Why is today so bad?: God im really... - No Smoking Day

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Why is today so bad?

nsd_user663_3091 profile image
28 Replies

God im really struggling today! This is worse than day 1! Im taking my microtabs as I should be and im drinking water and chewing gum and sucking on sweets! HEEEEELLLPPP!

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nsd_user663_3091 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_1882 profile image

Keep going Dee. We all have these moments! You can do it...it's easy...convince yourself. No point in spoiling it now. You've done brill to get this far. Do you really want to be back at day one? Of course not! Hang on in there!

Good luck.

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Thanks, might go for a walk on my lunch see if that calms me down xxxx

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Thanks, might go for a walk on my lunch see if that calms me down xxxx

I went for a brisk walk at lunchtime. I had to almost "run the gauntlet" of smokers standing on the doorsteps having a fly puff

I just kept marching along, taking deep breaths. The smoke was wafting right up my nostrils. I thought I was going to have a "bisto kid" moment.

But you know what? I just thought "Mmmmm, that smells nice, but I wouldn't want to smoke one!"

Is that me turning a corner or what? :D

Enjoy your walk DeeDuby :)

nsd_user663_3029 profile image

I thought I was going to have a "bisto kid" moment.

But you know what? I just thought "Mmmmm, that smells nice, but I wouldn't want to smoke one!"

Is that me turning a corner or what? :D

I've just had a very similar experience. I've just returned from the local shopping centre. It had just started raining, really hard, when I came out of the shops and I saw all the smokers make a beeline for the walkway canopy.

My first thought wasn't "I want one of those". It was "did I REALLY look that desperate until a week ago?" I will admit to having a little Bisto moment: I took a deep breath but it made me sneeze (!) so I gave up on the idea.

Not a single pang of desire throughout (despite having about half a dozen different triggers), so I do get the feeling that a switch in my head may well have been switched.

Tomorrow is going to be the acid test for me: spending time with family, including two smokers. Also, mainly because I haven't wanted to embarrass myself if I failed to stop, I've only told one member of the family about my stopping - how long will it take everyone else to cotton on, I wonder?

I smoked my last cigarette 1 Week, 2 Days, 1 hour and 45 minutes ago. I have saved £82.73 by not smoking 362 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 6 hours and 10 minutes of my life.

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Didnt end up going for a walk, its p!ssing it down! So had lemon cake and dognuts instead!!! Opps! But feel loads better after them! God im gonna put on so much weight trying to quit.

I too havent told everyone that ive quit. And still dont want them to know so I get the "how u doing / coping?" questions that just make me want to smoke!

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Lemon cake and doughnuts sounds good to me yum! yum! :p

So long as you don't have a cigarette - a few extra pounds around the waist can easily be tackled once you start getting back the energy that nicotine has been depleting all this time :)

ps/ Sunny up here but freezing brrrrrrr

Dellabella profile image

Hi everyone

I had a few moments today where I could've pulled my fingers off my hands but they do pass. It sure is a weird feeling, I think about ciggies but wouldn't smoke one because it would taste really foul, make me feel sick and coughy and would have to start from day 1.

I find it better if i'm busy and as its Good Friday am not working, spending time at home with the family, the kids have copt it a bit today which i feel guilty about but they don't really mind as i've told them the money that I save from not smoking i will buy them a Wii!

We have all really done well and each day is a milestone! My attitude is different this time as before I told myself that I have given up smoking but this time i'm taking each day as it comes and saying to myself that i've decided not to smoke today..... everyone has got there own ways!!!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hey good job Della. Well done you for not giving in. I hear you re the kids copping it lol My poor things have sure copped it alot these past few days. I find myself apologising alot too. I'm having a real bad day also and to read posts like yours reminds me that I'm not the only one finding times hard and that if others can do it, then so can I. Quitting isn't anymore harder for me than it is the next person, although sometimes it feels that way! But thats just the addiction taking hold. My rational mind knows that each and every one of us finds it hard quitting. Well done.

Deedub...has your day got better yet?

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

That post makes me feel a bit better. Its good to know im not the only one pulling my hair out.

Ive just got home from work and my other half has gone to get drunk and go the rugby so im a bit worried I havent got someone here to say "dont do it" if i feel tempted. Bit worried im gonna be thinking "no one will know"! But so far im not bothered, it will be later tonight once my daughters in bed that will be the problem.

Oh and one of my fella friends came into the house and he had been smoking and the smell on him wasnt that nice. Last time I quit the smell from other smokers was sooooo nice. But today i didnt like it! Strange! But i have yet to stand next to someone actually smoking. So far I have avoided them!

Good luck for the rest of the night everyone. Ill prob be on later moaning again! LOL

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

OMG I can't believe I was away all day and missed this!

PLEASE DON'T put one of those nasty things in your mouth, scrunch them up and throw them away THEY make you feel like this, the sooner you kill the monster the easier it will be.

I had a lovely day today but spent alot of it wishing I smoked for a strange reason lol but also proud of myself for stopping....? Does that make sense?

On one hand I miss the fags and while the psyical (terrible spelling) craving has almost gone, the mental ones telling me 'you fancy a little cigarette don't you... it would give you something to do wouldn't it' (nasty voice)

Also dreading going to bed coz I know I will wake at some stage but it helps to know i'm not alone. I'll come in here and say hello or do the ironing.

Dee, hang in there. Rest of gang, make me proud!

Night team xx :D

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

I havent got someone here to say "dont do it" if i feel tempted. Bit worried im gonna be thinking "no one will know"!

