whats helping you?: im prob now addicted to... - No Smoking Day

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whats helping you?

nsd_user663_2743 profile image
15 Replies

im prob now addicted to airways chewing gum :rolleyes: its always in my mouth!

what helps you through the day?

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nsd_user663_2743 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image

and ive found radishes help?! dunno how, but if they help, who cares :)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

ok, im a really sad cow, ive got me wine, radishes and gum on a b/h mon night, so ill reply to myself :rolleyes: lol,

nsd_user663_3170 profile image

I really have not got a clue whats getting me through the days?, Use Chewing Gum in the car, but to be fair, I feel like I am getting more cuckoo by the day! La La LA....My concentration levels are 0 and I have cried every single day for a month?

Keep telling myself that I am doing the best thing by abstaining from the evil weed, but the evil weed keeps telling me just to have one and then I will feel better and life will go back to normal!?

Came of my happy pills Sept last year (Prozac) after 4 years of them "helping me" and for some reason feel like I am going down that road again, but the evil weed tells me that I have bought all this negative/depressive thoughts on myself by giving up the cigarettes and so I should pull myself together and have a fag!

Anyway, my rant over (didn't mean to take this thread over!) but I cannot say how I get through each day? xx :confused:

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

AC for me.

Oh, and seeing other people with fags in their hands...it reminds me just how great it is to be free!

nsd_user663_3170 profile image

Thanks for the link Catwoman, It was good to read, I am sure if I am heading down the depression route then I am clinging to the fact of what the chap said below and that I will feel happier soon! xx

If mild depression occurs, it will usually begin within the first day, continue for the first couple of weeks, and go away within a month.

Thanks again, for your support


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hey, your doing just great :D

your nearly a month quit and shud be feeling so proud of yourself, you deserve a treat hun!!

nsd_user663_3215 profile image

Hi Jude,

what helps you through the day?

Truthfully - meditation.

When I feel like I am going to freak out from wanting a cigarette - I find a quiet place and turn my thoughts inwards. I focus on the present moment - on my body - on how it is healing and becoming healthy from the damage I've done to it. I feel each breath I take - feel the way my body is filled with pure oxygen.

My mom tells me to "Be the tree." That is our symbol for - being grounded and balanced in the present moment.

Surprisingly I've had very few freak outs. ;)

I am also trying to alter the way I perceive things. I tell myself I am a non-smoker. I also do not allow myself to grieve for something that is lost (the smoking), but rejoice for all of the good I am doing my body.

I am not saying it's easy - but I truly believe that a positive outlook does help :) That and gummy bears! :D

Also my mom, sunnyserpent on this board, my co-workers and my friends are all wonderful listeners and cheerleaders - celebrating every small victory along with me. I feel a lot of pride in my accomplishment - almost 7 days and not even a puff. I know now I am strong and I am determined - and I will never ever smoke again. :)

nsd_user663_3179 profile image

very zen Feen - "Be the tree" I really like that :cool:

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

I found chewing gum got me through the day and imperial mints but after a while they gave me wind. I have now weened myself off these and only occasionally have a glacier mint. Sad or what?:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

imperial mints ........ they gave me wind. ...... and only occasionally have a glacier mint

And did they give you an icy blast of wind Jan?;):p

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

AHHHHHHHH so the loud rumblings and vibrations that FatMaddy is talking about in anotherv thread are now explained. :rolleyes: :D

Wot do u think started that earthquake a month or so ago?

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

And did they give you an icy blast of wind Jan?;):p

Nooooooooo just a cool one!!!!

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Being active is definately the thing thats helping me most. Its a constant reminder of what you've gained when you can do so much more than you used to be able to.

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

I totally agree supervillan, prior to smoking I used to be an athlete, even competed for Lincolnshire in cross country running and the 800m. After smoking for a while, I was lucky if I could run for a bus. Now I have started cycling, I can do 1-2 hours already and still feel great (and still manage to breath!).

Not smoking is ACE :D

Haha Not smoking is indeed ace.

Wow on the 800m thing, I dont think I could run 800cm before I quit never mind 800m !! lol

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I totally agree supervillan, prior to smoking I used to be an athlete, even competed for Lincolnshire in cross country running and the 800m. After smoking for a while, I was lucky if I could run for a bus. Now I have started cycling, I can do 1-2 hours already and still feel great (and still manage to breath!).

Not smoking is ACE :D

Everytime I read about your cycling I feel soo lazy. I'm gonna get off my Hugh Jarse one of these days and get active ;)

As for what's 'helping me quit', probably the support from those on here and in real life too. I haven't really used chewing gum or anything.

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