I made it!: I've made it to day 2 and i'm... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I made it!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image
33 Replies

I've made it to day 2 and i'm still alive!!

Thanks for all your support yesterday, helped the day fly by and here I am at day 2.

I have to say - as much as I would love to light up a cig, i'm really not missing it that much. I should be worried becuse the easier it is to stop then the esier it is to start again. I owe it to myself never to go through the first few hours of withdrawal again.

Here's to everyone on day 1 , 2 and beyond!


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nsd_user663_2981 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_2891 profile image

Well done, day 1 is the hardest and it only gets easier from here.


One month, four days, 7 hours, 56 minutes and 55 seconds. 666 cigarettes not smoked, saving £183.32. Life saved: 2 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes.

Dellabella profile image

Day 2

Hi everyone, new to this forum, i decided to give up smoking yesterday so am on day 2. I feel really tired slept through eastenders last night!!! Was it good??

I am using chewing gum to help this time, i gave up a couple of years ago for 6 months after hypnosis but went back to it and a few years ago also tried patches but i think my head is in a better place this time, I hope anyway.....

I went out on Saturday night and drank and smoked way too many, only had one on sunday morning that was disgusting so didn't smoke any that day, so monday got up and decided to go for it. So here I am!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Im here too, and I didnt give in last night either. I didnt even give in when my other half was shouting saying I was a grumpy cow!

Im glad I didnt give in yesterday, so thanks to everyone for the support or I would have caved in.

But I still feel crap, miserable, and moody. But Im trying to put a brave face on today cos my poor work mates are got the worst of it yesterday.

The one thing I dont get, is at the groups we got told that a craving last only a few mins!?! Mine seem to last an hour! Dreading 3pm again cos that craving seemed to last forever!

nsd_user663_2994 profile image

Well done all for making it day one. You've got over a major hurdle just by quitting, its not easy but we're all here for ya.

The cravings do get easier but for the first 3 days they are horrid, you'll get moody and weepy and be narky, but just remember its that horrid NICOTINE MONSTER trying to trick ya.

If you do feel like giving in, have a read through past posts, not only on the day two forum but beyond. They always spur me on.

Have a great day we're all here for ya!

I have been quit for 6 Days, 10 hours, 50 minutes and 4 seconds (6 days). I have saved £42.98 by not smoking 193 cigarettes. I have saved 16 hours and 5 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 11/03/2008 23:00

nsd_user663_3004 profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm still going strong, thinking about what it says in all the books!:)

nsd_user663_2981 profile image


Hello to everyone who made it to day two! (esp Dee - didn't think i'd see you again :)- sorry lol)

We can all do this:

Breathe through it and think of it passing. Easier for me since i'm off work...

Had a few weepy moments, bad cravings but i know it's because the nicotine is rapidly leaving my blood. Good Riddance to it!!

Keep it up quitters! :D

Della, do you want to be the gang lol (i'm obsessed)

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Wkd, Ive only come back to bug you and the rest of the people on here with my mood swings! Couldnt give you an easy time quitting! Told u im turning into a right nasty cow!

So far today is going well, not half as crappy as what I was yesterday. Im finding myself jabbering on and on about anything I can think of. Maybe its my way of not thinking about a smoke if I keep talking. And this way I have found the morning has gone alot quicker than yesterday!

Feeling a lot more confident today..... so far!

What are you using to quit Wkd?

Dellabella profile image

Can I join in and become a member of a gang

Hi am on day 2 finding it a little easier than 1st thing, was really tired this morning eventhough had a good night sleep, my head was really buzzing and felt like really fuzzy!!

When I gave up before, I found these forums excellent as you can bounce off each other and give and receive loads of support.

How do I get into a gang???

Della x:)

nsd_user663_3091 profile image


You need to speak to the gang boss WkdFairy! Dont think she knows I have put her forward to be boss of the group but that way I have a main contact to moan at!

