Day One again: *slinks in quietly with her... - No Smoking Day

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Day One again

nsd_user663_2931 profile image
22 Replies

*slinks in quietly with her tail between her legs hoping no one will notice*

Here I am again :) How is everyone?

I don't feel too bad now for failing my last quit, obviously I would rather I hadn't have caved, but I did and not a thing I can do about it so here I am on this lovely sunny day saying no to the horrid gremlin inside my head.

My resolve isn't as strong as it was a few days ago, but it is my goal to build it up and as I have wrote elsewhere, not let myself be controlled by some monster inside my head. I have to keep telling myself that. Also, money is the biggest factor right now to stop smoking. I hate that I spend all that money on a pointless exercise. It has to stop.

I do hope everyone else on this site is doing good :)

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nsd_user663_2931 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_2318 profile image

*slinks in quietly with her tail between her legs hoping no one will notice*


LMAO!! Pull that tail out of your you-no-what & just be proud that you have the courage to try again!;) Great success this time! You can do it!!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Thanks for your well wishes. I'm trying to not see it as any kind of 'fight' as such. Just that I have decided to stop smoking. If I try to create a 'fight' out of it, then it becomes a battle of wills and I am not strong enough right now to punch the monster where it hurts lol So I'm trying to just take it a day at a time and turn my thoughts about cigarettes into positive ones.

Says I!!

nsd_user663_2866 profile image

hi maddy hope you doing ok .im on day 9 today we do it this time all the best welcome back.

nsd_user663_2739 profile image

Welcome back Maddy, you've been missed. Congratulations on taking the plunge again, and I'm sure you can do it this time. Try to keep looking at this as a positive experience, you're really not losing anything, but gaining in health, money, and unsmelliness (!).

Onwards and upwards

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

welcome back Maddy.

this time you will do it hun!! ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Maddy - welcome back babe. You always had some good advice for me and others on this forum and it is nice to see you resolving to quit again and succeeding this time. I know you can do it - good luck:);):)

nsd_user663_2920 profile image

Bless you

Hi Maddy, bless your little heart, never mind your brave and honest to be trying again. For me when I've been very near to cracking I drink water I have to carry water where ever I go it's become like a little security blanket :)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image


You're all right. I am going to do it this time. I am being a wee bit more constructive this time. I've got my kids writing out my reasons for stopping on an A4 sheet of paper lol They feel like they are doing something good too! I've just made a list of my reasons for stopping and I plan to stick the sheets up (that my kids have wrote up for me - bless) in each room.

I thought by using the sheets my children wrote will give that extra edge to them. It goes summat like 'My mum wants to stop smoking because....' and then I have the list beneath that line. Its all good! Hopefully, for the early stages of my quit it will help. Can take the sheets down when I feel the time is right. Just thought I would mention that in case it is of any help to anyone else.

I too, like dozens of others on this site, am reading the Allen Carr book. He uses some really good a n a logies that are easy to understand. Like the cold sore one. It really opens your mind up and exposes smoking for what it really is.

Thanks again for your well wishes everyone :)

nsd_user663_2920 profile image

Allen Carr

Maddy could you please give me the title of the Allen Carr book that you are reading, I've heard he's very good.

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Sure, its Easyway. Allen Carr's 'Easy way to stop smoking' published by Penquin. I got my copy off ebay. Only cost a quid.

There is a link within this site to read it online, but its much better to have the book then you can relax with it anywhere.

Hope that helps :)

nsd_user663_2920 profile image

allen carr

Thanks Maddy and johntkd for yur help, You see Maddy you're still helping people so don't beat yourself up, just dust youself down and start over again, you never know this quit might be like a walk in the park.

Thanks again folks

Jill x

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Welcome back Maddy!!!

*Barbara rushes into Room One with open arms and give Maddie a great big (((hug)))*

I read your blog, and was really hoping you'd be back :D


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

*is scared of barb's bashes*

Well what can I say! My PC has just gone! Today of all days *cries* I am on my kids crappy PC. Rather old one it is and it is SO slow. Why'd my puter have to pack up today of all days? It packed up 'cos it somehow knew I was quitting smoking today so god forbid should I have an easy stress free day :( I give up!

I'm praying it is still under warranty 'cos otherwise I'm gonna be offline until I can afford to get it fixed and I refuse to fork out any money to get anything fixed right now. I have quit smoking to save money so I'm darned if I'm gonna use the money I save from not smoking on a damn puter. No way!

I hate using this PC because it needs upgrading and is slow as hell so no assuming I've gone back to fags if I don't post here anymore! Well, at least not all that often.

Hope everyone elses puters are still working ok :) and off the fags!

nickywalton profile image

allen carr

hi there..

there's also an "Easy way for women" which I read as well as the original..its in cartoon format so pretty easy to read thru..and funny!! I keep it by my bed now and flick thru it at night just to remind myself!! Quote at the bottom of this is from the book..

good luck:D


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Maddy

Soooooooooooooooooo pleased your back with us just say in your head I WILL NOT SMOKE TODAY Deal with tomorrow when it comes. Welcome home babe. Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2955 profile image

*slinks in quietly with her tail between her legs hoping no one will notice*

Here I am again :) How is everyone?

