Hi everyone,
Gave up previosly but failed (as I have before) and I'm determined that this time it's for keeps. So far cravings are managable and its the habit side thats the troublesome bit.
Having gone through it before I know that there is a good increase in stamina even in the 1st few days due to a correction in the levels of carbon monoxide an oxygen in the blood stream.
I'm a martial artist and even while smoking was quite fit, but I thought it would be good to do a test of stamina/endurance that I could repeat to keep track of once I quit.
I picked on how many press-ups I could do in 2 minutes:-
As a smoker - 94 (62 in 1st minute)
30 hours after last cig - 127 (79 in 1st minute)
day 6 - 132 (90 in 1st minute)
Thats a whopping 35%-40% increase purely due to the body being able to get oxygen to the muscles.
I should be going for my Black Belt in November 2009 and need increase my fitness still further. One things for sure I would be able to get it if I can't stay off the fags.
Cheers and good luck to everyone.