Good to hear your doing well. Keep it up. Think our group is very positive today!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image


You need to speak to the gang boss WkdFairy! Dont think she knows I have put her forward to be boss of the group but that way I have a main contact to moan at!

Good to hear your doing well. Keep it up. Think our group is very positive today!

LOL Deedubya...I'm liking your logic :D Maybe the team I'm in should adopt a similar stance...then I can moan at them! Mind, I already abuse that privilege :eek:

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Ok, ok, i'll be the boss and you can all whinge and moan at me when you get the urge to smoke!

I'm tough, me :cool:

You can join the gang if everyone puts you in their signature. See?

And Dee, so chuffed you're back! Day 2 is goin faster for me too. That subconscious time distortion or something.

Yay us :p

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

What are you using to quit Wkd?

Going cold turkey and reading Allen Carr Easyway. That and drinking cranberry juice. So far so good. NRT never worked for me and I know it's because I was putting nicotine into my body when in fct I am supposed to be getting rid of it. I never enjoyed smoking cigarettes, my Mum never knew i smoked, so it's a relief to be rid of the damn things lol

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Nice one Boss! You had better be here around 3pm for my daily moan that i NEED a cig!Lol

Think Ive done my signature thingy. Not used to these forums.

Still going strong! Come On!!!!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Going cold turkey and reading Allen Carr Easyway. That and drinking cranberry juice. So far so good. NRT never worked for me and I know it's because I was putting nicotine into my body when in fct I am supposed to be getting rid of it. I never enjoyed smoking cigarettes, my Mum never knew i smoked, so it's a relief to be rid of the damn things lol

Think thats where im going wrong, cos Ive always liked smoking!

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Think thats where im going wrong, cos Ive always liked smoking!

Same as. Thats why we find it so hard no doubt. If only we could change our way of thinking and regard smoking as a truly dirty disgusting habit and then we might feel a bit better about quitting!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Same as. Thats why we find it so hard no doubt. If only we could change our way of thinking and regard smoking as a truly dirty disgusting habit and then we might feel a bit better about quitting!

Ive tried, but everyones views on smoking I just cant agree with. The only reason why Ive stopped is cos of my little girl.

nsd_user663_3093 profile image

Hi Again

Well, I made through to day 2 and this site really helps as my partner doesn't smoke! I'm going along on the basis of if I got through yesterday, I defo can get through another day. One bonus thing this morning, I could breethe better and generally felt alot better. Has a couple of craving but a little less than yesterday.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

smileys.smileycentral.com/c... done you lot your doing great. Linda xxxxxxxxxx


nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Team 17 kicking ass! Well Done!

nsd_user663_3004 profile image

What sort of things are everyone doing in the evening ? I am fine when at work, but start to think about it at home:(

nsd_user663_3093 profile image


Last night I just came online, moved from one room to another in the house, couldn't settle at first. Tonight I'm suppose to be going for a small jog, but going to be freezing tonight. I'm trying to keep busy, but lose interest very quickly. Tomorrow I'm at my group meeting for Smoking Sensation so looking forward to that.

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

I just keep busy. But my normal evening is picking up my daughter from childminders, get tea ready, clean up, put my daughter in the bath then bottle then bed for her. By that time its bout 8ish so then I plan on maybe ironing or something that needs doing cos thats usually my glass of wine and a cig time.

Its a bit crap we cant replace a cig for something else nice rather than bloody ironing!

Last night i bought a puzzle book and that took my mind off the cigs.

nsd_user663_3004 profile image

That sounds abit like me, having a glass of wine & smoke after putting kids to bed! One tends to go with the other though, so I'm avoiding both. Is this a good idea or will I never be able to drink again because of the association?

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

I dont think I could have a drink at home without lighting up. So im avoiding the bottle of black tower for a while.

It might not be too bad going out for drinks with the smoking ban? Depends how many people smoke who your with I suppose, cos if they all smoke your bound to go outside with them rather than be in the pub on your todd!

