almost quit: Hi There, found this forum... - No Smoking Day

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almost quit

nsd_user663_3171 profile image
14 Replies

Hi There, found this forum whilst surfing the net. Well ive decided im quitting ..again ! ive one fag left in my box and im never ever going to buy more. This will be my 5th attempt and my final ( i will do it ) i did stop for over a year then stupidly started again ... i could kick myself i really could. but im determined to do it for good this time. Ive nicotin patches and gum at the ready so bring on the cravings !! Im gonna put the money id spend in a jar and have a fantastic holiday next year this is gonna be my incentive plus i will smell better and feel better . any advice would be greatly appreciated guys ! thank you and well done to you all xxxx:D

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nsd_user663_3171 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi There, found this forum whilst surfing the net. Well ive decided im quitting ..again ! ive one fag left in my box and im never ever going to buy more. This will be my 5th attempt and my final ( i will do it ) i did stop for over a year then stupidly started again ... i could kick myself i really could. but im determined to do it for good this time. Ive nicotin patches and gum at the ready so bring on the cravings !! Im gonna put the money id spend in a jar and have a fantastic holiday next year this is gonna be my incentive plus i will smell better and feel better . any advice would be greatly appreciated guys ! thank you and well done to you all xxxx:D

Hi Katrina and welcome to the forum. Good luck on your quit. Are you going to smoke that one fag or is it just there as a safety net. I would suggest you bin it. Soak it in water and chuck it away. Every time my o/h was at home he would smoke in the kitchen and leave his half smoked roll ups in the ashtray so I just emptied them into the bin (usually on to something wet and soggy - yuk!). I started my quit on patches and inhalator, got to the 10 mg and, against the nurse's advice, stopped using them altogether, although got a prescription for 5 mg just in case. Anyway I finished the patches two weeks ago and never felt better.

So I wish you luck and do come on here for support and a few laughs. Both of which there is plenty of.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Cravings? What cravings? If you tell yourself you're gonna get those horrid things then you WILL get them! Keep a positive mindset. I'm on day 11 and I feel great! No cravings at all. Hell, I don't even want a ciggie in the slightest.

You can do this!!

nsd_user663_3171 profile image

Hi Jan thank you for your kind words of encouragement ...seems like a really good place this forum ! and i have to admit putting my final fag in something really soggy and nasty does sound appealing ... in fact im going to do it now, Thanks xxxxx

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

welcome Katrina

well done on quitting, 5th time lucky :D

you will do it!!

nsd_user663_3171 profile image

thanks maddie , I know i can do this and if theres one thing im all always getting accused of is being stubborn so im going to use that to my full advantage plus im gonna be coming on here every day . that is my pledge to this forum !!!

nsd_user663_3171 profile image

Thank you john i will deffinatly visit that website xxx

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Well ain't the lay-dees lovin our john today!!

Congrats on quitting katrina, best favour you'll ever do yourself!!

I too quit for a year and then started (under the influence of alcohol of course) a year later. I won't be doing that again.

All the hairy chest! :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

:D Take note Maddy, Kisses, yes KISSES.

Not Bloody hand bags filled with bricks wrapped around my head!!!!!!!!!!

Or axes in the head or any other dirty foight tactics which you use.:eek:

Kisses :D

lol awww Ok then xxxxx :rolleyes:

thought the handbag thing was funny tho :/

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Why don't you two just meet up somewhere??

Or swap numbers?????????????

Dellabella profile image

I will use the money saved from smoking and buy a hat!!!!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Me too!!

It's exciting isn't it??!! :D

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Why don't you two just meet up somewhere??

Or swap numbers?????????????


I don't think I could beat him up for real wkdfairy!! Only in cyberspace!!

As for treating myself with money saved...I've put some money up for next weekend. I'm away to sunny 'ole Yarmouth :D Gonna be slummin' it in a caravan and be a piece 'o redneck trailer trash for a few days :D

If I have my way, my ex will be coming and it will be a dirty oh damn I mean a lovely weekend! :D

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Jan thank you for your kind words of encouragement ...seems like a really good place this forum ! and i have to admit putting my final fag in something really soggy and nasty does sound appealing ... in fact im going to do it now, Thanks xxxxx

You are welcome - did you do it? Did it make you feel good. I know it gave me a sense of achievement in a way.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

hey Katrina

How is it going? I remember how my first step was the hardest. It is true that it is a scary prospect but it does get easier and easier.

best wishes x

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