My 6 Months: Celebrating 6 months today! Not... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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My 6 Months

nsd_user663_2162 profile image
20 Replies

Celebrating 6 months today! Not the penthouse anymore though :rolleyes: :p

The constant anger and bad moods are over by now, and I feel I can go back to being the Real Me again, at last :) I'm having a really tough time at work these days to the point I'm actively seeking another job - but still, no more having to focus on staying quit, smoking is never an option, hardly ever a thought, and when it does cross my mind it'll last 10 seconds tops. The recurring thought is of liberation, happiness and pride, no matter how crappy my life can seem to be at the mo :cool:

I quit thanks to myself but I managed to stay quit thanks to the lovely people in this forum, esp Boudee, Lindaspicer, NS4M, Buffy, Steveh, Barney, Poppyfairy, Sweet, Poskit, hbav, Kazza, Dossydo, Flippy, hbav, I see them as my journey buddies, even at different stages of the quit, and they were always there for everyone who needed them - the warmest thanks from the bottom of my heart x x x x x x

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nsd_user663_2162 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_2291 profile image

You are very much welcome and fantastic to have achieved so much.

We thank you too for all the support you have given us xxx

nsd_user663_2353 profile image

Congratulations Francesca on reaching 6 mths..and what a lovely post:)

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Congrats Fran, excellent achievment. Hope the job search goes well, and everything turns out okay.

Well done.

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Congratulations on reaching 6months! :)

nsd_user663_2859 profile image

Nice to read a success story, well done you, stay with it.


nsd_user663_1654 profile image




nsd_user663_2443 profile image

Well done Francesa :D and thanks for posting your progress here as it gives me hope for my own future.

Sorry to hear things are not great in your life at the moment - sometimes the blips take a little while to sort out - but at least you can add your quit to your list of successes. :)

nsd_user663_1968 profile image

Welldone Francesca on reaching 6months.

I have slowly stasted getting back to my old self after finishing the champix, now going to slimming world to get rid of all the weight i have put on

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Wow we were the A team what what? And all of us still quit :DCONGRATULATIONS Francesca ! six months is a incredible achievment mate. Way to go babe. xxx :D:):D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Babes So sorry Im Late So very very pleased for you. Be Proud my girl you should Lots of Love Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Linda you're not late your support makes me happy all the time *hugs* I hope you and son are fine x x x x x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

HI FRANCESCA!! 6 MONTHS hunny - omg! I am sorry i am late, but I am still very very proud of you. What did you buy yourself? You are doing such an amazing job and you are shining through it all. You are half way to one full year You are an inspiration to us all and we are and always will be right here with you. CONGRATS my friend - you are sailing strong! Keep up the good work ~ see you in month 7


nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Congrats Francesca!!

Wow 6 full months and almost halfway to 7!!! I bet you feel very proud of yourself and you should! Work is always crappy unless you enjoy what you are doing! Hang in there! I have never met anyone yet in my life that likes their job! What a shame huh? Whatever it is you are going through just hang tough! Show them who's boss!!!!:D

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

thanks Mary, you are very sweet and I appreciated your words very much :)

You are right work is crappy for most people and letting it ruin everything else in life would be a shame, I'm hanging in there hoping for better times...knowing for sure that in the meantime I'll certainly stay 100% smoke-free ;)

Congrats yourself! :) x

nsd_user663_2115 profile image

francesca !

Francesca, I just wanted to give you a quick personal tag (if that's ok) n say that there have been plenty of challenging times for me over the last 7 months - but that you're one of the most positive and encouraging members that I ever saw - n I wanted you to know how much you helped me!

Well done on your continued sucess - and keep bringing the newbies into the oldies section !

It's mint that you live in Italy ! It shows the (apparent) unity of the Union.

Regardless of what we think of that, we know what you are going through and are committed to help !

Thanks for the encouraging words !


nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Francesca, I just wanted to give you a quick personal tag (if that's ok) n say that there have been plenty of challenging times for me over the last 7 months - but that you're one of the most positive and encouraging members that I ever saw - n I wanted you to know how much you helped me!

Well done on your continued sucess - and keep bringing the newbies into the oldies section !

It's mint that you live in Italy ! It shows the (apparent) unity of the Union.

Regardless of what we think of that, we know what you are going through and are committed to help !

Thanks for the encouraging words !


Likewise, my dear Max x x x :)

Aww I am so touched by your words, you have no idea :o

Thank you for sharing this with me, for taking the time to dedicate to me such a sweet post, I was in quite a forgettable mood until a few minutes ago but now you've just cheered me up like you wouldn't believe :)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Fran, I'm late too but that's normal for me! I think you should especially proud of yourself - you've been through some crap but you're so determined and so focussed that nothing will deflect you from your aim and that, my friend is worthy of RESPECT.

Complimenti. Hai fatto veramente bene, so che continuerai a fare bene.

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Ciao Bella

Mucho lato me-o!!

Congratulations on six months. (I managed to reach 5mths last Mon) Hardly crosses my mind to smoke now!! Going on Hol on April 1st to Tenerife. I was bothered about keeping up not smoking in the sunshine but now I feel quite confident about it!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Kazza

Long time no speak lol. Hows every thing well i hope hliday so early lucky thing. how the other half live lol.

LINDA XXXXXXX Ps 5 month thats fab good for you girl hope i get back there this time.

nsd_user663_2117 profile image

Where are all my 6 Month + quit buddies?

This room is mega quiet!!









How are you all?!!!



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