Oh, but we will know......I was around your house earlier and sneaked in a webcam - say cheese! :D

Oh and one of my fella friends came into the house and he had been smoking and the smell on him wasnt that nice.

Yeah! :) That is a step in the right direction. You're well on your way to becoming a non-smoker! *thumbs up*

Ill prob be on later moaning again!

....and we'll be here ;)

nsd_user663_2994 profile image

I wasn't around last night but i've read your posts this morning. I hope your all feeling better now.

Just take one day at a time, no one said it was going to be easy but you can do this.

All it is is that horrid little nicotine monster, U MUST FIGHT HIM :D and you will win.

Keep going, one day at a time

Dellabella profile image

Drinking Red Wine

Well last night was the 1st time since my quit that I drank any wine, it tasted soooooooo strong and made me really sleepy but the main point was that I didn't want a ciggie anymore whilst I had a drink than sometimes in the day with a cuppa tea!!! I will try the red wine again this evening, practise makes perfect!!!! lol

I have just watched the palmolive bottle video and it really disgusted me to think that I filled my lungs up with that much smoke!!!

I hope today will be a better day, think that i'm over wanting a ciggie 1st thing in the morning now which can't believe as this one was my favorite!!

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter and eats and eats and eats and doesn't think too much about the dreaded other!!!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Nice one Della, you have give me the go ahead to get pissed today! Well maybe not pissed, but have a glass of wine!!Lol but as you say practice makes perfect!

Also im not bothered about the cig in the morning, its the afternoon where I start climing the walls!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Well if you're both doing it...... :p

Dellabella profile image

You go for it!!!

I can't drink too much today as have to be up for work tomorrow 6am!!!!

but I can eat chocolate!!!

My pangs aren't so often these days but they are more severe, I don't know what this is all about. I don't understand as by now the nicotine is out of our bodies so why do we still think about ciggies and still want one.

Does anyone know the answer to this?????

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

isnt it curiosity? Sorry bout the spelling. If you got a cig out right night and a lighter do you think you would light it? And why would/wouldnt you?

Like ive said before I carry a packet of 20 cigs in my bag and a lighter. I only carry them with me as my confort blanket. I havent even taken them out of my bag since I started smoking, i just like to know they are there. But if I got one out I dont think I would light it. But i am curious as to if I would still like smoking a cig, if it would taste different, if i can remember how to smoke it!LOL

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

You go for it!!!

I can't drink too much today as have to be up for work tomorrow 6am!!!!

but I can eat chocolate!!!

My pangs aren't so often these days but they are more severe, I don't know what this is all about. I don't understand as by now the nicotine is out of our bodies so why do we still think about ciggies and still want one.

Does anyone know the answer to this?????

I think it takes a couple of weeks for all the nicotine to leave the body, still some in there reminding the brain what he's missing out on. My pangs getting few and far between but still quite intense really. Strange.

Dee, throw them stinkin fags out! LOL :p

Dellabella profile image

You sound sooooooooooooo like me, I feel sorry for you lol!!!

I am the same, i've got half a packet in my kitchen drawer and because I went out for the day yesterday I was tempted to buy some just to put in my bag but I'm glad to say I didn't!!!

I was thinking about this, this morning, if I got the biggest shock of all, would I reach for a ciggie, like before or am I a non smoker????

Who knows???

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

If im really honest, ive got a pack of 20 cigs in my bag. 2 sleeves of cigs on top of the kitchen cabinets and i think there is 3 cigs on the microwave that i left there after my last cig last week. But its not like im getting a cig out and smelling it and touching it and stuff. Just dont want to get rid of them cos they cost me alot!LOL! And I like to have them here!

If someone offered me a cig i think id be "no tar, im trying to stop" I dont think im ready to say "i dont smoke". But if I had some major bad news I know i would be straight outside puffing away. Lets just hope nothing bad happens soon!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I guess we've conditioned our brains so much it is hard to undo all that conditioning to become a successful non smoker. Its just an instant reaction to want to reach for a cigarette when times are hard or we have just found out some bad news. We now have to train our brain to react in other ways.

I guess only time will see to this.

Dellabella profile image

LOL I know where to come then!!!!!

Have a good day, speak to you later!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

you can bring the wine della!!lol

Dellabella profile image

If someone offered me a cig i think id be "no tar, im trying to stop" I dont think im ready to say "i dont smoke".

Like the 'no tar' bit, made my chuckle so much my chewing gum nearly fell out!!!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

us yorkshire folk are always here to help!Lol

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

If someone offered me a cig i think id be "no tar, im trying to stop" I dont think im ready to say "i dont smoke".

But if I had some major bad news I know i would be straight outside puffing away. Lets just hope nothing bad happens soon!

LOL @ the 'no tar' bit heheh! :D Quite literally eh?!

As for the last sentence...:( Its a shame this vile addiction gets us like that. It really does grab us and does its best to not let go of its relentless hold on us. We need to try and see it as a physical enemy and fight it accordingly. We are in one corner of the ring and the demon is in the another corner...question is, who is stronger?

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

We need to try and see it as a physical enemy and fight it accordingly. We are in one corner of the ring and the demon is in the another corner...question is, who is stronger?

See i cant get into this cos i still like the whole smoking thing. I dont regret smoking and if it wasnt for my little girl i know i would still be smoking. Just cant hate the stuff.... yet!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Well the answer to that Dee was US! I meant to have added that on to the end of the last message ggrr!

I hear you re the enjoying smoking bit. I have been reading up on all the info I can find and watching all the vids I can find to try and change my attitude towards smoking.

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