when does it get easier: Hi guys, Im new... - No Smoking Day

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when does it get easier

nsd_user663_2799 profile image
7 Replies

Hi guys, Im new here and just started using patches however I did have one cig yesturday so this is kinda my proper first day. And I feel lousy, and was wondering how long these really bad feelings last for ( sorry if stupid question).

Thank you

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nsd_user663_2799 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_2512 profile image

Welcome and Congratulations on your Day One

As I understands it nicotine craving peek milestones occur on

[*]The Third Day (the 72 hour withdrawal peek)

[*]The Seventh Day (may occur as early as Day 6 or as late as Day 8)

Cravings tend to ease up from there on although some also experience a random withdrawal peek around the 21st day. So there are your first targets

[*]Day Three

[*]Day Seven

[*]21 Days

Note these are nicotine withdrawal peeks and relate to cold turkey, Champix and Zyban quits, not sure how they are applied if your using NRT :confused:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I am on patches and they do help but you still need lots of will power and determination.

I really cannot tell you when it gets easier because i think it is a personal thing.

I have had a few days when I feel like a cannot do this anymore and i have had days when i am finding it all very easy.

Be strong, its a mind game. You can win.

I have found coming on here and chatting to others that are quitting just the best. They are the only people that know how you feel and can encourage you to keep going.

Best wishes and good luck with your quit xxx

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi sarah, it's not a stupid question but it is a tricky one because we are all different using different techniques and aids and reacting differently. All I can say is that it does get easier with time but that varies a lot from person to person. Keep in your mind the reasons that you are doing this and use the good people on here (they really know what they're talking about) and above all stay strong! Hope you feel better very soon..:)

nsd_user663_2677 profile image


Hi Sarah, Well as you've prob guessed everyones different with the cravings, but on the other hand, everyones the same!! WHY? Because we all come on here for support & to receive support. And i've never been on a forum that supports you as much as this. One of the reasons I dont wanna smoke again is because as well as letting myself down i'd be letting all the people on here down. If I can do it so can you. x BIG HUG ;)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image


Wow good question but very hard to answer!! Day 4, 7, 11, 12 were rough and then it hit me again at the month 3 mark. Keep your guard up, but it gets WAYYYYYYYY easier over time. Hang in there cause it is sooooooo worth it in the long run. I have struggled a few times, but then felt a huge accomplishment and I was very proud of myself when I came through the rough times a non-smoker! Don't give in no matter how hard it gets! You will not die if you don't cave into the nic demon you will just feel that way!! BE STRONG and fight until you win!! Good Luck! We are here for you. :D

nsd_user663_2737 profile image

You will have good days and bad days, but the good days become more and more and the bad day become less and less.

Keep up the great work it will be worth it in the end

nsd_user663_2762 profile image

hi ya bezzie. welcome to my lifeline!!!!!!! lol

week 2 weekend (if that makes sense!) was definately the worst for me. i got to week 3 now + i feeel really good but as the others say it is an individual thing. i might just still be buzzing from not smoking at the weekend!!!!!! lol

you will be fine hunnie just try to take it one step at a time + if the craving gets bad ring me, msm me or whatever + we can talk through it but do NOT have a cig b4 you have spoken to me!!!!! i will help you stop!!!! lol

Seriously babe you can do it. if you need my work number too i can give you that + you can phone me at work. Anyway i think i might be rambling now so Love ya loads + loads + i'm dead proud of you - you have done sooo well!!!!!!! 3cheers for sarah!!!!

x x x:D x x:p x x x ;)

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