early and spend the rest of the day longing for tommorows?

I do not like the word Cold Turkey much as it implies hardship. (If it was that good we would eat it every week instead of just at Christmas;))

The EASYWAY way to give up is to Stop smoking and educate yourself

Good luck

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

well, just don't know "cold turkey" is about quit heroin or not!!.. but what i heard was, to quit nicotin is like to quit heroin except of course physicall pain..

yesterday i reduce cigarettes less than half that i usually smoke 20+.. (9 cigarettes) and i'm feel not so good today, can imagine what is stop immediatly to smoke, just can't hold quite sure.. :(

gonna try about 1/2 week smoking around 9/10 cigarettes to lower the nicotine level in blood, after that reduce to 5 for a day during 1/2 weeks and finally try do quit smoking.. :rolleyes:

lets see how it's run..


nsd_user663_3465 profile image

good for you casper.

i really hope that method works out 4 u.

u can do it pal!!

well done for reducing your fags!!!:)

nsd_user663_3521 profile image

good for you casper.

i really hope that method works out 4 u.

u can do it pal!!

well done for reducing your fags!!!:)

thanks philip_ross but i'm thinked that was easier to reduce to quit but isn't so easy like that.. :eek:

congrats for you 9th clean day friend.. :)

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

thanks for the welcome philip_ross and congrats for your 1st week without smoking, please tell me, isn't to violent to stop smoking immediatly??.. :confused:

can you tell me the changes (humor, physical, etc..) that you notested in this week??.. it's real hard i know that and i admire all people who's trying to stop and mostly, all that they can to stop with this stupid addiction..

thanks for the explanation of the mean of "cold turkey", i'm thinking to use that mode to stop with any help, only with exercice and some normal gums.. :rolleyes:

I used a reduction method but dont drag it out to long you will be in pain worse than just stopping.......I month tops,then quit.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Casper

Congrats on your quit. I myself Quit last year using patches caved after almost 6 months. Quit again Ct as they call it jan 1st and to be honest did not find them that much diffrent. Has for the first 3/4 days you will feel worse on these days anyway you quit cutting down or not its the nicoteen leaving the body and they say it takes about 72 hours. Very good luck with what ever you do and hope I have helped a little. xxxx

nsd_user663_3468 profile image

Very well put. No i dont like the cold turkey word either, i always think of heroin addicts quitting! Which i think is what the term really was invented for?


We are all addicts. The only difference is that the government haven't outlawed tobacco products because they make too much money from it.

Heroin will send you downhill very quickly. Tobacco is a far more gentle slope but still kills you in the end.

Everyone keep up the quit

smoke free me


nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Casper

i wouldn't recommend quiotting by cutting down as it will make your nicotine withdrawal much harder and longer.

Please read this link on this method for more info

I hope it helps.

oh and good luck with your quit.

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