I don't feel too bad now for failing my last quit, obviously I would rather I hadn't have caved, but I did and not a thing I can do about it so here I am on this lovely sunny day saying no to the horrid gremlin inside my head.

My resolve isn't as strong as it was a few days ago, but it is my goal to build it up and as I have wrote elsewhere, not let myself be controlled by some monster inside my head. I have to keep telling myself that. Also, money is the biggest factor right now to stop smoking. I hate that I spend all that money on a pointless exercise. It has to stop.

I do hope everyone else on this site is doing good :)

Hi maddy, WELCOME BACK !!!!!!!

Cant say i missed ya though :D (Im joking you now that..)

I go away for less than a week, i come back AND YOUR GONE!! no goodbyes no nothing young lady 1052 , what have you got to say for yourself ?? speak up, i cant hear you! No excuses missy!

Pleased your back Maddy


nsd_user663_2931 profile image
nsd_user663_2931, see...its like this meeru: The voices in my head tole me to do it :o hahah

I missed y'all too! C'mon, group hug time :D

You're a funny guy meeru! You make me laugh and trust me thats no easy feat hahah!

Well my dog has destroyed yet another DS game, one of the good ones.£40 chewed up just like that. Damnit. But I realise these things are all being sent my way to test me (yesterday it was my pc packing up) so I'm just sticking two fingers up at someone *points two fingers up in the air one more time* lol

So how goes it for you then? Are you finding it any easier in month two or is it still crap?!

nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Hiya Maddy. I'm getting very excited, talking about DS's. Ultimate solitaire is out this month, do you realise just how excited I am about this! 101 versions of the game - WOW - that will keep my fingers busy! Oh, and I really do smell lovely. Congrats on making the decision to quit. I treally believe that at first if you don't succeed then try again (i must be on my 500+ attempt by now!) But at least I'm still perservering!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

LOL Tash. 500+ attempt eh? Thats some going! :D

Well, this is the one that counts for you Tash, I can just feel it! Everytime you feel like you want a cig, do what Barb (one more try) does. Look at an imaginary cigarette and give it 'what for'!! Unleash all your pent up anger on it and then walk away with a nice satisfied smile on your face knowing you have given that cigarette 'what for' and that if it ever comes back againt it'll get more of the same and 'then some'!! :D

nsd_user663_2955 profile image
nsd_user663_2955, see...its like this meeru: The voices in my head tole me to do it :o hahah

I missed y'all too! C'mon, group hug time :D

You're a funny guy meeru! You make me laugh and trust me thats no easy feat hahah!

Well my dog has destroyed yet another DS game, one of the good ones.£40 chewed up just like that. Damnit. But I realise these things are all being sent my way to test me (yesterday it was my pc packing up) so I'm just sticking two fingers up at someone *points two fingers up in the air one more time* lol

So how goes it for you then? Are you finding it any easier in month two or is it still crap?!

One quick post before i watch the football (The Arsenal game not the crap FA Cup) and then im going to win huge amounts of money on the Grand National.

Im on my 40th day and feeling very smug. I feel great, have done for a few weeks. This week has been a really Sh*t week topped off with me cracking a tooth (In Half) and having major dental work done yesterday. Such a crap week would of had me smoking around 40 a day and becoming even more stressed but i remained calm - i have the quit to thank for this, without doubt stopping smoking is one of the best things i have ever done!!! My life has improved so much since the 25th Feb. Dont get me wrong, i still have the same sh*t going on but mentaly i feel fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats it, thats enough *pulls his head out of his own arse* what about you? are you up for it this time? last attempt you were looking for any old excuse to smoke again and i guess you found that excuse eh?

Are you prepared this time?

I hope so Maddy.

Right im gone, sofa awaits my butt for a heavy afternoon of sport


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

So glad things are great for you meeru. Despite the crap days you say you still get. It sounds like they aren't the dominant part of your quit anymore which is cool. I hope to be just like that one day soon!

My girls are doing my hair :rolleyes: lovely 'bunches' all over my head and headbands hahah I'm precariously trying to drink my coffee without slopping it all over my clothes. Lovely, just got stabbed in the eye by a little finger :( Kids! If they think I'm going out looking like this they can forget it lol

Anyway, I don't know about 'prepared'. All I know is I want to stop smoking. I know I was pretty bad last time but tbh I wasn't ready. I feel ready this time. Or as 'ready' as I will ever be. I'm just dreading the next couple weeks. The first week 'isn't too bad', its the 2nd/3rd weeks that killed me last time.

But I'm trying to have a different attitude this time. I'm doing my best to remind myself of how I felt when I quit last time (for 2 yrs) and get back that mindframe.

Anyway, Go Gunners!!! Woo hoo! Enjoy your sport!

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Hey Maddy

sorry you blipped but glad ur back - hopefully this time its coz u want to and so should succeed.

My pc crashed this week too and i had too rush out and buy a lap top as its my work, they phoned me to say fixed 10 mins after i paid for it :-( and its taken till today to get all the software up and running - bloody vista!!

Still out dancing tonight so dont care - lots of jiving to burn off the flab lol

big hugs


(havent got quit thingy back yet)

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