folks, i been through hell, it's not over yet.
I got to say smokeworm website has helped loads!!
joels website has helped loads.
This site has helped loads.
I feel like i been a few rounds with stephen hawkings, arguing against string theory, this is mentally exhausting.
Anyway, cravings are less, i actually laugh at them now sometimes and say 'you will not defeat me!!'
Never the less, i still want to smoke and am having to stop mysself all the time.
all that are in day 3 WELL DONE!!!!!
All that have left Day 3 WELL DONE!!!
This site has been a godesend, even if it is just to type how you feell and put it down on a screen.
no smoking can happen, life as a non smoker can be, life as a non smoker will be/'IS!!' many times better than as a smoker... going out to all . .. let us be free, no retreat, no surrender, be strong, never take another puff again.
I don't smoke, we don't smoke!!!
stay strong, stay commited folks, the benefits are intangible, but unrecognisable to a smoker.