But ive got no outings planned until my birthday start of April. How about you? Any birthdays or Weddings coming up?

nsd_user663_3004 profile image

No nothing until end of May, so should be ok! Apparentely you need to get used to it early on. Once you can watch everyone else go outside once, its easier to do it again!

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

God No! Think id be the 1st person suggesting they go for a cig so i can stand next to them and trying to passive smoke!

I hate people who can social smoke!Grrrrrr! Hows today gone for you so far?

nsd_user663_3004 profile image

Really good actually. I've been batteling with myself for ages over it, so it feels good to have made final decision to stop. Although I had cut down alot. The doctor said I shouldn't even need patches due to the amount/when I smoke - but I am abit of a binger! What about you ?

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Good stuff.

Today has gone loads better than yesterday. Thought I was gonna have a nervous breakdown yesterday afternoon. But today is really good. I only used to smoke bout 8 a day. But its the routine of have a cig on the walk for the bus, have a cig mid morning to get out of the office etc thats hard.

I bought a hypnosis download to help stop smoking off ebay last night, only for a couple of quid. which was a waste cos all i do is laugh at him cos he sounds so wierd. And I also bought a subliminal (if thats right) music download that suppose to help stop smoking a listened to that when I went to bed. Its rain and thunder.... really strange! Dont know if they work or not, but if I mentally think they are working it might help. At the moment im up for anything that will help.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Tonight I will be doing the ironing (why is it always ironing) and sipping cranberry juice and revelling in the fact that we have 24 more hours of nicotine withdrawal before it peaks and subsides (i've done my research).

I ws out in the car this afternoon with my beloved. Usually i'm huffing and puffing and hanging out the window chowing on a ciggie. But the journey was glorious, no smoking or craving or anything! We're getting a new motor on Thus so we won't be smoking in it at all. Bonus!

I had a really bad crave when we went to an appointment and were coming out - usually i'm fag ash lil, straight out with the woodbines. I felt strange for a while when I didn't smoke BUT have discovered that craves can be shut up by a creme egg :p .. Yummzi. Hopefully won't make a habit out of it.

Yay for us on Day 2! Go Team ;)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Tonight I will be doing the ironing (why is it always ironing) and sipping cranberry juice and revelling in the fact that we have 24 more hours of nicotine withdrawal before it peaks and subsides (i've done my research).

Well now, if it wasn't for all those costume changes WKD then you wouldn't have to be doing so much ironing!

You know, I hardly do any ironing. My friends and family find this amazing but hey, why iron (which i absolutely detest with a vengeance btw!) stuff when a simple coathanger can do the job just as well?! I just hang my clothes up and that takes care of it! Mind, I guess if I had loads of blouses 'n stuff it might be a different story...

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

That doesn't work for me! When I hang them up they end up crumpled :mad:

What's the secret, because honestly I would rather do anything else than the ironing....

Like a hot bath and massage :p

That's what i'm doing after a month, going for reflexology (had it before greeeeeeeeat stuff) then going to get a massage for my tense shoulders. Howz that for a treat? All I have to do is stop killing myself with cigarettes..

nsd_user663_3091 profile image

Tonight I will be doing the ironing (why is it always ironing) and sipping cranberry juice and revelling in the fact that we have 24 more hours of nicotine withdrawal before it peaks and subsides (i've done my research).

What? 24 more hours? Peak? Please explain this, Im getting worried now cos I thought it was getting easier!?!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Do NOT believe everything you read!!

I read that after 72 hours the 'cravings' that you get start to get easier. All I can say it that i've survived so far and after tomorrow it should get easier all the way. This was common the last time i quit cold turkey for a year!! For 72 hours until the nicotine leaves your bloodstream you get an almost imperceptible withdrawal feeling (or something)

All you need to know is your doing great to get this far and if you can survive the first day you can do anything!

(I've just tidied a messy spare room and forgot about stopping smoking for about half an hour. Halleluljah!)

Stay with us and don't get spooked, some people get no cravings at all (lucky beggars)

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